Sorry for being a bit late this week.
This week we saw how the Romantic revival went against everything the Neoclassicists stood for. Out was reason and order, in was Imagination, Intuition, Irrationality, Idealism and Individuality. Typical Romantic themes include nature, the supernatural, the exotic, revolution and mysticism.
We looked at a few poems from Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience, which he wrote to illustrate the two complementary sides of the human soul - the optimistic and the pessimistic. He belived that in order to attain true goodness, one had to face with the experiences of life.
This week we saw how the Romantic revival went against everything the Neoclassicists stood for. Out was reason and order, in was Imagination, Intuition, Irrationality, Idealism and Individuality. Typical Romantic themes include nature, the supernatural, the exotic, revolution and mysticism.
We looked at a few poems from Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience, which he wrote to illustrate the two complementary sides of the human soul - the optimistic and the pessimistic. He belived that in order to attain true goodness, one had to face with the experiences of life.
hi,everybody!ı like the poem 'Nurse's Song' the most among them because it includes optimistic features.That is,ı dont like pessimistic people and pesimistic lifestyles.In this poem, That the nurse lets children play outside and satisfy the life in those times make me remember my childhood:(:(when ı read this poem, ı felt sad about. it.Furthermore,ı have same feelings when we read the poem'Songs of innocence' in our course.The Chimney Sweepers:(what an innocent child!!ıf ı were in those times,ı would want my parents adopt a chimney sweeper...Morover,I find nice the idea that romantics celebrated the individual as opposed to the universal.Shortly, ı liked romenticism.See you..
ReplyDeletehello friends!!!what impressed me most was The Chimney Sweeper.when teacher read it,I was affected and as Pervin said,if we were in those times,I would want my parents to adopt one of them.Nobody wants to be in their case.They are very innocent children and the only thing they wait is probably affection.what a tragic case:(:( the other thing that affected me was the poem 'Nurse's Song'.It includes optimistic ideas about the world..like now,when the sun is gone down,the children are wanted to go home..in our childhood,my parents wanted us to go home before the sun was gone down..:)this took me to my childhood:)shortly,the poems were so impressive in this week...have a nice weekend!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!when teacher said that we would look at the romantic revival,I thought this age is like Shakespeare but i was mistaken:(This romantic age is different from age i thougt...There are a lot of people in this ag.We looked at William Blake's poems(Nurse's song and Lamb and Tyger).His style is different because he thinks both optimistic and pessimistic aspects of an event!It is really different.Most people don't think both ways,they think only one way, Maybe,people thougt William Blake was mad for thinking both optimistic and pessimistic because this is different according to people,isn't this?
ReplyDeletehello,everyone.This week,we learned romantic period.when the theacher said romantic,ı thought love,april,flowers as in the Shakespeare period,but ıt isn t like that.ıt is about feelings,emotions.We mentioned William Blake.It s style is very different.He uses both pessimistic and optimistic feelings.I think he want to show us differnt aspects of life.ıt s perfect .I like this style.
ReplyDeleteanother dıfferent subject of our lıterature course:D romantic perıod is a bit dıfferent from our romantic conceptıon. when ı learnt the feature of thıs perıod, chıldıren's sıtuatıons ıs the saddest part of ı learnt:( they had to work altough they were only a little child:( , so ı thank to God for living ın these years, not in romantic perıod. generally the poems we studıed had really good features. ı m curıous about what wıll happen next course:D
ReplyDeletehi everybody !! this week, we talked about Romantic Period which is a bit different period :) this period is really pessimistic :( we read The Chimney Sweeper which impressed me alot.first i heard romantic period, i thought that it is about love but i am wrong :) anyway i enjoyed the lesson :):) i am curious about next week :) see you next week everybody !!
ReplyDeleteHi,you all!this Romanticism was different from the one I expected.I hoped there would be a bit love in it ,but the reality was not so.Still I liked it because the symbols ,that is to say,metaphors were used in the poems and these made us think more deeply about them.Also,the themes were comprehensive such as innocence...I also learnt the writer of the "Frankenstein".New info. was learnt like that...
