The Rime of the Ancient Mariner...
Coleridge's narrative poem captures the Romantic interest in the supernatural, with an ancient sailor wandering the earth telling his story of mysterious curses, ghost ships, sea creatures, spirits, angels and a Hermit.
The framework of the poem fits around the Christian idea of SIN-SUFFERING-REPENTANCE-REDEMPTION-PENANCE.
SIN - the mariner kills the albatross for no reason.
SUFFERING - after the bird is killed, the mariner and the crew are stuck in the middle of the ocean in the blazing heat of the sun without water. A ghost ship with Death and Life-in-Death playing a game of chance appears, Life-in-Death wins. The crew all die, and the mariner is left alone with their corpses on the ship.
REPENTANCE - first, the mariner curses the sea snakes for being alive. Once he realises thier beauty he is able to pray and express his regret for killing the albatross. The curse is lifted and it starts to rain. The corpses of the dead crew are temporarily brought to life to steer the ship back to their hometown. A man, his son and a hermit set out in a small boat to meet the ship. However, the curse starts back up again and the boat sinks, and the pilot drowns.
REDEMPTION - the mariner begs for forgiveness, and the Hermit, a holy man living in isolation away from society, redeems him.
PENANCE - however, the mariner must give penance for his crime, and the Hermit tells him that he must wander the earth telling people his tale so that they must love all God's creatures if they love God himself.
The style Coleridge's uses recreates the atmosphere of medieval ballads, with repetition, alliteration, internal rhyme, extensive simile and deliberate use of archaic language.
hi everybody.unfortunately ı am very sorry because this week ı had to miss the course for some unexpected reasons.now when ı read of course it is impossible to understand the form,language etc.but ı think the style is different and also the story.ı am used to prologue,growth and result parts.now there are sin,suffering,repentance,redemption and penance.according to the knowledge given these parts story is strongly bound to parts.only by reading from blog isn't enough for me to arouse extensive smile,and archaic languge in my mind.ı hope ı will have the opportunity to be familiar with this story.see you next week...
ReplyDeleteThe order of sin,suffering,repentance,redemption and penance is really a perfect combination to write a poem to make people realise that it is not possible to get rid of a sin only by offering an excuse.It is necessary to get a penal duty as well.To talk about loving all God's creatures:We have the same thing in a Turkish quotation of Yunus Emre.It is really good to notice such a fine similarity.
ReplyDeleteThere are few poems that have also songs;)and this one was one of them.At first,I thought it was no use composing a song such a story,why some had the necessity to do so ,I wondered,but after learning its themes and the story content ,I got the idea.It seemed as if a man was only sailing somewhere,but there were deeper things in to think.Therefore,I liked it.Especially the idea,lovig every creature which God created.It is good because it shows optimism,but i need to say that I am waiting next week due to Jane Austen's works like Pride an Prejudice...
ReplyDeleteHello,everyone.This week,we learned 'The rime of the ancient mariner'.The most effected thing in this story is sin,suffering,repentance,redemption,penance.In fact,I liked the subject.As well,I liked the activity which we did in the lesson.I think,ıt was very didactive.Actually,I was difficulty in matching but in the end,I did it and understand the topic.To sum up,ı liked lesson and ıt was enjoyable...
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteı must confess that ı couldnt focus on the lesson this week, but ı remember the mariner's story and how it has an important role in their literature!and the song!it was great..i really liked it..
It is my albatross!I liked this expression.We see that literary works could most influenced a culture.In this lesson,we learned about The Rime of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor.I supposed that we would encounter a common story related to sea,prites etc.but it didn't happen like that:) It was a story including religious aspect and love to creatures created bu God.I think this story tells us a lot of things more than just reading; it directs us to think different perspectives.On that sense,it is a wonderfull story...
ReplyDeleteWe learned The rime of ancient marriner this week.It was perfect.In addition we listened ıts song,I think it was also excellent.They all gave us good time to pass in this class.It's interesting story appealed most of us.And we learned this kind of story first in this lesson.It is the other reason that interest me.
