In 1660, after the death of Oliver Cromwell and the incompetent administration of his son, Charles II, son of the executed Charles I, was called back to the throne of England. However, out were the days of the absolute monarchy, and in were those of the constitutional monarchy with an empowered parliament.
In this interesting time of newly emergent politics, we can see that different literary forms appeared - journalism, the essay and the novel. The characteristics of the literature of this time are clear, matter-of-fact descriptions of rational concepts and town themes. Satire, the ridicule of human folly with the aim of correction (remember Chaucer), was a typical product of the age, but this time with the aim of attacking political and personal enemies.
One of the masters of satire was Jonathan Swift. Born in Ireland to English parents, he ruthlessly criticised the English administration in such works as A Modest Proposal and Gulliver's Travels. This week we read a short passage from the latter work, in which Gulliver was called to help extinguish a fire at the Lilliputian palace. His inconventional method of help was actually an insult to the Lilliputians, and he ended up having to leave the island. Swift's description of the event is very amusing- it is possible to feel Gulliver's sadistic pleasure in insulting the Lilliputians while helping them! "By the luckiest chance in the world, I had not discharged my self of any part of it.........I voided in such a quantity and applied well to the proper places, that in three minutes the fire was whole extinguished..." and he considers his act as "a very eminent piece of service".
hi everybody:) Again we run across in different style and different opinions.Yeah.. It is Jonathan Swift..He wrote differently and I think after reading this work,most people,especially young ones and children, will be affected his thoughts.Morever, people can be suspicious about everybody and begin to think in a pessimistic way ,like Jonathan Swift.And so:)it is useful not reading this at very early age .
ReplyDeleteHi!This week,we learned restoration period.Actually,this term.the era is a bit of complex politicalwise.There is a new trend in literature.Jonathan Swift...The novel brought about.This is different style.As well,SATIRE,is important theme in this period.We read Gulliver's travels.Although.I read it before,ın the lesson I'm very affected with it.Some parts of the novel very funny.We laughed very much.When ı m teacher,ı want to read this novel in my classroom.To sum up,the lesson was very enjoyable...
ReplyDeletethıs week we learnt two dıfferent works that belong two dıfferent man but the second one ıs more enjoyable than the fırst one:D when ı read gulliver's travel. it s really satiric novel.we laughed a lot when we read this novel, so thıs ıs really funny. ı m more curıous about jonathan swift... but ıt should be read at the middle ages not when we are child.:D
ReplyDeleteThe fact that monarchy came back with Charles II made me think that this ruling system comes back whatever the parliament does.Parliamentarians tried hard to take control but the one who must come to the throne may be a son of a previous king who supported monarchy in any case.It is good to see different literal forms such as satire.The differences between the satire that Chauger did and the one that belongs to Jonathan Swift indicate a need to criticize politics and personal enemies,and this is a good way not because it is better than a physical attack but because it is a suitable literal form to express thoughts and feelings in a criticising way.Jonathan Swift was very successful about that.
ReplyDeleteHi teacher:D This week was very enjoyable for me because of the new topic;namely I could listen from the beginning of it.The first 2 weeks I couldn't catch properly;so this week made me thought:Are we going to travel aronud the diplomatic facts:))The idea of reigning the country with monarchy is succesfull when we contemplate the necessities of this era.In rewl the ordinary people also liked this because it can give them oppurtinities to say smt. which can be vital for them.The change of system affects the literature always.Our job is language and its literature:ı like reading novals and it is a good new for me THANKS :)
ReplyDeletehi, everbody! we talked about restoration in the last course.In the literature part of it,,the thing which attracts my attention is satire.Authors criticise the politics trough irony.One of the successful writers is Jonathan Swift,ı think.I didn't read his book Gülliver's Travels when ı was a child because ı do not like adventure novels:D However,ı find it very enjoyable when we read some part of it in the class.It was really funny.Espeacially,in the story,his method to extinguish the fire in Lilliput is very interesting and comic:D:D Of course,here,critical element shouldn't be ignored.Finally ı liked his style of criticism.. ı am curious what we will talk about next week.See you..
ReplyDeleteAs we learn a long hstory in a lesson of 40 minutes, it sounds a bit strange to hear that this week we have parliment system and this week we have kingdom (:
ReplyDeleteAs for this week, it was a real fun.I really liked the way Jonathan Swift! satires the people.Actually having a confliction in mind to support which side ( english or irelands) is a reaaly difficult situation and giving a decision and after that finding a funny way to satirize the others is not an easy work!Jonathan Swift did this really well.I like him!
Hi,everybody!This week was full of new information and enjoy for us.I had great fun while reading Gulliver's travels,especially his technique for putting out the fire .I couldn't help laughing when I heard it;)On the other hand,I recalled the stories of my childhood.Also,that novel appeared in this period made me surprised because I did not know it.I guessed maybe it would appear little more time after.All in all,this week's course was very enjoyful for me and I am looking forward to next week's topic which will be about Romanticism...