ReplyDeleteThis week we learned about Romantic Period, but I must tell you that I was thoroughly disappointed at the end of the class. I had always expected a romanticism between lovers as it was in Romeo and Juliet. We looked at William Blake’s poems. I think ‘Lamb and Tyger’ was more interesting than ‘Nurse’s Song’. The Lamb and Tyger was representing the Jesus, the Devil respectively. The poet always thought about both sides of something. For examle, in Nurse’s Song he wrote two parts. He explained optimistic and pessimistic feelings. In short, this made him a versatile person as I see it.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.This week was really good news for us as the teacher said in that we passed on Romantic Period.Up until this period we saw complicated themes and now it is time to enjoy Romantic Period.This weeks course took me to my childhood for Nurses Song.It illustrated my childhood in some way.Furthermore Songs of Experience and Innocence illustrated the optimistic and pessimistic sides of human nature.I think both of them important in that how could people find goodness without passing over experience stage?
ReplyDeletehi again !another lesson and another subject but this subject is a bit different than we think .when we hear 'Romantisizm ',love ,happiness and somethings like that come out our minds.but this is a period and in this period there is sadness especially for children.when ı heard about them and their hard lives, ı was really sorry . these subjects deeply affacted me but anyway ı liked this lesson .The Nurse'song and Songs of Experience and Innocence are interesthing but ı liked 'Chimney Sweeper' the most.we learn new things and this makes me excited about this leeson.
ReplyDeleteat the beginning of the last term i have some difficulties abt the course but now it gets better...anyway...the new romantic period is different from shakespeare's romantic period...i expect love stories lol...but this one is really different especially the lamb and the tyger...they re funny i think. i like them...it s intresting tyger' refering satan and lamb' refering innocence ;)
ReplyDeletehi everybody:) ıt ıs nıce to see u again :) fırstly ı want to say that when the teacher saıd we would talk about romantıc perıod ı expected that we would talk about the love :) but ıt was not lıke that but even ıt was nıce because ıt was releated to the feelıngs lıke pessımıstıc and optımıstıc.. and ıt was nıce to see these feelıngs on the poem....
ReplyDeletehi everbody!ı think most of the people became dissapointed when saw the topic like me :)...ı cant say that ı liked it...i didnt find what ı was looking for.it was so tiring and boring( may be ı wasnt in my mood that day) for me to see alot of writers:( but it was nice to learn sharp sides of human being - pessimistic n optimistic- with Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experiences...i hope we ll cover enjoyable topics in the next courses...have a nice weekend...
ReplyDeleteThis week I learnt that "romantic" had different meanings that I don't know.As far as I understood in the lesson,Romantic period was a great chance for imaginative people because in this period, imagination was considered vital for Romantic literature.Morever,I liked the description of Romantic artist:"an inspired creator rather than a technical master".We are humanbeings not a machine:)While we are creating any art,we have to use our imagination not stereotyped patterns that were done before.Finally,I want to mention William Blake's songs of "Innocence and Experience".I enjoyed his metaphorical usage in this songs
ReplyDeleteI want to mention what I think about Blake's thought.He is right to say that we have to have some experiences of life because we cannot decide if what we are doing is right or wrong without any previous knowledge of life.To get that knowledge we should be brave enough to do something to have some experience whether this experience is embarrassing or not.We shouldn't forget that thanks to these experiences we won't do same mistakes and go on our way with determination.
ReplyDeleteI agree Blake in that people should experience everything to reach the truth.Otherwise they go on their lives without finding the truth themselves.As to the songs of innocence and experience,I liked very much that in poem Jesus is thought like lamb and devil is like a tiger.I think Blake could not introduce Jesus and devil well than this...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!As in every week,I want to make a different comment in here.I want you to think the life as a race.Believe or not,everybody hesitates to get over the others without any problem.In here our pessimistic sentiments force us to think as if we can not overcome all the things,whereas;the life's all goodness depends on our optimistic consideration showing us how the life will go on its way without issue.The life is yours,not the others'.You can come across anything such as good or bad,but neither do you accept it nor you live with it because there are optimistic considerations that will block the pessimistic ones...(Спокойной ночи, Увидимся,
ReplyDeleteДо свидания !)in other words good night,see you, bye! :)
Hello!Returning the romantic period was good,but it was very different from the other romantic period.It was about nature and other subjects rather than the feeling of love.Reading the poems were very enjoyable.I think romanticism was a start of expressing human's own thought and people could think independently.Being thought that the writers were mad was a bit strange to me.I understand that being mad does not mean that you can not do anything. :)
ReplyDeletehi friends!This week we talked about romantic revival.We expected a little bit love,when we heard romantic,but it is very different:)Nurse's song and The chimney sweeper impressed me alot.I am very sorry for the children:(Their case is very tragic.In Nurse's song,I remembered my childhood:)my mum also invite us to home when the sun is gone down.That is all for this week,see you!!!