ReplyDeleteIt was a very intersting poem and i's song is very very beautiful. I like this rime very much.
ReplyDeleteIt has religious effects. I like that at the end mariner realised the beauty of god creatures.But is was a bit silly that they believed the curse. I found it silly baceuse according to our religion a bird can not be cursed. I was a just a sin. but still It was entertainig poem. I was not bored while I was learning it.
this week our lesson was enjoyable because we laernt a new ınformatıon, a new poem and different styles. the most enjoyable part of this lesson was lıstenıng the song. it was so good. when we lıstened thıs song, we were enjoyed together. readıng the poem was a bit boring, but ı was ınterested in thıs poem. ıt's subject was really interestin. we were curıos about what would happen when we order the events, so ıt was a bit exciting.
ReplyDeletesince ı had missed the class this week ı can't make any comment about the poem and song but it must have been an enjoyable class.
hello everybody...the rhyme of the ancient mariner is so funny. i like the song so much...and the activity that we did in the course was funny too...actually i was bad at matching them but i enjoyed =)i learned the topic better with this way.......
ReplyDeletehi everybody.thıs week the subject we studıed was really enjoyable ı thınk, and the actıvıty we dıd ıs faırly enjoyable , too. at fıst ı was ın dıffıculty to match them but later ı dıd :) and mostly ımportant thıng ıs that the combınatıons of sın, sufferıng, repentance... ıs a good framework of the song.
ReplyDeletehelloo!!this week we talked about the rhyme of the ancient mariner.i think it is enjoyable topic.especially its song is very funny.crime suffering redemption..etc. are very effective part of lesson and the poem is very interesting(its rhyme scheme and repetition)the poem involves supernatural events as well.briefly i enjoyed so much.
ReplyDeleteAt first,ıt was difficult for me to understand the poem,ıt seemed to me very complicated because of the incidents that aren't in order..but after working on it,ı saw that ıt was not so complicated..the poem was interesting..Although the things mariner had experienced are not good things,through the Coleridge's style ıt becomes enjoyable..
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!.. this week's course was interesting for me because we listened to the Rime of the ancient mariner.In the content of it there was a thougt which controls the belief of sin and then the suffering from that sin. lt is obvious that there was a regret.. this is good l think..
ReplyDeletehi everybody !!! it was the lesson which i like most :):):) i liked the poem very much because it was very interesting for me :) and it was a really good poem. everbody should take an idea from it. but the form of the poem is very difficult. anyway i liked the poem :) see you next week.. byee..
ReplyDeleteHi, all of you!ı am so sorry ı could't attend the last course because of atteding to a conference.However,ı read Amanda teacher's writings for the blog.ı can understand a little of it.ı learned that the rime of an ancient mariner was covered with some parts called ' sin, suffering,repentance,penance'.ı wanted to listen the song because everbody talked about it here.What attracts my attention is the idea 'loving all creatures that God creats'.As serhat said, this idea exists in humanistic view of turkish muslims.Yunus Emre said: 'yaradılanı hoş gör yaradandan ötürü'.ıt is nice to see such an excellent familarity. I hope ı will understand the course better next week .See you..
ReplyDeletehi everybody!This week,I think is very attractive for me.First of all,He realizes the beauty of creatures.We say in turkish"Yaratılanı sev yaratandan ötürü".In this story,it is the same.I like the song by Iron Maiden.After listen this nice song I understood the story better.Moreover,The poem has the same features as medieval times,so We are familiar with it.I liked the story,shortly.See you next week.:)
ReplyDeleteThis week we learned about a sailor’s punishment that is to wander around the world because of a sin. When I saw the pictures and sentences of the story, I was curious about it. However, I couldn’t firstly match them correctly. There was a poem and song of it. The song was so great that it charmed me so much. Above all, it was sang by “Iron Maiden”. We understand from the story that we should love every creature including Albatross. It makes us think on it from different aspects. In this world, there is a reason of everything what we experience. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is an example of this.
