Friday, 9 April 2010

The Bronte Sisters - Jane Eyre

The Bronte sisters, who were born and brought up in a remote part of England, developed female characters in their novels that were against the norm of that time. Jane Eyre experiences an internal rebellion against the limitations of women's lot in life. She decrees that women, like men, need to be able to use their intelligence productively and to be able to achieve things in life in order to be happy. Despite her deep love for Mr Rochester, she cannot marry him once she learns that he is aleady married, so she runs away in order to forget him. Neither can she marry the insipid St John Rivers, whom she knows does not truly love her.

While Jane Austen granted some freedom of choice to her characters, they are all eventually married in a manner conventionally acceptable at that time (think about Lizzie and Jane Bennet, and Elinor and Marianne Dashwood). Lydia Bennet's shameful elopement remains rather peripheral in comparison, and her actions are clearly not commended. The Bronte characters are entirely different. They are the outcasts of life put in the centre.


  1. hii everybody :) i made the first comment :)this week we talked about The Bronte sisters and their works. i must admit that they were very talented sister. they wrote their works in male pseudonyms .Jane Eyre is a good novel. I liked it very much. it is consist of gothic touches and absurd coincides but is it is full of social criticism. Anyway it was very enjoyable lesson :) see u next week by!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi everybody.congratulations özlem.ı am the second:)this week ı enjoyed the course a lot.because it is the first time ı have known both bronte sisters and also their novels.when ı was in high school ı read biograpy of bronte sisters then ı read jane eyre wuthering all girls ı liked jane eyre far we have covered religious and social status related works.but now there is no religion no status.everybody and everything is subject of any work.this makes me happy because ı have start to find what ı expected literature.ı am sure next week ı will enjoy the course since ı also know charles dickens and his some of works:)see you

  4. Because of the fact that the Bronte sisters were told by comparing them with Jane Austen we cleary understood the differences between the characteristics of Jane Austen's and Bronte Sisters' works.The most particular one which affected me most was the belief that a woman has to achieve something to be happy in life.When we look at the works of Jane Austen(i.e.Pride and Prejudice)we see something different:For a woman,it is enough to keep herself at the same level with a man in terms of pride if they are planning to get married.There is nothing else to be done but being a beautiful woman.But in Jane Eyre,the duties of a woman to stand an her own feet are much more than just being beautiful to be respected.

  5. Yes everybody!We passed the new age which is Victorian Age...I hope,i will love this age because there are Bronte Sisters and their works...I learned them in the high school,i read and watched Jane Eyre and Wuthering fact i don't remember all things but when the teacher began to say something,i remembered one by one:fire,Mr.Rochester's crazy woman and another lots of things.I was very happy to see and hear these things again.When you asked which one do you like more?Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen?I absolutely say Jane Austen because Charlotte's style is supernatural,different and as teacher said that it is like Turkish films:Dso i prefer Jane Austen...

  6. Hello everybody,this week,we learned the Victorian Age.We learned Bronte Sisters.Firstly,we learned Jane Eyre.It s very enjoyable novel but not like Jane Austen.I think Jane Austen is better than her because her novels are very logical than hers.In this novel,there are absurd thngs.I m dissapointed because I was expecting the watch it but we didn t.Hopefully,next week we will learn the Wuthering Heights and watch it.I m looking forward to watching it...

  7. hi everybody, we talked about Victoran Age in the last course...ı liked the Bronte sisters' works, but as imran said,ı liked most ones that Jane Austen wrote.ı dont like something absurd or gothic theme in a novel.However, This novel is worthy reading.I read Jane Eyre when ı was a child, but ı can not focus on anything else school as amanda teacher did:D:D:D Now,I could understand other themes better clearly.. ıt was an enjoyable coure, ı think..see you next week.byee:)

  8. Hello.after midterm exam,this week we started a new age,Victorian.It was very different from the other ages.The novel Jane Eyre was a strange thing.I did not read it before.While the Bronte sisters were living at an isolated place,they wrote such mysterious novels which attracted me very much.Another thing that was very strange to me was not to be read any thing that women wrote.There was a discrimination even in that time.jane Eyre was good to read.It was like our Turkish versions that happen unexpectedly events at the end of the novel.. :)

  9. when i was in high school i read this novel but i didn't remember until the teacher started to talk about it. i liked the novel jane eyre in high school but i now realize that the style of Bronte is a bit different from other writers such as jane austen who writed very clearly and didnt exaggerate anything,actually it is not interesting for us because it is similar to turkish movies:) i hope victorian age will be enjoyable for us.see you next week..