ReplyDeletehi everybody.this week ı liked the course a lot.of course ı mention blake.every week ı know excellent writers but it is the firt time ı read such a different form of writing.he used one basic story but wrote in two opposite ways.so people can easily understand what is bad(in experience part)and good(innocence part).this style shows his clever side.think that time passed everything improved,but stiil there is no such a different syle.ı think he is unique in terms of writing style.ı am sorry beacuse ı was too late to know him.but now ı am planning to read his works,ı hope ı can:)see you
ReplyDeletehi! however it is not as romantic as we think this revival impressed me because the fixed and ordered perfection of 18th cebtury bored me=)morever i like gothic's replacing with classical and i think the most impressive part of this time that imagination was emphasized over reason.finally william blake's songs and metaphorical expressions he used in them are interesting.especially i never forget this sentence i like very much 'I must create my own system or be enslaved by another man's' by william blake..
ReplyDeletehi everybody last week we learned about romantic period. when we think about what is romantism, we suppose that it is love. but it is not so we learned that it isn't relatad to the love. it is a movement which is literary artistic and intellectual. in this course we learned that who wrote the frenkestein.the most interesting and beautiful part of this lesson for me was the musics of romantic era. Romantic era is a complex movement according to me. there are different parts of it imagination, intuition....... etc. ı wonder what will happen the the next lesson we will see it sooon happy days friends.......:-))
ReplyDeleteHello class and teacher...This week we saw an different topic and you said we are gonna a new journey around the literature.İt's name is romantic period,but in fact it is not really romantic.We shouldn't deceive with its name:DPoems structure and meanings are very impressive indeed.I really shocked when I learnt the writer of the Frankenstein.The authors were very inreresting for me:their clothes,views and etc. see you..
ReplyDeleteI didn't attend this week lesson and I am really sorry for this.Now,I see my friends learned most of things.Moreover,the thing that most frusrated me is Blake's poem.I will examine this poem.When our teacher explain the lesson and period,ıt is more enjoying than I read.But,I think I contemplate this lesson.
ReplyDeletehi everybody:)this week we began to Romantic Revival.To be honest,ı thought that the topic would be about love and like this.I was disapointed when ı see the topics first.But later ı liked the Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience too much.The metaphors that was used in the poem was really expressive.
ReplyDeleteDifferent period that we studied this week.Romantic period was really different from what we thought,but I liked this period and poems we read in the class.Nurse's Songs and The Chimney's Sweeper were very impressive.Especially we all felt sad about the kids when we've learnt informations about The Chimney's Sweeper,and in these poems there is always a good and a bad part ,so all of them were very interesting.I liked "The Lamb and Tyger", it was totally extraordinary.I think every week we have surprises,so we just wait and see.
ReplyDeletehi friends!!we mentioned romantic period in this class.but it didnt related to love:))i liked poem. i think they were impressive especially the lamb and tyger but this period is a bit complex.see you later...
ReplyDeletehito all!! a romantic period, butdoesnt suit with today's romantic concept.I was happy to hear that people start to give more importance to the individuality, and its also more logical that people write poomes because they are insipired.giving value to insprition produces more meainingful pieces..
ReplyDeleteı noticed that romanticism is not exactly the sama what ı thought,but we see that however it is not only about love but it also includes emotions, feelings..etc.This characteristic of romantic revival impressed me because fixed and ordered rules of 18th century do not fit me=).feelings emitions and cretiveness are important for me..
ReplyDeleteHi..I agree with my friends about this romanticism's not being the same with what we think first.Emotions and feelings come first instead of including only love.metaphors were used very effectively.that's all for now.see you next week...
ReplyDeletehello my friends!Like all of you,ı supposed the romantic means love but we were wrong.Actually ı was disappointed ı was thinking that I would enjoy but it did not happen.Most of the lesson ı felt bored the subject did not attract me unfortunately because of pre-arranged rules and orders.