ReplyDeleteHi!I want to share with you my idea.While listening the teacher's saying about Jonathan Swift who was against the use of English instead of Irısh,I remembered that I rebelled the using of İstanbul Turkish instead of GAZİPAŞA TURKISH.I have reasons to use GAZİPAŞA TURKISH :Firstly,It is the pure Turkısh wıthout being mixed.Secondly,we are being forced to forget the use of PURE TURKISH (GAZİPAŞACA) while trying to learn how to speak Istanbul Turkısh like a foreigner, and thirdly our language is our tradition and culture.You shouldn't wait from me to forget these.I can slip myself from my memory,but not my essence!
ReplyDeleteRestoration period is a new age for the english literature.My favourite is johathan swift.GulLiver's travels is very funny.His voyages are great Lilliput,Brobdingnag,Laputa,Houyhnhnms I like the lilliputs.GOOD CHANCE TO EVERYONE
ReplyDeletei can only participate one course this week so i know few things about restoration time but while i was listening, i enjoyed political changes,interesting changing of the kings and interesting names of the parties from scotland and ireland, they don't resemble the political parties in our country=)and the most enjoyable and funny part of the course is about three georges and their occupation the throne from Germany(:
ReplyDeleteThis week's course like a little bit history course:)We see that attempts for forming the parliament of English,of course,constitution to support this parliament.Similar events happened in the Ottoman Empire in the period of Constitutional Monarchy.We learned not just political events but enjoyable travels of Gulliver also.I liked Gulliver's Travels very much.I read it when I was in primary school but I couldn't realize the events which narrated in the story througly at the time.Actually,the writer critices the English people and politics at that time.Jonathan Swift had a good reason to write Gulliver's Travels!
ReplyDeleteın restoration time three georges business is really funny and interesting:)literature of that time is from head not from the heart.ıt's opposite of that in turkish literature.the first novel robinsen cruose was written at that time .his explaining God to a cannibal in an island is important .however Gulliver's travels get my attention more than robinson cruose.ıt must be very enjoyable to read this story as teenegars not as chıldrens because it is not suitable
ReplyDeletehi everybody !! unfortunately i missed the class because of my health problems :( i am so sorry about this :( but i ll learn what did you learn this week from my friends :)
ReplyDeleteyes I liked this weeks lesson :)there were known things such as robinson cruose and gulliver s travels this topics were not about love but more adventures of some people in other words the masterpieces were about adventures and I must admit I REMEMBERED MY CHİLDHOOD :)I have read robinson cruso and gullıvers travels when I was a child I thought that gullivers travels were real :))very comic..and actually in this restoratıon tıme some wrıters wrote unreal things but ıt is enjoyable indeed I liked lesson this week:)..
ReplyDeleteHi! This week, we talked about a lot of things such as political changes, different literary forms in Restoration Period. First of all, the novel looms large in this term. Its example, “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe has always affected me since I read it in my childhood. When I saw it again in this lesson, I noticed that I remember all of its details. However, I can’t say the same thing about Gulliver’s Travels. The topic of it is very interesting and funny. I think, it is a good book for children to read.
ReplyDeletethis week we talked abt restoration period...it has differences like novels satires...its more enjoyable than the other periods i think...and i saw novels,gulliver's travels and robinson crusoe, that i read when i was a child :)) they re still enjoyable
ReplyDeletehello to everyone!!this week was funny and entertaining..there were two works which were familiar to almost all of us:Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels..I confess that ı didn't read them in my childhood;but I just heard them and I had some information about them.in this week I learned much information..I thought during the lesson ıf I read them in early age,ı wouldnt realize they have satire I would only think they were very fun;but now I know they have another message..and ı think reading them in following ages of life is more logical to understand their messages...Amanda Teacher said the lessons will be more enjoyable gradually...this was really so because this week was more entertaining than last ones in this term..have a good evening!!
ReplyDeletehi everybody , fırstly ı want to say that ı enjoyed much more ın thıs lesson than the other weeks. because some of the subjects we studıed ın thıs lesson(robınson cruıse and gulıver's travel) are much more famılıar to me so ı lıked the theme :)and ıt ıs a funny sory of jonathan swıft .
ReplyDeleteHello. This week we passed through a time line of Medieval times in which the concepts "essay" and "novel" began to appear. First I was a bit furious about this situation. Anyway it is integrated in our lives now and relevant as much as the novel...