ReplyDeleteI liked the poem of the ancient mariner,and the song but the song was very long.However I enjoyed it.The story was very interesting,the steps in the story were related with each other perfectly.I liked the penance part of the poem because it was an amazing punishment which was wandering the world and telling his story.Also the message that the poem gave us was very logical.We must love all creatures whether they are dangerous or not because God create them.
ReplyDeleteI missed this lesson because of my health problems:(and as i read and understand essay which is written by teacher,this topic is different from the other essays which we had till this time very much.Sin,suffering,repentance, redemption,penance have important role of this poem!i will learn this poem from Zehra:)so will not miss anything:D
ReplyDeleteThis lesson we read one of the most entertaining and interesting poem.At first we had some difficulties to understand the poem from pictures and sentences, but when I listneden the song,everything started to make sense to me.I like supernatural things so much, and in this poem there was ghost,curse,spirits,so I totally interested in the story.All the things that were created by God were in the world because of some important,rational reasons,so people have to think about them.Mariner didn't seem to be care about these things in the first place,but then may be he felt guilty , so he begged for forgivness.It was very affective.I really enjoyed while listening the song and talking about the story of him.It was very extraordinary poem.
ReplyDeleteHi all the friends!The Rime of the Ancient Mariner...and its impact on the people with the extra music while in class is inexplicable!Again I will make a different comment in here.In lıfe we always regret doing something and we tell ourselves that we shouldn't have done this but we don't think that all the reults belong to different situations that result from ourselves.However the reults are either good or bad,we should become aware of the reality. In other words,We love all God's creatures because of God himself.(YUNUS EMRE)...
ReplyDeleteHi!!!the only thing ı say for this lesson is that the song's awesome.What about the poem itself!Sorry, but ı dnt like it so much.This is bec only killing a bird and then being punished doesnt seem rationally.ı thnk the reosan would be a more bad thing then you ll deserve it.Neverthless,the message says a lot of things and it makes the poem be good one.
ReplyDeleteHello!I had difficulty in understanding the order of the poem at first,but it became easier to do so later.The course of the action was good.However,I found the existence of the ghost ship unnecessary.It doesn't make sense.On the other hand,the message it gave was remarkable and the song of it was excellent.I would like to listen it once again.
ReplyDeletehello everybody
ReplyDeleteLast lesson,we covered the ryhme of ancient mariner.It's little complicated but i could understand.It's amazing,isnt it?I was suprised that the crew died after the bird was killed.And,this poem is some scaring such as mysterious curses,ghost ship,sea creatures...In addition,i enjoyed the song of it but it's little long:)Anyway,all about these i drew my attention,it's an excellent poem:)
Hi friends,firstly I should say The Rime of the Ancient Mariner impressed me,like most people.I really like the song of it.It is a good job :)Colleridge wrote an impressive and pragmatic poem.I like its gist-loving everythink created without seperating from eachother.And it also gives this idea that if you try to recompense for spmething, God helps you..I enjoyed this poem:)
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everybody.What a nice topic and work,I think:))I like the idea of this man and his message through his work...It says love evereything because everything is the creature of God.Mariner made me said:Oh my God:)) Colleridge2s this masterpiece not only awaken my thoughts but also the other people from all walks of life.This story and its song.It is very interesting that even centuries later there can be done songs like this.It is imprtessive.See later my lives:)))
ReplyDeleteI really like this poem especially the music. It was very interesting that for such that a subject, a rock music.Every corner of the world people think somethings in thje same way lika Yunus Emre and Coleridge; love everything that God create..
ReplyDeleteThis week we have covered the rime of the ancient mariner which is attracts me .Also the music is enjoyable too ı liked rock:)
ReplyDeleteın my opınıon .ıt is good job.the class was enjoyable thanks to this song and poem.see you after we make an order the pictures:)have a nice week..