ReplyDeleteHi, as friends said ı always thought romanticism is related to love but ı was mistaken. I met a new style, ı haven’t read a poem pesimistic and optimistic together like that. Nurse's Song reminded me our mothers, but ı accept the thought; one had to face with the experiences of life.ı love mystic, supernatural things, so ı loved romanticism naturally:)..thanks..
ReplyDeletehii:)I had thought this period would be like what i want, but anyway it is of emotions..everykind of profound emotions.I hope coming week will be more enjoyable..
ReplyDeletehello everybody.This time we mentioned Romantic Period and I really liked it.Firstly I thought this period was realted to love but then with the help of teacher I and we learnt this period wasnt related to love.I liked poems and The Chimney Sweepers is the most excited one Iwas very impressed and I laughed sometimes:Dbut actually I felt sad when I heard and imagined the childre.Anyway I really enjoyed and again learnt a lot of important informations and the poems are really good and full of emotion.....See you next class..
ReplyDeleteIn romantics period,as an example we read Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience..As the title says, Blake tells about Innocence period and than moving on experience,so different thoghts of characters occur in the verse..In the verse what affected me mostly was the chimney sweeper and his situation,ın Songs of Innocence he was a bit hopeful and able to see a bit good aspects of things,but in Songs of Experience,he becomes more conscious about his situation,and mention much more about sadmess...
ReplyDeleteThis week we learned about Romantic period.We analysed also William Blake's work "Lamb and Tyger".I think it is very clear to understand and it tells two different,maybe,opposite aspect of life-optimistic and pessimistic-nicely.It isnt a complicated poet as regards other poets so I liked!Another interesting thing that attracts my attention is paintings which he used on cover page of his book called Song of Innocence and Experience.Teacher said that he painted it himself.Then,I learned that he was also painter.He must be imaginative person to draw these fantastic paintings!
ReplyDeletehi everybody how are you i hope that you're really good :D this week we could understand the course much more easily than the previous ones really..When i look the works written by William BLAKE i can read them easily.this week's course was very emotional. When we were studying the poems 'the chimney sweeper' i really felt sad.I learned that a lot of people had died because of this job, this sweeping job.It is very crucial i think. Especially the children the most innocent creatures, people had done this job it is very bad and upsetting thing. The children had known that but they had had to do this very dangerous job may be because of or for the sake oftheir parents or family..I agree with the teacher AMANDA, i am very happy to be living this time, and here...
ReplyDeletehello! this week we sam topics were more interesting.ı liken the nurses song very much.like everyone mu childhood came to my eyes front :) song of experience and innocence were also beautiful.the chimney sweeper affected me.what a bad job it was.we understand children werent valued at that time,this is very bad.
ReplyDeleteHi!This week, William Blake's poems attract our attention.I agree on his ideas about experience of life.He illustrated it very well.A child is indeed innocent.On the other hand,As he grows up ,he makes notice of his soul becomes dirty.Maybe,it is the best to live as a child.Regardless of life that is full of unpleasant things,he continues his living and games.Blake emphasized it apparently.I liked it so much.
ReplyDeleteyeap.. different period and different man..William Blake..Actually, I like Blake's thoughts and his poems.It's helpful for people and as he said if we decide something is right or wrong, we should live and experience them and after we have experienced it, we are more careful.Namely I agree with him at this point.And I should say as Semra said when we read Nurse's song, I really remember my chıldhood and my mother:))
ReplyDeletehello friends and teacher.this week we have covered romantic period .but this romantic period is different what we understand .ın this period we have learned william blake's poems.ıt really affected me .but nurse song is best ı think.ın what sense ı liked it that ıt remind me of my childhood as everyone said .the chimney sweeper .yes ı am sorry for the child .the work is really bad for a child. see you next week...