ReplyDeletehello buddies
ReplyDeleteIn this week,we enjoyed much because of Gulliver's Travels and Robinson Cruise.I didnt read these stories when i was a child but i like them.Especially,I like Robinson Cruise's helpfullness.In addition,In restoration era,everything changes.New literary forms we met...It seems to be prettier than old forms:)
Hi everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis week,we covered very funny and interesting stories,Gulliver's travels and Robinson cruise.I enjoyed these stories very much,in fact when i was a child,i read them and i liked them,but i dıdnt completely understand gulliver's travels.This story is complex to undrstand in the childhood,i think.cos,there are no such concepts as dwarf and giant in the childhood...
hi eveybody!This week was more enjoyable.Especially at the end of the lesson,we laughed very much to Gulliver.I liked his story very much.I didn't remember reading it.In those times everything was very different but it was a good thing to produce such beautiful works in spite of their difficulties:wars,diseases,fires...but they succeeded.These things always affect me very much.Despite troubles,being hopeful... :)
ReplyDeleteHello!The Restoration Period is a really different time.In Gulliver's Travells Jonathan Swift described his feelings of the English very nicely.It was ,indeed,very enjoyable.In fact,I read this book as a child but,I don't remember it clearly.I agree Gulliver on his thoughts of man's bad sides.I don't know why it happens.Anyway, it is best to live regardless of its presence.:)
ReplyDeletehi,everybody.ı am very happy because this week ı liked the course a lot.it doesn't mean that ı dont like literature,on the contarary ı like literature so much.but this week we left behind boring,religious subjects.ı found what ı want.ı learnt about art,life style etc.and there are interesting things about gulliver's travels in turkey where almost every children reads this novel.according to us it is an enjoyable novel,but its aim is not to enjoy people but to inform.ı am still looking forward to learning about jane austen
ReplyDeletehi this week we leart more about Restoration period.in that period literature had a lot progress, i think.nw literary forms appeared such as essay,journalism and novel , which i like best.we talked about Robinson Crusoe a novel of our childhood.i really enjoyed seeing it again.Jonathan Swift, a master of satire,affected me much.his way of using satire to critise political issues is very enjoyable.i had read Gulliver's Travells when i was a child and liked it a lot.after years reading it again in university was a beautiful experience for me..(i am looking forward to see Jane Austen)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.English literature journey is going on with Restoration Period.It is nice to meet literary pieces like satires,novels and journals and I think it is getting fun compared to previous weeks.Gullivers Travells was nice to read,Ihad fun,but I do not know why Jonathan Swift hates the English.The way he despises them is really funny.I wonder if the English are angry with him and read it with enjoyment...
ReplyDeletein the restoration time interesting changes occured,learning this changes about kings and parties entertainted me.another part that took attention is about emerging different literary forms such as novel and journal.these types of changes of literary forms provides me of paying more attention to english literature.
ReplyDeletehi everybody!ı liked this week because the subjects of this week are very enjoyable.'Robinson Crusoe and Gullivers Travels' Both production remembered me my childhood .and ı was affacted deeply.When ı read about them ,ı was very happy and this time ı felt very happy and excited again . l hope next week will be interesthing!!we will wait and see...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.This week we have covered the restoration time.Also,ı went to my childhood with robinson crusoe.I liked it so much in my childhood.and gullivers travers affected me very much but when we read this stories,we thought ıt is real:)we are learning alot of information about literature as time pass on.see you next lesson.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!I enjoyed this lesson very much because i learned both Robinson Cruose and Gulliver's Travels.I liked both of them very much:DTheir topics are different but very enjoyable.The most thing i like that Friday's question and Gulliver's style of extinguishing the fire.In fact my friend Oğuz guessed this event which is so and said me but i said to them don't be silly Oğuz but he is right:DWe laughed very much after learning:D:D:D
ReplyDeletehi friends!I really liked the course. It was very good to learn restoration time, but it makes me sad while listening wars, disease,disaster:( may be this was a punishment for them because they had executed their king!also the time of charles II was worth to listening the formation of two parties was very very very interesting their names r so funny:) if I lived in those time, I probably wouldnt vote both:DD another thing that ı found enjoyable and worthy is Gulliver's Travel -a good deed of jonathon swift. i liked listening it not because his way putting out the fire:) but because it took me to my childhood. While ı was reading it ı didnt recognized the purpose it carried cos of my age ı think:) but now ı know the meaning behind it.Jonathon Swift was really a super satirist:)
ReplyDeleteThis week I was a bit bored in the first lesson because the subject came a bit difficult,but I enjoyed the third lesson especially Gulliver's Travels.It was a funny story and his criticism technique was very different and also his way of extinguishing the fire was very interesting:)It showed that he was an intelligent man:)Actually Jonathan Swift was an interesting man:)I like him :)
ReplyDeleteThis class we learned restoration time.we mentioned wars,political parties(their names are very funny),illnes.they are very boring subject i think.i was bored in the first lesson but then we mentioned gulliver's travel and robinson crusoe.they are more interesting for me.when i was a child,i didnt read them but i will read certainly:)
ReplyDeleteThis week,we learned something about which we think that we know somewhat or at least heard in somewhere,but actually ı didn't know ıt has a satirizing aspect..With ıt's this characteristics of satire,ı got an idea that ıt resembles "Little Prince"very much,also in ıt there are many things symbolizing people..
