This week we watched an adaptation of one Jane Austen's novel, "Sense and Sensibility". Like "Pride and Prejudice", the novel is centred around human characteristics, this time rationality (sense) and sentimentality (sensibility). The central characters representing these aspects of human nature are two sisters-Elinor (sense) and Marianne (sensibility), whose father has just died. They have to move from their beautiful mansion to a small cottage, since their father's property was entailed to their half-brother, John.
To summarise, we see how Elinor's patience and suppression of her emotions leads her to being able to marry Edward; and how Marianne learns that handsome young men who read poetry do not always make ideal husband-material. During the course of the novel, she learns to control her emotions and eventually realises that it is better to marry reliable men with good hearts, such as Colonel Brandon.
Austen has been criticised for repeating herself, and in a way we can see some parallels between "S and S" and "P and P" - young women's emotional trials, learning to realise one's faults, and the characters Wickham and Willoughby, for example. Their are differences, however, Mrs Bennet gives importance to money in a marriage, Mrs Dashwood thinks it necessary to marry for love. Marianne's lack of propriety, while it may resemble that of Lydia in P and P (the sister who ran off with and eventually married Wickham), is different in that she sees the outward expression of emotions as central to human existence. Lydia is just silly. Darcy is proud of his position in life as noble, and he has to get over this pride in order to win Lizzy's love. Edward Ferrars, on the other hand, is a shy, diffident young man who feels a sense of duty towards Lucy Steele, though he really loves Elinor, and is not particularlybothered about losing his fortune.
As always, Austen satirises the vain elements of English society of that time in a gentle and humorous way.
Hi,everyone.This week,we watched Sense and Sensibility.It's Jane Austen's another perfect work.Actually,after an exam,I was very glad to watch a film.This film was similar to the other but there are some differences actually some roles are different.While I was watching the film,ıt became such things that I couldnt imagine the end.When I wathed the film fully,I was very shocked.I didn't expect the ıt's end like that.As well, there were some characters which were very funny,theirs neighbours.To sum up,I was very enjoyed,I liked the film.Maybe, I can watch the film again...
ReplyDeletehi:)fistly there is something ı want to say: thank you teacher.it was a very good idea to watch a movie before mid-term exams.when it comes to literature,ı see repetitions such as obstinate,rational,sensibile charecters like elinor and lizzy.also love story is indespensable because of the time which the story took place and finally both stories end with two marriages.ı wish jane austen had experienced love as she mentioned in her stories.ı really like her understanding of love.her works are eternal.she wrote them years years ago but what she wrote are stiil valid today.one more thing:she gives covered lectures to whom can understand the hidden messages(maybe to fond of son fathers,fond of money mothers and everybody who are unaware of real love...)ı take the message and it is everybody's turn:)see you
ReplyDeleteHello!The lesson was very enjoyable this week.I liked Sense and Sensibility film very much.Jane Austen made an excellent work again.In the film,ı liked Elinor most because she was very patient and rational.She waited without expecting any useful thing for herself.She always thought the others but at the end she was very happy and I liked also Mr.Brandon.He was very modest.At the first phase of the film I guessed he would be with Marianne.All in all,it was very excited and enjoyable and I understood Jane Austen with the help of these films more easily.. :)
ReplyDeletehi! ı liked the lesson this week. the film had a different story. ıt had some scenes that suprised me. my guesses about some events made me mistake. ı received an important message from the film " we must be patient, happiness will come to us in the end.." at first ı didnt think that marianne would love Mr. Brandon and marry to him. with the help of the film, ı understood the difference between sense and zsensebility more clearly..
ReplyDeleteIt was fascinating that we watced the film version of Sense and Sensibility during the course.I think we learned the subject and the main theme of the book better in this way.From time to time I was affected deepy because of the emotional situations in the movie.And the part which was about the letters that were sent but couldn't be read made me feel sick at heart.My friends in the evening group must have noticed that I wasn't in the class in the second hour of the course because I didn't want them to see me crying.Despite such events,the ending made me come to life again.When I saw that everything was finally okay I admired the Novel Sense and Sensibility again.
ReplyDeleteThe film was so good ,but is was very long:) Like pride and prejudice this work also related to love and marriage.In this book money was so important that people choose their hushand and wife according to richness.The film was so suprising especially the 'end':) good chance to everyone ....