ReplyDeletehi friends!... ı found really interesting Romantic Period because emotions mentioned in poems seems a bit unreal and it is different from love that we know today. Especially the subject of the Chimney's Sweeper out of order and ı am really sad about chidren who were worked unwillingly because of having no parents that is all...:)
ReplyDeletehello my friends!... this week's course was distinct to me. i enjoyed but at the same time i was really upset because the subject that was mentioned in Chimney's Sweeper was from real life. children's abuse was very tragetic,they didn't have parents and there were nobady to protect them...:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody...this week was very interesting and enjoyable:)also it was miserable:(what affected me this week was the ''chimney sweeper'':(the child stuation was very desperate and miserable..he was very little and he should have played with his friend instead of sweeping the chimneys:((i felt very sad about it..but ''nurse's song''was good as it includes optimistic ideas about the world..as i was a child my mum also wanted me to come home before it is dark:))but i used to ignore her all the time:)so the song was very similiar to our times..it was a nice week:) good night everybody see you next week:)...
ReplyDeletehi everybody !! This week we learned Romantic period. When I heard the romantic period, I thought we would see romantic and love events but actually I'm wrong, b'coz in poems we saw there is no love :) so, this week was a bit different for me. but I liked William Blake's thoughts and poems especially The Lamb and Tiger...
ReplyDeletehi!ı was bored in this week because romantic period is out of my expectations:)obviously ı didnt find this lesson striking but his poems can guide people and instructive in terms of being related to experience of life.
ReplyDeletehi,everybody!This week,we covered the Romantic Revival.As in every lesson,there are works including pessimistic ideas(Satan) and optimistic ones again.However,William Blake-"Songs of Innocence and Experience" s so good bec ı learned some new things.To illustrate, ı didnt knw that the name of lamb is also used for Prophet Jesus.Concurrently,the main idea in the work that there s amazement about how a dreadful creative was created can be interrogated deeply.Also ı like Jean Jacques Rousseu' opinions about education much more.Wasnt he right!:)ı wish there were some people like him especially in our country, but unfortunately NO...ıf YES,namely ı wanna say there happens some changes in education system,everythg ll be aılright...Anyway,ı enjoyed the lesson ı hope it ll continue like that.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!.. This week we saw some poems by Blake.he mentioned the human soul and he believed that so as to reach trueness in life,people must experience both good and bad things at the same time. l strongly agree with his understanding of life, very very right he is, l think. SEE YOU...
ReplyDeletehi..as my friends said ı thought romanticism concerned with the love,passion but ı was wrong.this time emotions,humanistic values are diffferent.also innocence and its symbols are very appropriate....certainly children are the most innocent and naive creatures in the world
ReplyDeleteHi.. we covered romantic period last week. first ı heard that we would look at the romantic period , ı think its about love but ıt surprised me because ıt was different from what ı thougt. we saw the pessimistic and optimistic sides of life in poems we read. and ı liked the poet's way of showing us the pessimistic side of life with devil and optimistic side of life with Jesus. ıt took my attention..
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis week,we met The Romantic Revival which includes Chimney Sweeper,William Blake and his poems "The Lamb" and "The Tyger".We had a chance to read a poem which consists of pessimistic and optimistic together thanks to William Blake.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
In what furnace was thy brain?
A tyger could be defined as good as this:))
Hello everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis week,we have covered the age of romantics:feellings are the most important thing for this era.As far as i see,it means seeing the world wihh the heart.What a nice skill it is!I wish i could also see the world with my heart:)so i could see everything as i want.That's to say,The world would be a nice liveable place for me and for humanbeing.By the way,living with imagination is also important.People cant live without imagining sth.As to me, the only thing which makes people live is in fact imagination:))
Hi everybody:)This week we talked about Romantic Revial.It was quite different from what I had expected.Like most of you Iwas waiting love :)Chimney's Sweeper affected me badly:(William Blakes'songs of Innocence and Experince was good in terms of explaining two different aspects of people(optimistic and pessimistic) ı like being optimistic but sometimes the life doesn't give us this chance unfortunately:(The thing that we should do is to try as much as we can do to be full of good deeds.Thats all see you :)
ReplyDeletehello everybody
ReplyDeletethis week we covered the romantic period and William Blake.the word of romantic did not have a meaning as we have known.we saw Songs of Innocence and Experience.ı liked nurse's song very much.Blake's style is really different and impressing i think.he uses the same content in two diffrerent ways.another song The Chimney Sweeper was very sad and emotional..
hello everybody:)
ReplyDeletelike most of you, ı was expecting love from the romantic period but ı wasn't dissappointed very much because the poems were really good works. ı was effected from the Chimney sweper very much. their hopeless situation made me sad:(
hi..we learned about Romantic Period which is different from what we think about romantic.The course was emotional and i liked the poems we read.They're really easier to understand.In Nurse's Song it's interesting to see two parts which show experience and innocence part.As my friends said, i felt sad about the children's situation in the Chimney Sweepers.