  10. hello.i want to say that i dont like the novel 'jane eyre'.unrealistic coincidences, interesting style of the writer dont impress me very much.lots of friends said that they read it in their childhood but i didnt read it.if i read it when ı was a child maybe i would like the novel but now it doesnt fit me,i prefer jane austen and her gentle style;)

  11. Hi!The writers in Victorian Period are really different.Their writings are similar to their lifestyle.The novel, Jane Eyre,isn't that beautiful.I think some sections of it don't make any sense.On the other hand,I liked the personality of Jane Eyre.Her becoming determined about sth good or bad impressed with me.As I said,some nonsense sections make it unimportant.Anyway,I congregulate the Bronte Sisters because they kept on writing despite all the difficult conditions and adversities they face.I liked their unique love stories.

  12. Hi everybody!Today I want to start my comment from a different perspective.In your life,you can come across bad conditions which you don't want or wait, however, is it right that you escape from this fact?Why do you ignore that by escaping instead of facing with this fact?Are you more nerveless than a small ant is? To me: NO! Jane Eyre can not see this fact that I want to take your attention:) but as in every novel,that ends up with happy end that everybody waits.However it is,life is not so simple to result in giving happiness...

  13. hello everybody:)after midterms we are together again.after Jane Austen's perfect works,now Bronte sisters.We looked Jane Eyre.As our teacher said it is very similar to Çalıkşu in our literature.Like all women's destiny Jane is also a victim of love.But the character in the novel is different from Jane Austen's.The only aim of women in Jane Austen's novel to marry a rich man,but in Jane Eyre the main character tries to do something in her life herself and she is successful.Also there are some similarities between these topics and our "Yeşilçam" films.I am really surprised and I liked it.But to be honest I wonder Emily Bronte's novel much more.Because the topic is a little bit different from Charlette Bronte's.If am not wrong there will be some ghosts and so on:) I reaaly wonder it:)


  15. a new age and new wrıtıng styles from different wrıters... we started to learn the vıctorıan age and its features.. The Bronte Sisters had a bad fortune maybe, but they never gave up and they contınued to product new ıdeas lıke wrıtıng novel by using nickname. they thought much cleverly and they made good works. there was nothıng ımpressed me so much in this lesson. ı hope there ll be ın the next week's lesson...

  16. good evening everybody... i missed the course in which the teacher talked about bronte sisters and jane eyre.. i have read this book in english it was beautiful.. but jane eyre was a sad women i dont remember the time when she was very happy... idont rememeber many things about it because i read it some time ago.. see you next week..

  17. Hi! The Bronte Sisters are different characters for me and I surprised when I heard that they use male pseudonyms.Unlike Jane Auston, their works are more romantic and emotional,ı guess although they are in Victorian age.We talked about Jane Eyre which has different and entertainig expression,story.I'd like to read its book,and we talked about Wuthering Heights,I've read its book but I was just a kid so didn't catch the emotions in it.Actually it was very complicated.There are some characters that you couldn't remember because the relationship between the characters are difficult to find out,happily we'll wacth the movie of it so that we can get the idea and emotions better. :)

  18. Hi everyone! although l know and like a lot J ane Eyre's novels, l couldn't be present at that lesson because of my illness unfortunately. But l am sure l will be looking forward to joining the other lessons. See you soon...

  19. Hi everybody.This week we passed on Victorian Period.It is interesting to note that female authors were restricted.A nonsensible thing.Despite this Bronte Sisters managed to write under male names.That is the pure love of authorship.Their lifestayles,environment is reflected in their writings.And it is harmonised with imagination.The product is Jane Eyre.It seemed me dim and abit of pessimistic.If only we had watch the film of it.Anyway I want to reag it one day...

  20. This week we talked about Bronte Sisters and the masterpiece Jane Eyre. I have heard it so many times before, but I don’t remember if I read it or not :) Charlotte Bronte used a different name while writing her novels because it wasn’t good to write a novel for a woman in those times. I think The Bronte Sisters achieved something difficult. They all wrote and they became famous. Their works are stil read over the world. After the lesson, I started working to find the film of it :)

  21. hi everybody.This week we talked about Bronte Sisters.The first time I have heard about them was in high school.My mum was reading Wuthering Heights.She said that it was very nice and advised me to read,but I couldn't read.Bronte sisters are very successful despite of the attitudes of society.They used male pseudonyms,ıt is for the sake of literature.They achieved a lot of things.They develop themselves not in the same level or same aim.I liked them so much.See you next week...