ReplyDeleteI couldn't attend to the course this week but I watched the film last year:) It was interesting. having watched the film I have understood the difference between sense and sensibility.
ReplyDelete:Dcongratulations jane Austen!!She made an excellent work again.She reflects the real life such a good way that ı could't help watching every second of the film,'Sense and Sensibility'.I found some similarities between 'Sense and Sensibility' and 'Proud and Prejudge'.Both of them include contrast about themes.However,ı liked them...only thing that ı dont like in Sense and Sensibility is the men's love for money.What a silly idea!!They gave up their loves for money.However,there is and idiom: 'for love-united hearts,a bornhouse is a promenade'and ı agree with it..
ReplyDeleteanother lie love of a man and another work of jane austen.the fılm was so good, but ıt s sımılar to prıde and prejudıce.when ı watched thıs fılm ı got a bıt bored because always the same dısappoıntment and agaın ıts dısappoıntment belongs to a woman...:( ı asked myself thıs questıon agaın that why do a woman love a man unrequıtedly and emotionally?? ı dare say that ıt s nature of women:D ıt s a bad fact for us.. ısn t it?
ReplyDeletehi everybody!! this week we watched " sense and sensibility" which was written by Jane Austen.Although it was a bit boring, i liked the movie. we saw different aspects of two women. Also it was a romantic movie which interests me :) anyway it had a happy ending which was good :) see you next week.. bye !!
ReplyDeleteHi!This week,we watched a film,Sense and Sensibility,again.Compared to last week's,it was a bit more beautiful.I liked Elinor's personality.It isn't known whether someone else could have been as patient as her.On the other hand,I think some sections of the novel have a lot of coincidences,which isn't somewhat good.Anyway,it was worth watching it.Indeed,Jane Austen achieved so many things despite all the constraints.
ReplyDeleteHi young people!This week was a bit complicated for me beacuse the film we watched was fulled with a lof lie talking and fake love bumbles...etc but regardless of whether the results were good or not,I want take your attention to pure and long-lived love between Elinor and Edward Ferrars.When lady Elinor heard but that was another man who would marry with catastrophe lady,she was very sad but this doesn't mean that she will not love him.She waited until that time when she would learn all the facts about what's going on, and made the rational things up until that time.The most beautiful breath that affected me so much was when she was crying.Fortunately If I were Edward Ferrars :)
ReplyDeleteHi everyone! l liked Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. She managed to reflect that times' social interactions and thougts of people about love and money in a very successful view point. Differences of two sisters could be understood easily with the clarifying of Austen. All in all, watching such a nice movie made me happy, the lesson became more clear thanks to the movie. lnstead of only reading the story in a boring way, watching the movie became more impressive for me. So, l want to congrugulate my teacher for such a thoughtful decision. By doing so, you save the lesson from monotony.
ReplyDeletehello everybody:)I agree with arzu my teacher.thank you for the film-Sense and Sensibility-at this midterm week:)Firstly I want to say that Sense and Sensibility is also one of the masterpieces of Jane Austen.I can say that I liked it more than Pride and Prejudice in terms of character,theme and so on.Since we watched the whole film,I may think like that.Poor Elinor and Marianne.At first they are both victim of love like all women all over the world, I think:( When I was watching the film, I was afraid of the possibility of Marianne's death.even if the scene on which Elinor cried maked me laugh,I felt very happy since the situation was understand:)And finally I can say that I hope we will watch films like these in the following lessons:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody...as everybody said, sense and sensibility is so good... but its a bit long...while i was watching i had hard times because i was sitting back part of the class =)anyway...there is funny characters in the movie -the neighbours- and i like them...and the marriage of edward and elinor made me happy=) because elinor love him so much ....but i didnt expet such an end
ReplyDeletehi everybody... thıs week's movie( sense and sensibility ) ıs very attractıve but ı had hard tımes whıle watchıng ıt because ı was sıttıng back:) anyway ı lıked ıt because ıt reflects senses of the people and also we saw the ımportance of money for people even they love each other ..and ıt resulted ın an happy end and ı wouldn't expect the marrıage of elınor and edward but ıs was very good ...