Hello everybody!This week,firstly I had difficulty in understanding the story,but then I could understand with the teacher's explanations.The song was very enjoyable and it was very interesting to have been written such a song despite having passed many years.I liked that it gave very beautiful message at the end of it.To love all the creatures that God created...We should not damage them because we need them...So we should save them.:)
ReplyDeletehi everybody! what we covered this week is one of those that ı liked most. it was very enjoyable to read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner n listen it. ı listened the song even after the course:D the story was so fascinating.while listenin it ı felt as if ı were there...every creature is unique and deserves to live. he mustnt have killed the albatross without any reason.every crime has a penalty sooner or later and just an excuse may not be enough to compensate the crime like in the story!have a nice day...
ReplyDeletehi! i like the song and the poem.they are very enjoyable however the song is very long and a bit boring to listen it patiently =) especially the activity is very interesting,we enjoyed with my friends while trying to match the pictures and the parts of the poem.the most impressive part of the course is about the steps between the sin and the penance i love this idea and the message in the poem...
ReplyDeletehi everybody
ReplyDeletethis week we read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner from Coleredge and also we listened a song of it.there is a few songs about such poems so it was very interesting listening it.
the order of poem is agood example to tell people that you cant get rid of your sin just by giving excuses.
hello everybody!this week was very enjoyable as my other friends said.The song made the lesson more attractive and made the poem much clearer.Because almost everybody had a difficulty in putting in order the poem,but its form was a bit complicated for me:( what attracted me the most was the idea 'loving all creatures that God creats'. this is totally right;but in real how many of us cares about it? have a nice day!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehello everybody:)This week we read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.I think it was an interesting story,ı liked it.The activity,which we did in the lesson to find the order of te story,was interesting.I enjoyed.Also the song about the topic was good but too long.Even if I was a little bit bored I liked it.
ReplyDeletehello..this week the class was very very interesting and enjoyable for me.I liked the topic and the poem so much.But sometimes I frightened:)really:)and the music was very effective.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was very effective I read and liked it :):)I think this story is the most effective one...see oyu next ..
ReplyDeleteHi:)My favourite song The rime of the ancient mariner these days.Iron maiden is so good.Colerigde works is great.In the rime of the SIN-SUFFERING-REPENTANCE-REDEMPTION-PENANCE are so important.GOOD CHANCE....
ReplyDeleteHi... There is an important result I deduce from this lesson.If you do anybody something bad that you do not want them to do to you, you pay this soon or later.Therefore everybody should behave thinking this factor.
ReplyDeleteAnother point I focus on is loving everything God creates.To me,peoples' doing the opposite means thinking themselves more important in life than others.
Hi..This week was very enjoyable for me..I found the story of the rime of the ancient mariner very interesting.I like the start of the story because it starts with the end of the real story.The given messages are also very interesting and make us think.The songs were also very useful to understand the story...:)
ReplyDeleteHi! I must confess that it was a really enjoyable lesson.Especially,the song by Iron Maiden was very impressive. I think, that metal song contributes an interesting charm to the story.The poem includes the Cristian idea, from sin to penance,and beyond that, I think it gives an important universal message,too: Love what God creates!
ReplyDeletemariner explain their story because it's his job and if he doesn't do this he will be punished .some evnts which occur during story are unexplainable and miraculous.because mariner shot he was albatross he was cursed he tried to pray buy couldn't this is the religion aspect.ppoem is more attractive than story
ReplyDeleteHi, firstly ı want to say that ı like the (rock:))song very much.A rock group made a song of this poem really surprised me.ıt shows us how this poem really affected the people and me, too.ıt takes us with its style to medieval times.And ”Water, water everywhere/Ne any drop to drink” most impressive line ı think..thanks..