  22. hi everybody ı cant do comment thıs week because ı couldnt partıcıpate ın lesson because ı was ın my hometown ...

  23. hi everybody.. this week was really enjoyable. I like Jane Eyre.Charlotte Bronte is different from Jane Austen. The reason why I say about that,also the teacher talk about in course.In Lesson we compare Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte with Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Both are love stories but Jane Eyre is more passionate, at least in terms of the era when it was written, while P&P is a depiction of social interaction as well as a love story. I want to say one more thing: I think the plot of the one by Bronte is different in that it exists and the one by Jane Austen doesn't. see you :)

  24. hi everybody! ı liked the the course this week because ı had read Jane Eyre while ı was a child and ı never forgot the sufferings of Jane Eyre, her loving for a man and in the end despite his being crippled Jane didnt care about it and continued to love him. It was very good to have such a darling as Jane Eyre for boys:DD as for interesting coincidences they were really like in turkish movies:DD such things just occur on movies:DD but still it was worth to reading... see ya

  25. This week's subject came to me unfamiliar because I heard but didn't know "Jane Eyre" very much.Therefore I learned interesting events in "Jane Eyre".There were amazing coincidences which no one could expect.Moreover, the novel expressed the feeling of Jane deeply.I wonder it,so I want to read or watch it very soon.Another point that I want to mention was Bronte sisters' life.It was very different from many people.Their being compulsive writers from childhood came to me very strange and also their early deaths made me sad.

  26. good morning everybody!firstly I must admit I haven't heard 'Jane Eyre' because before this lesson,I wasn't interested in literature;but this lesson made me be interested in it.I like literature now,and I want to learn more things about it.This week I have learnt some things such as Bronte Sisters' using pseudonyms.They are very successful writers.Their novels' being bestsellers already reflects this fact;but their early deaths affected me...good days!!!

  27. hello everybody this week we leanrt some important things about Bronte Sister's life.I liked them their life and story was very interesting.In the lesson firstly I bored a bit but later I enjoyed very much also their novels affected me really they are good writers and they are different from others.I like this course see you:):):):)

  28. hi everybody.!.we learn new writers and new ages day by day. In my opinion English Literature is very huge. At the history of the English Literature, there are lots of ups and downs. This week we learned Victorian Age, the bronte sisters, Jane Eyre. However, they are different from Jane Austen's characters

  29. hi everbody
    this week we covered Bronte sisters and one of their work Jane Eyre which ı read last year.As ı know the novel it was a bit boring to listen to it again.but when Amanda teacher talked about it more detailed ı realized many aspects in novel which ı hadnt seen when ı was reading it.Jane Eyre is a different charachter from Jane Austen's.Jane is an independent and courageous girl.she can rebel against the rules of society.this feature is not seen in Jane Austen's characters.her figures are normal,rule-obeyed and easy to find in society like Elenor,Lizzy,Mrs.Bennet and so one part of the novel Jane leart that Rochester was married so she left the house.this part was the most impressing and emotional according to me.

  30. Last lesson we learned about Bronte Sisters,they were different from Jane Austen who is gentle in terms of style and uses polite images..Firstly,we learned about Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre,ıt tells us about an orphan girl ,Jane, having had difficult times in her earlier years,but anyway she was able to be strong,determined and have virtues..Like the Jane Austen's novels this ends in marriage,but this is different because the marriage at the end isn't much like a happy one..Then we saw Emily Bronte's Wutherig Heights,in it there are many intrigues and deaths and again there like Charlotte's novel this ends in a marriage after many agonies..ı liked Wuthering Heights although it is a bit difficult to understand ı am absolutely determined to read and finish it..

  31. hello everybody..!new comments:) this week we saw a new age, Victorian Age, a new novel, Jane Eyre which is very famous actıally. but I have just met with this novel. some of the class said that they read the novel,but i did not. anyway i like the is different from the works of Jane Austen isn't it...see

  32. good night:) bronte sisters are very interesting.They wrote their novels by different male names.I think Jane Eyre is the most famous one.Jane Eyre is about the orphan girl who had very diffucult times in her earlier ages.I read the wuthering heights in my high school years.It was so interesting.I liked it very much.Good chance to everyone. :)

  33. Hi everyone .This week we have covered the victorian age with the most famous masterpiece jane Eyre.I am reading the jane eyre at the moment.this book as far as I understand is very IT affected me so much.actually,ı had read the book in high school but ı can not remember:)now,ı am curious about wuthering heights.ı will read it, too.see you next week...