ReplyDeletehello,friends!this week ,at first I got a bit confused because there were many characters. "Who is who?who is whose relative?"I tried to get to know these;)when I compare this with the other film,this one emphasizes the patience different from the other and in this the title comes from two sisters not lovers.In my opinion the way the writer show the themes is very effective.Each theme is matched with a person.Also,the message given in it is very impressive and general for all humankind.Time makes everything change.At a moment you never suppose someone to come back, it may come true,so patience should be one of your best friends through your life...
ReplyDeletethis week we ,girls got an important message from jane austen=) don't believe men who memorize poems and speak emotionally and be patient to think of them:)i liked the film and the progress of the characters.the name of the film explained itself with two sisters' difference characaters,it is impressive. and lastly i love happy ending,watching two wedding ceremonies was enjoying at the end of the film(=
ReplyDeleteHello friends.Another masterpiece of Jane Austen-Sense and Sensibility-For me it was better than previous novel of her.The themes of logic and patiance are reflected in a fantastic way in novel.Marianne`s awering of logic and Elinor`s patience lead to happiness at the end.I think these are important themes for people in their lives.The blending of logic and patience are keys a happy life for life.We sould take into consideration these
ReplyDeletehello.. last week I was absent because of my health problem..In this week the lesson was the most enjoyable and attractive lesson in this term.I am very happy and in the lesson I felt comfortable.I learnt a lot of interesting things again and the movie was well_organized this was important for me:)Iliked so much everythingg I am happy good bye and good lucks in the exam....:)
ReplyDeleteHi friends,
ReplyDeleteThe subject of this week is 'Sense and Sensibility'.In real,I read this book in English last year and I like it.This week when we watched its film, also ı became happy.Thus, I understood it more easily.However,there are some different points between its film and book.For instance, in the book, Willoughby came to see Marianne when he heard she was ill but he talked to only Elinor to ask if she was good and explained why he behaved like this. He loved Marianne but still preferred money because of his depts and lost his lover. I think it is sad.
This week we watched the film, Sense and Sensibility. I had heard it many times but I couldn’t find a chance to see it until this lesson. Jane Austen makes a character analysis with her usual humour. She introduces us a story in which logic and feelings intersect each other. The story is based on Elinor’s sense and Marianne’s sensibility. It was similar to Pride and Prejudice. Again lovers, again disappoinment… However, at the end of the film, it leaves a smile on our faces..
ReplyDeleteSense and sensibility! An excellent work of Jane Auston!The roles of the sense and sensibilty was shown with a perfect end.It teaches that giving logical decisions rather than moving with our feelings is much better..An enjoyable film it was..
ReplyDeleteI think Sense and Sensibility is an Jane Austen's magnificent work and that it was shown as a film makes it more enjoyable.I might not wonder what Sense and Sensibility is about but the film always interests me.The film was quite good in that we always thought a person was bad but at the end of the film we saw that everything was more different than we thought...
ReplyDeletehi everybody!!
ReplyDeleteThe film "Sense and Sensibility" was as perfect as the Pride and Prejudice. I liked it. We got accustomed to Jane Austen and her fantastic films :) I hope We cover a Jane Austen film again in other weeks. As I said last week while we're watching Austen's films, there were always different themes. One of them is that in Sense and Sensibility we got this point we should be patient as possible as and, one day happiness will certainly come and find us...
hi everybody! the film is really like a repetition of 'pride and prejudice'.the characters are very similar.ı didnt like the film because there was no action no exctiment etc. but it is good to watch these films in order to learn ninth century lives, values..it is easier to understand topics.
ReplyDeleteHi class.This week we were very busy with our exams,but this movie was very relaxing o0ne to watch.It was not nonsense.It has full of messages:You should be patient when you want smt.to happen.Their loves were different from each other and view the world from different perspectives.Jane Auston is very successful in her observations.Character analysis were also successful.I like this kind of films:romantic but giving messages.Kate Winslet was beautiful always:D Good days...
ReplyDeletehi..to watch film in the class time really attracts us..:)Sense and sensibility is one of Jane Austen'masterpieces.It really gives the messages it should in the film..We see similarities with Pride and Prejudice..Jane Austen always writes out the same topic ..I m waiting for watching the other films of this kind..