ReplyDeleteFirstly the story seemed difficult to understand for me, but later ı saw thaat it's not so complicated.It's an interesting story.The song is also beautiful, but i think the poem is more attractive.It's good to see Mariner realizes goodness of the all created things by God and begs for forgiveness.Also it's enjoying to give messages by using supernatural things.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.Although I was absent last week I learnt the topic and asked my friend what was it like.I liked the topic and the theme.The God created every creature with a soul whether this is a human being or animal.For this reason we should love every living creature as the God created them.It is a very beautiful theme.The mariner is too regret for killing a bird and suffering from it.The good thing to my view is that he understood he made a big mistake for killing an innocent bird.I wish people could understand their mistakes for giving harm to each other and feel agony in their hearths...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody. This week we covered The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.The activitiy we did in the classroom to guess what it can be about was a different one and although we had difficulty in doing the activity I think most of us enjoyed it.Then we listened to song written for it. I was surprised because I was not expecting a rock song maybe more slow one I guessed.It was not a ordinary story about sea,pirates etc. We saw some supernatural things in the poem which makes is interesting. Despite all the things that seem us quite nonsense the theme in the poem is so nice and universal ‘loving the Created fort he sake of the Creator’ I liked it.
ReplyDeletehi everybody.i liked The Rime of The Ancient Mariner.it is a good story.when we become teachers we can tell the story our students i think they will love it.it will make them think about goodness and badness.what we do we see it again in a different form.
ReplyDeleteAlso the song we listened was good and interesting to listen to it in the class.
hi my friends!I am sorry but ı could not attend the last class so ı wont have any comment but as ı have learnt from your comments the course was enjoyable ı wish ı had attended the class.The new style of poem and a song written for it are that ı really wonder!
ReplyDeletehi everybody..this week was very enjoyable because we listened the Rime of The Ancient Mariner. firsty it was unclear to understand the message but later i caught the meaning.. it was a lovely story, and the most striking thing was this sentence:''loving the created for the sake of creator''.. i thing it is fully right..so what is good is that the song contains some optimism ideas..i like the story so paid a lot attention:)good evening...
ReplyDeleteat first I had difficulty in understanding of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner,but then I coul. I like the song of the Rime of the ancient Mariner and also its story.Samuel Taylor Coleridge's works are great.I'm waiting for the new subjects.:)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis week,we met Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.We had a chance to listen this story's song.Although it was a bit long,I enjoyed:)Coleridge's narrative poem gave a message that every sin has a penance.I think The hardest labor is remorse.See you next lesson...
hi everybody!! this week was very enjoyable for me. I really liked the lesson. I hope the next classes becomes as enjoyable as this week. and I want to add that I liked the story "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and especially the song. Although it was a bit long:), it was so fantastic and fascinating.
ReplyDeletefirstly the activities we did in the lesson were fine. pictures were usefull in terms of story's visuality in our mind.And the message is clear everything bad you have done however "actually "you dont want to do them,you will pay this soon or later..
Hi everybody!
ReplyDeletethis week,we've talked about The Rime of Ancient Mariner by S.T.Coleridge.His love is different from Romantic Age:divive love.His poems are also different from others:narrative poem.Ilike the poem.Espicially,Ienjoy repetitions,similes,internal ryhmes in the poem.Order and content of the events in the poem are very effective.I think while he was writing the poem,he thought minutely and in detail.To sum up,his style of narrating is very attractive:)
hi everybody This week a bit coonfused according to me because the subject of this week is confused.we talked about The Rime of Ancient Mariner.At First, ı didn'understand anything but when we talked about it and listened to the song,ı really ejoyed it.the thought of 'loving all creatures that God creats'attracted me the most.The song is wonderfull part of it .ı think this weeks'subject is very usefull for everyone from every sides!
ReplyDeletehi, this week's course is really amazing in terms of content and materials..the process from SIN to PENANCE gave the message perfectly..it is good of the poem=)ı enjoyed while doing activity and thanks to the song ı understand the course better..anyway it was one of the course ı liked most:)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody:)This week we covered The Rime of AncieNt Mariner.The beginning of the class was a bit boring.After listening the song of the poem the class was much more enjoyable:)The message that is given in the poem'To love all the creatures that God creates' affected me..Love is such an important thing that the life becomes unbearable,meanless etc. without it:( We should love and be loved in our lives in order to be happpy:)see you :)
ReplyDeletedifferent types and different messages every week..