  34. hello everybody.really jane eyre is different from jane austin.also eyre is more enjoyable from eyre's novels we can see more action and excitement.ı havent read any of the novels but ı want to read jane eyre

  35. helloo:)Last week,we covered The Bronte sisters and Jane Eyre.I would like to talk about Jane Eyre...She had very miserable experience so she has a very strong character.If i were her,i couldnt put up with...By the way The Bronte sisters' masterpieces are very adventurous,im looking forward to watching Wuthering Heights:)

  36. Hi everybody,this week we have covered Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.ilike what we talk this week.i read this book when i was in high school.i was affected very much.i feel sorry for her.without a father and a mother,what can a child do?who can give affection for her like a mother and a father? i dont like the attitude ofher sister-in-law.i'm grateful to God that i have a father and a mother with me.i dont even want to think what to do without them.i'm happy to be with them and i'm also happy they are alive.Thanks God:):)

  37. hi everybody :)Again a different era...different writers and different topics..The Bronte Sisters had different life style,so it affected their writing way.Actually, the topic came to me strange and unbelievable.The way of communicating Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester's with each other was great and imaginative:)

  38. Hi everybody!We learned about Bronte Sisters this class and Jane Eyre.It is different from Jane Austen's novels in terms of characteristics of their heroes and heroines.Jane Eyre's life takes place more isoleted area,and it's environment is modest and simple.Jane Eyre and Mr.Rochester's love is also interesting.They don't communicate but feel each others:)I'm looking forward to watching the film...

  39. Hi everybody!
    This week,we met The Bronte Sisters and their novels.We focused on the eldest sister Charlotte's novel "Jane Eyre(mad woman,fire,crippled man,teacher,...)".In novel,Jane and Rochester loved each other.While they were marrying,Jane learned that he was married with the crazy woman.Don't be sorry!Anything prevent the love and love won again...

  40. Hi,I couldn’t attend to lesson last week.I was very sorry mostly because Jane Eyre is my first novel that I started to read in english and the first novel that I left undone.Nursel mentioned a bit about it but again It was left half-finished.It must be a sign; I must started to read this novel a.s.a.p.:) Finally I want to say that I found the expression about this age very suitable :”the empire on which the sun never sets”..thanks..

  41. Is it really this age which this idiom came out,semra? hmmm..I didn't know,thanks for that:)I was also wondering The Bronte Sisters and their works as i heard about them so much.Actually i read the eldest sister Charlotte's book Jane Eyre and i liked it so much,but when the teacher asked, i couldn't remember the events within except fire and love even if there has not been much time since i read. I suppose it is because i didn't have good English knowledge at that times.

  42. We spent last week mentioning some about Bronte sisters.I think if we watch the film this week the lesson could be more enjoyable.Bronte sisters' life in the remote part of England made them think a lot and produce these qualified works.Everybody who read the book appreciate the work and I as a person not liking reading too much may read it in the future:))

  43. hi everybody!! We have covered Bronte Sisters this week. If we compare Jane Eyre and Jane Austen, Eyre had different life. Her life was too isoalated. I think this affects its novels and charecters. Altough she had different life, she wrote good novels. Some of my friends said something about Eyre' s book. I liked her style and decided to get and read it...

  44. hello.this week we leraned the Charlotte Bronte's.They are 3 siblings.They wrote differenty.I liked them very much.Each of them reflected their styles in a differnet and moving way.I really want to read them from the very beginning.Also we compared Jane Auston and Jane Eyre.Their life styles are very far from each other,So their writings are different.

  45. hi all!
    That lesson reminded me my prep class in high school when I read Jane Eyre. I was so amazed then but indeed I had forgotten some parts of the novel.In the lesson, these parts came back:) Jane Eyre's story is so sad and she is so pessimistic. I like Charlotte Bronte's style and emphasis on woman's rebellion on these times. That is a nice point, I think.

  46. hi eveybody:)Our new subject was Bronte Sisters and Charlette Bronte's novel Jane Eyre.Her style is really different from Jane Austen's,but I liked :)I agree with Çiğdem,as she says Jane Eyre's story is so sad.The end of the novel also impressed me . I want to add Mr.Rochester's and Jane's love story is so interesting,a different end...see you next week:)

  47. Hi ,everyone!That the sisters could write in that age made me suprised because all of them were writers despite of their age's woman perspective.Also,they were very courageous to write their novels.In addition,that they used pseudonyms was very clever idea.I heard only Jane Eyre ,but it was also good to get information the other sisters and their novels;)

  48. oohh this week I was absent I had some problems with my health but I heard from my friends this topic was very important and Brante Sisters's novels are very famous and different from others and other writers they are different.I looked our course book and learnt some important things about their lifes it is interesting especially their writing styles...I wish I were in the class but I couldnt participate:(

  49. Hello,friends...
    The subject of this week is Victorian Period.We looked into 'Jane Eyre'.It is completely different from Jane Austen's novels.Unlike Jane Austen's novels,there is no perfectionism,happy end and very controlled behaviorus in this novel.Jane Eyre is like conventional Turkish movies.Events may cahange quickly and unexpectedly.For example,it is that Mr Rochester immediately started to see during they were getting married with Jane.It is also ridiculous,too.