ReplyDeleteHi!Sense and sensibility was really effective and enjoyable movie for me.I felt sad about some parts of the movie because Elinor and Marianne seemed to never be happy.They generally didn't get what they want,but happily in the end they were both happy.Their lifes and story were not so much different and interesting actually,but I liked it anyway. :)
ReplyDeleteHi my friends and my teacher!I watched this film in the high school but i didn't remember very much.I think,all of the film was perfect very much.I enjoyed watching the film and i prefer watching the film instead of reading because it is effective and i remember more.Elinor's patience and love affected me.As i understand from this film,we should be patient and sensible!of course if we want really...
ReplyDeletemost enjoyable class till now..Sence and Sensibility is the best one of Jane Austen,i think. i very liked and watched it with a great attention. Good messages were there in the movie,again. Definition of characteristics were also impressive as in the former work of the writer.. when watching the film, there happened unexpected but wanted events such as the convergence of the lovers Elinor and Edward that was very nice part of the movie. it was also gladsome to see marianne have found the real partner with his good heart. i was very pleasant for that man cause he deserved it. he was very patient,altruistic and finally came together with his lover just like the Elinor:) how a nice end the film had with two weddings. i wish everything can end happily:)
ReplyDeleteI was relaxed when I was watching the film "Sense and Sensibility" in this week's lesson.The characters showed their representative senses very effectively.I liked Elinor's patience to Edward,at the end she became happy,it was very nice.Also I concluded that women should never trust men's promises:)and you have to wait reliable men to marry of course if you want after the experiences you have had with men:)
ReplyDeletehi friends,..yeap ,sense and sensebility by Jane Austen..It was a great film and it has a good gist..Everything is well interconnected.And Jane Austen ,really, is good at it.. The name of the work reflects the characters' features.What I most like about it is the patience of Elinor and her reaction to events..I wish each girl were like her and everything came to an end like the end of this story:))
ReplyDeletehi.. I like Sense and Sensibility like everybody.It has and ending that i can't anticipate.Again Jane Austen finishes it with a happy ending.At the beginning iWas on the side of Marianne.she feels everything with deep emotions, but in the end she finds what she looks for.By the way i m appreciating Elinor's attitude, how patient she is..
ReplyDeletehi.!.class...the beggining of the film makes everybody upset..elinor and mariannes' father has died, so they experience a hard, difficult life...both of them meet a boy, and they get a diggicult life in the way of the love.but at the end, they find the real love which makes them very happy.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehi, ı find this week's course good..ı like the style of the course..film again=)the theme was love and marriage which ı enjoy most=P..in the beginning it seems to be pessimistic but in the end ı took a deep breath:) ı like the films which end with good events.like two marriages:)
ReplyDeletehi everybody. This week we have watched the film called sense and sensibility. ı can not say ı liked it very much .ı think ıt is the repetition of pride and prejudice.In fact,the last part of the film enjoyed me because of the weeding ceremony:)by the way ıt is better to read the novel version rather than watching the film of sense and sensibility. But of course ıt is good to learn at that times by watching films .see you after midterm exam:)
ReplyDeletehi my dear friends!This week we watch Sense and Sensibility and ı must admit that ı like this film because it represents the human characteristics such as emotions or ration.The film attracted me in terms of including love but the happy ending came in the end.Elinor got his love after waiting for a long time.I think she deserved this.Meanwhile ı was surprised that another 2 mariiages took place so everybody caught the happiness!
ReplyDeletehi everybody,
ReplyDeletefirstly ı want to say that this week was very enjoyable. Like most of my friends ı like watching film very much and ı guess nobody hates watching such films during the lesson time:)ı watched this film before but ı still enjoyed watching it the second time.. Jane Austen is a great writer and these films (though some say that they are the same) prove her success...Sense & Sensibility reflects our emotions,hesitations,feelings,.. in short word it is from real life but represented in a different way and it makes this film worth watching twice..
hi everybody this week really was much amusing.I was very enjoyed because watching the film 'Sense and Sensibility' was very entertaining.I felt the most empathy for the character Marianne because she is very emotional and sometimes she could be cheated by her emotions;but she understood the truth later and she found the right person for her.This was good for her:) watching film during the lesson was really entertaining...
ReplyDeletehello everybody! What an excellent film it is! I watched the film with pleasure:)I was curious about what happens next while i was watching.By the way,Elinor is my favourite character 'cause she is very patient and rational.She loves Edward but she does her best for his marriage! However, i dont like Marianne.She repy on Willougby quickly but yet Colonel Brandon never give up and get marry to her:)The end of the film,there is double marriage,it is my best scene:)
ReplyDeleteHello evrybody!