ReplyDeleteemotions emotıons emotıons... in this period emotıons are focused on and in nurse's song emotıons of pain, being alone are given such an efeective way that it is almos impossible not to be effected ...
ReplyDeletehi everybody
ReplyDeletefirstly ı want to say that ı'm disappointed about the romantic revival..ı was expecting to see love but it is about ideas and emotions.we covered Blake's work Innocance and Experince.ı found the Nurse's Song very optimistic and the Chimney Sweaper quite emotional and sad.lastly ı'm looking forward to sense and sensibility.
Firstly I am very happy for entering the romantic period.I think it will never be the same as Shakespeare's time,but still some enjoyable works are waiting for us.I found those poems very sincere.In the nurse's song all the positive feelings are stimulated.The warnings even smell very sincere.Also I found some similarities between English culture and Turkish culture.We discussed them in the class as well.I am talking about going outside after a specific time and terify children by some bad spirits which are coming to the earth after this specific time.In the other poem,however,all the sad feelings are stimulated.You feel only affection,and affection.Also,not taking the sweepers to the church is a very tragic situation.What does this mean?Doesn't the religion take all the people inside it regardless of making no difference?What a pity!
ReplyDeletewe saw that romantic period was not the same as the name suggests this time,but nevertheless it doesn't mean the class was a disappointment. on the contrary, we are learning new and useful informations day by day.In the period, different styles of works occured and contributed to the literature. they were really impressive..how a nice poem 'Songs of Innocence and Experience' was and how it was well written.. there couldn't be so nice example of optimistic and pessimistic parts of humanbeings,and Nurse's Song was very sincere and that have reminded me like everyone to old days,childhood..
ReplyDeleteHi everbody!This week I learned the different meaning of romantic.It gave more importance to the human's nature,so I liked romantic view.Also the poems we read were meaningful because they showed human's characteristics.I'm agree with the Blake's opinion which is that one person have to face with the experiences of life to attain goodness.
ReplyDeleteFirstly ı did'nt expect only love or this kind of things from romantic period:) and according to me Chimney Sweeper was quite romantic as well because it was directly raleted to emotions of us,humankind.I'm very impressed,ın fact ı was about to cry:)..
ReplyDeleteHi! After the ordered perfection of 18th century, I found this Romantic Period highly imaginative and mystic. William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience is very tragedic and satirical but somehow very enjoyable to read.Especially, I like Chimney Sweeper poem.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody..We covered Romantic Period which is a bit different from what we expect at the beginning.Nurses Song one of the poems we read sounded familiar to all of us.reminded us our childhood.There may be some unchangeable values between different cultures.I think two parts of the poem are said in a quite sincere way.optimism and pessimism are use at the same time and this makes it so realistic.And the Chimney Sweeper which made all of us very sad.What a difficult and dangerous job for those little kids even for adults.The poem tells us their situation in those times.we are really really lucky for not having lived in that times.
ReplyDeleteThe most impressive one is absouetly chimney swepper.The poem 'Songs of Innocence and Experience'is very nice.I hope love and love poems at romantic period but there is no love.They all about pain:(While ı was reading the chimney sweeper ı feel so sad . Good chance to everyone..
ReplyDeletewe have covered romantic period this week. actually ıt was not the perıod we had expected but ıt was interestingis leeson so ı liked this lesson the chimney sweepwr was the most interesting one and of course the saddest one poor sweeper:( ı want to say that ıt is a very difficult job for those little kids the poem tell us their lives ı think we are really lucky indeed...
ReplyDeletehi everybody..the Romantic Period doesn't actually include love in it:( but The poems "Songs of Innocence and Experince" and " the Chimney Sweeper" are very great for me.these are really impressive but a bit painfull especially the Chimney Sweeper.But there are good messages in both of the works..;)
ReplyDeletehi everybody...english literature study exciting stories.For example, the chimney sweeper is an exciting story. the wealthy people deceives the children that when they die, they will go to paradise.However it is not true. what people want to make is to work children in difficult works...we are lucky that we didn't do this kind of work.