  50. Hi my dears!
    Our new topic is Bronte Sisters by Jane Austen in victorian age.Although the period looked woman from a different perspective Austen succeeded it very well.She used nicknames to mention her characters.It is very wise :D.These beuatiful sisters are very motivated to succeed.By the way Jane's love to Mr.Rochester affected me so much.What a big love they have :)

  51. Hi,all!we started a new period-Victorian Age last week.I like the Bronte Sisters'styles bec they were able to write perfect stories regardless of presures on women in that time and also their little education.Namely,ı think they hit the nail on the head.It s the first time ı read the story -Jane Eyre and ıt s full of surprises like happening in our old turkish films,for example,the way that Jane Eyre and Mr Rachester communicated and found each other s very fantastic.Neverthless, ıt s good story.

  52. I was also in my hometown so I couldn't attend the class.I dont have a comment for the class and but like most of us I've read 'Jane Eyre' and I liked it but I read it unaware of its place in literature now it is time to learn it.I will try to compensate the class with the help of our see you later..

  53. I laughed a lot in this lesson because of unrealistic coincidence.However,interesting events shocked us a lot.Ok I accept this subject is far away from reality,but we should think that time and conditions.A lot of restriction prevet writers from writing.And until now I have heard Bronte Sisters' names,but I don't know their novels.In this lesson I learned some part of them.

  54. hello! firstly ı want to say that Jane EYRE is number one. I like her stories very very much. ı read Wuthering Heights, it is so good ı thınk.Jane Eyre too pessimistic and the story is full of sadness it doesn't have good things as Jane Austen's stories but ı love it indeed...:)

  55. ı didn't really understand jane eyre. the reason ı think ı had no background knowledge about it. but the life of bronte sisters is very interesting

  56. hi friends.ı didnt attend this class unfortunately..but ı know jane eyre. ı read it in high school as most of my friends and ı liked it very much.but as far as ı understood from the article of Amanda teacher and my friends comments it is full of social criticism and there is no religion no status

  57. ı couldn't attend the class this week but ı read about bronte sisters and jane Ayre.ı like it but
    don't understand it completly.jane ayre's story is also so sad

  58. hello!!! like most of my friends ı also read it when ı was in high school, but ı didn't like it very much cos it doesnt sound very realistic at least some parts of it.the end of it is especially the part where an unbelievable things happen.ı prefer jane Auston:)

  59. I was absent in this lesson,so I don't know too much about it.But I have watched its film.The story is not very interesting but a good one-Actually after Shakespearean time the literature started to get boring.Jane Austen brought a joy and excitement again,but then the subjects started to get boring again-.What I liked in this novel most is Jane Ayre's attitute towards her beloved after he lost his beauty.It is a very nice example of loyalty.

  60. hello friens... This week's writer is so different from others in many ways... Especiaaly after Jane Austen ı reaaly shocked..yes ıt has more reality but ıt is so depresasing you can encounter interesting and unusual things in this writer's style...we saw these factors after watching film....there was a strange love in it:)

  61. hi...ı admit that ı forgot to write comment so ı'm late.I read Jane Eyre some years ago and ı liked it so much, but ı can't remember it completely now.As we covered the subject in the lesson, I could remember.It has so emotional and unusual scenes and has a good style that makes the reader curious.

  62. hi everybody. we learnt new era and new writers
    l am very happy to learn about Bronte sisters
    ı knew their writings but ı didn't know their lives.ı read Jane Eyre and ı admired deeply to this poduction and ı think we will learn a lot of usefull informatrion from this lesson:))

  63. hi everybody...first of all ı want to say that ı enjoyed this lesson very much.We did different activity with pictures.ıt was a activity for guessing the novel and what happens in the novel.when it comes to the story,it is full of sorrow like Jane Eyre.Perhaps,the writer likes writing this kind of stories I don't know.But when Jane Eyre is mentioned,sorrow and delicious stories come to my mind.certainly,these futures make jane eyre 'JANE EYRE'