ReplyDeleteI want to make my interpretetion to the blog after the exam:)This week we watched Sense and Sensibility in the lesson.The film was very enjoying.i think Marianne was quick to fall in love at the begining, but later she began to think sensibly after she was deceived by a man.i like Marianne,as she understood everything after she experienced something.i dont fit Colonel and Marianne at the begining.i've thought Marianne and Willougby'd be more suitable for marrying,but i become wrong.Willougby wasn't a trustful man for Marianne.Anyway,Colonel and Marianne became OK for marrying:)
hi everybody. ım sorry but ı cant say that ı like this movie. it may be worth to read but as a movie ı didnt like it because we have similar movies in turkish.ı mean literature shares similar though, emotions, sufferings, loves with the people all around the world.of course being patient for ur love is so nice, but for me seeing what the life ll bring me by living is more than just a movie.see ya...
ReplyDeletehi everybody.Thank you very much teacher:)it is very nice to watch such a nice movie before exams.I like sense and sensibility much more than pride and prejudice.I hate willoughby,he cheated marianne.I am very sorry for her:( I like colonel he is very very thoughtful.Elinor is very rational,she conceal her feelings, ı am not like her:)the end of the film is very very happy like pride and prejudice.Colonel deserves marianne the most.I like marianne the most,she is like me.she likes reading poem.that is all for this week.good luck in the exam everybody:):)
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately,I couldn't attend to the course this week:( but I had a chance to watch the movie "Sense and Sensibility" later.
Love won again despite of all and Happy Ending didn't leave us this week:))
This week,we watched Sense and Sensibility,ı liked ıt very much,ı think,ıt resembles Pride and Prejudice in some way,too.Like the book,film before,ıt agaın ended ın two marrıages,and the theme was agaın maınly on two gırls Elıoner and Marıanne..
ReplyDeleteElıoner was much more lucky compared to her sister Marıanne becuse unfortunately she met with Willougby,and he was the wrong man to be loved,but fortunately,ın the end,she married to Brandon loving her very much...
hi!we watched Jane Austen's a different film sense and sensibility in this week but it has similar features with pride and prejudice as a theme and characters.sense and sensibility take hand the story of two sisters, elinor and marianne and their loves.ı felt bad most marianne's impossible love he forot her lover and she found a trustful man.
ReplyDeletehi!the film of this week was good in terms of the way of reflecting the plot of the excellent work of Jane Austen, but I think that it was a bit boring, not as fluent as Pride and Prejudice.I like Elinor among the characters because of her patience and maturity.No need to say that it has similarities with Pride and Predujice:)
ReplyDeleteHi!Sense and Sensibility is one of the most magnificient works of Jane Austen.The film has very impressive scenes.Especially the scene in which Elinor was crying while her sister Marianne was sleeping because of her ill.I was affected most.This scene is a good example of two sisters' affection eachother and solidarity.Although Marianne behaved irrationaly and according to her emotions which Elinor didn't approve,she likes her sister very much.Elinor tried to help Marianne when she could't cope with her problems.This film gives us important messages!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOU
ReplyDeleteI couldn't attend to the class; but ı watched it later and ı liked it very much.. Jane Austen wrote this novel very like the Pride and Prejudice; even so ı watched it without being bored..ı liked best Colonel, I apprecieted him:)
ReplyDeletehi friends:)This week we watched the film of Sense and Sensibility.It is a good work,I liked it:)the early parts of the film were sorrowing unfortunately:(On the other hand the film ended happily:)I liked Elinor the most. Her character,her patience affected me. Colonel waited Marianne without giving up.His love for Marianne was reallly true..The film ended with two marriages:)an happy end always make me happy:) see you:)
ReplyDeletethis week we watched the Sense and Sensibility.ıt was a good and emotional film i think.i felt really sorry for Elinor and Edward because although they loved each other they couldnt say it till the end of the film.i was very sad when Elinor cried a lot after learning that Edward wasnt married to Lucy..Colonel Brandon is my favorite as he is a real and loyal lover..fortunately the film ended with two marrieges...