ReplyDeleteThe Rime of Ancient Mariner which is interesting,full of items good connected each other really attracted me and it whetted my curiosity while studying on the poem.. matching of pictures related was aslo enjoyable part of lesson..and of course the song sounded great..i enjoyed the lesson and items within..:)
HELLOO..the rime of the ancient mariner... it was an interesting course at which we saw the work. At first it was a little bit difficult to order the events but after listening the beautiful metal song i understood it more clearly.. the work says that if you harm a creature for only fun or because of nothing being dangerous, you will be punished, and i agree that if a person do something, he or she will be punished ot rewarded according to the thing he has done.. ' YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW' i want to finish my comment with a Turkish saying:D..
ReplyDeleteHi friends,
ReplyDeleteThe subject of this week was 'The Rime of The Mariner'.In the story,mariner killed the albatross for no reason and then the situations started to change.The crew hang the albatross on mariner's neck as a penance.This shows that this poem is based on the religious thoughts.Also it involves supernatural themes,too.However,I like its song a lot and especially a woman,Life-in-Death playing with dice was interesting for me.
hi.. ı enjoyed the lesson last week. the story of the mariner attracted me. the story shows us that we should respect all creatures the God created. otherwise we take penalties of it in the end. the subject gave us a good lesson ı think.. and another thing ı liked in the lesson was the song. first ı saw the name "iron man" , ı was suprised and ı enjoyed with the song..
ReplyDeletehi everybody..I am sorry to write to this topic in time amanda teacher..I am late a bit..but in this term the most attractive lesson was that lesson so I liked it very much..:)to guess from the pictures the story was a bit difficult ;)but when we learned with the rock music we understood of course:)ıt was a good messager to us to know 'GOD' in everywhere
ReplyDeleteHi.. the poem , we covered ,was very nice..It was both enjoyable and sorrowful to read.I can't say the song was very impressing but it was okey.. At least it helped us to understand the idea better..Matching pictures and words made the lesson different..Mrs. Yeşilbursa had prepared a great lesson for us..
ReplyDeletehi everybody
ReplyDeleteThis week we covered The Rime of Ancient Mariner which is very interesting. In the begining of the class it is a bit boring, but after listening the song of the poem my opinion changed. Also matching the pictures that is related with the sentences is also very enjoyable. We saw some supernaturel things in the poem firstly they seemed a bit nonsense but enjoyable as well.
hi friends!... Fist of all I want to say that,I liked this topic very much..ıts message so greatful: 'love all Allah's creatures if you love Allah's himself.'as Yunus Emre said.For today's people this is very necessary and this is what we need.Also ı liked the way of our teacher.Trying to predict something from pictures related to topic is hard but funny because of our cruiosity
ReplyDeletehello friends!... this week's course was really interesting to me.Wandering the earth telling his story of mysterious curses, ghost ships, sea creatures, spirits, angels and a Hermit is really difficult I think and I very impressed it.every creature in the world is uniqe and worth to love and we see this theme in this poem so I am too happy on the other hand I like the song very very much...:))
ReplyDeleteGhost themes have always catched my attention and I have come across these in English culture too much.It is clear that English people are very fond of such topics,and me too.Once I watched a documentary whose name is "Spooky castles of England" in Discovery channel.I was very affected and terrified.It was like a good horror film.When we were in the lesson, immediately this documentary came to my mind,and I said to myself"okay!some enjoyable work is waiting for me.Yahooo!"The song was very interesting also.The reason why I found it interesting is that I have never seen a song which is written for such a work.Well in general songs are written for very touching,sorrowful or how can I say love poems,but this one is very different.However, it doesn't mean that I didn't like the song.Actually it contributed well to the mysticism of the poem.
ReplyDeletehi everybody I couldn't attend the lesson this week. However I read the story. In my opinion, this story is a kind of story that we studied at first semestre. I think english literature has both love story and heroic story.ghosts see creatures..etc these characters make the story very horrorfull.