Hi,all!ı ddnt watched "P and P" ,but ı liked"S and S".Actually,ı dnt like love stories,however, this one's is worth seeing.While watching, ı enjoyed myself very much and also ı learned that being patient and rationale makes u to obtain whatever u want in ur life again.ı tnhk the message s vry important.During the film, we see that the apperance,money and being suspectible means nothing,namely they dnt give us anytng.On the other hand,some characters,for example Elinior and Clonel Brandon seems the losers at the very beginning, but suprisingly they become the winners.And also ı think ı ll see many scenes of Hug Grant in the film.Unfortnately, no!It let me down:(
ReplyDeleteSense and Sensibility..A nice work by Jane Austen..Most effective part of the film was last scence..When Edward came and said he did not married..Elinor's respond was too real and impressive.. She can't help showing her emotions anymore and begins to cry.I can understand her feelings at that moment..
ReplyDeleteI didn't attend this course because of some problems.I am really sorry for this,but I learned this story from my friends.This is very excellent like Pride and Prejudice.I think they are some similarities between each other.Both are perfect,everyone that love each other marry in the end.Happy ending.Now I think that I must watch this film as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteHi eveybody!! I missed the course this week and ı am really sad about it:(( this week's topic was Sense and Sensibility. ı watched on my own and really liked it ithink it is perfect. I liked Elinor's character a lot, her patience and suprasses her emotions affected me. she was being able to marry Edward and this made me so happy. J ane Austen's works are excellent and always worth to read and watch...
ReplyDeleteı read this film s book when ı was in high school..and we had an examınatıon about book ı liked its fılm too but ıt was a bit long..the importatnt poınt in the film was elinors patıence and marıanne s being emotıonal..but ı think however logic is necessary for marriage according to the book without being emotionalone cannot get marry..
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!watching film version of sense and sensibility was a good idea since it enabled us to learn the style of jane austen better.although her works has great similarities,each of them has a different taste.she is so successful in reflecting the facts of life;love,logic,sensibility,class..edward is my favourite:)he both kept his promises and found his real love at the end which is good for him.we enjoyed the fim thank you teacher..
ReplyDeletein sense and sensibility we can see the style of jane austen clearly. the movie is away from exaggaration. there is a bad charecter and of course love. my favourite person in this literary work is edward whatever happens he return his love and didn't give up elinor.ı don't like willoughby but still, he had tright reasons and he had a child and this makes him right. but if he got married with another women for money,this was not fair.
ReplyDeletehello everybody.. this week was very enjoyable because we watch the film named ''sense and sensibility''i had read its book last year so i had no difficulty to anticipate its ending:)i liked marianna because she is emotional like me..sometimes she had some trouble because of her being an emotional person but finally she learnt to control it and gave a logical decision and married to brandon..it was good for her as brandon loved her very much.. it was an emotional film and i liked it:) good night everybody.. see you:)
ReplyDeletehello.. after very hard week.. we watched the film which was beautiful. happy ending again..and no exeggeration..i did not suppose the mariage of marianne and brondan it was surprising for me. it was not happier then pride and prejudice but it was more beautiful... i liked it..
ReplyDeletehello everybody...this week's subject is "Sense and sensibility" I'm familiar with this novel of Jane Austen from the last year(: . There a lot of people some of which are logical, while some are sensible like Elinor and Marianne.what do you think about you? which one does represent you? Are you logical or sensible person?
ReplyDeleteHi again ı liked this lesson because we watched a wonderfull film .ı really liked Sence and Sensibility.ı admired Jane Austen's happy endings. Her productions'end is always nice. Sense and Sensibility is as wonderfull as Pride and Prejudice.ı liked Elinor'patience and sense about events .she waited patiently and in the end she found happiness:)))
hi everybody
ReplyDeleteı agree with the comments that sense and sensibility and pride and precudice looks like each other.happy ending also shows us this novel belongs to Jane Austen.my fovorite charecter is willoughby.he is so faithful to his love
I am so sorry for being late:( ok Sense and Sensibilty was really effective and emotional.like the other films there are marriages again:)I like the film but some screens were very comic but some screens were really good and effective.Also my favorite charcter is Marienne:)good bye again I am so sorry for being late:(
ReplyDeletehi everybody
ReplyDeletefirstly ı am so sorry for being late..Sense and Sensibility has similar characteristics with Pride and Prejudice.focusing on special feelings,happy ending are sone of them.Elinor's patience and calmness are surprising and difficult especially when the topic is love ,ı think...