ReplyDeleteThe part we read in the lesson was funny..One's,under normal circumstances,urine becomes a solution for a fire, and also Gulliver's reckless attitude is funnier than the act itself..:)
hi!ı wanna say that ı felt a bit bored at the beginning of the lesson,but we covered funny and interesting subjects.ı liked the Gulliver's Travels much more.In my opinion,the satire Jonathan Swift used-humiliating the English and honoring the Irish-is too much for a kid.the book dnt seem just a book.ıt tells a lot of things.And also The Great Fire of London is a very eccentric event. Blessing in disguise!Firtslly, there happend a catastrophe and then it helped to destroy an another disaster.Absoluately,we dnt know what the God ll do and when.
ReplyDeletehi friends this week we talked about restoration and early 18th century.it is political and a little bit boring.I am interested in Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver s Travels.I was already familiar with it.When I was younger I thought that Gulliver s Travels is easy to understand for children,but after this week I think that it is more complicated.It gives different messages.It is also funny.I hope next week will be funnier.
ReplyDeleteThis period is quiet different from what we've seen before.The literature was passionate before, but there are some interesting things like journalism,the essay and the novel now.Especially the novel is a new form,I surprised it.I think for most of us,the most enjoyable parts of the lesson were Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels.I've heard about them before,but I didn't read them,and I'm happy for that :) because ıf I had read Gulliver's travels when I was a kid,I'm sure I wouldn't have liked it,even now I can't say I like it so much.Anyway,I know something about it and it is good for me. :)
ReplyDeleteThis week,we learned restoration period.It is a bit different than the others.Especially,there is a man,Jonathan Swift.We read his work,'Gulliver's Travel'.It contains satire.When we read it,i enjoyed it very much.Especially,it is the time that Gulliver extinguished the fire in an inconventional way.He was proud of it,but Lilliputians didn't like it and it is very normal,i think.=D
hi everybody after an enjoyable course.. this week was a little bit different from the previous ones.. the themes are the journey and town lifes as se saw at the work of gullıver's travel..its some parts are funny and some parts are satiric..moreover the places and the people he saw are very different so the work is interesting..
ReplyDeletehi friends:)This week's subject was restoration and early 18th century...It is novel period and literature is continueing to be much more enjoyable:)The work of Robinson Cruose is a good one and in my childhood I read it and liked it:)And Gulliver's Travel..It was different from other works we learned,its satiric aspect got my attention...see you:)
ReplyDeletehi everybody.this week ı was very tired in the class because we learned a lot of things.it was good to hear about gulliver and robinson cruse.hopefully we know them.ı hope we learn more interesting things because ı started to bore in lessons xD
ReplyDeletethis week we learned two different subjects but ı enjoyed gullivers' travel's more. ı knew somethings about gulliver's travel from cartoons in this lesson ı learned more about it. this lesson was very enjoyable and effective for me. ı am waiting for the Romantic period..............
ReplyDeleteI can divide this week lesson into two parts.In the early times of lesson it was boring to hear about polıtics again, but afterwards these funny gulliver's travel and robinson and friday:)If I had watched the film of gulliver' travel.Also the way gulliver extinguished the fire was another comic scene:))
ReplyDeletehi everybody!! this week I liked Gulliver's Travels especially his style of extinguishing the fire :):), b'coz it is so fantastic and different. When I was child, I watched its film version and liked it. and also we talked about RObinson Crusoe.When we're talking about Robinson I thought What I would do if I were in his shoes in a lonely island. :S:S perhaps it would be better :P
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!We witnessed another different period literarywise ‘The Restoration’ and one of the masters of this period Jonathan Swift.In fact, most of us met one of his important works Gullıver’s Travells at our early ages and now we know its writer too.We were reading that book at primary school just to enjoy but we later realized that it also includes some important messages,criticizes.We saw in our last class that even now we are able to enjoy this story.I found his style of criticism different from others and quite successful.Also the story in which Gullıver was called to extinguish a fire was very amusing,made all us laugh for minutes:)
ReplyDeleteHi my friends!This week came us a different period:The Restoration!I must admit that ı enjoyed ver much.The reason is Gulliver's Travells.I also read in my childhood so ı am familiar with it but the aspect is different because of its satiric style!It has a lot of crtitism and that makes it very attractive :) ı wanna learn more so ı am curious about the coming lesson (:
ReplyDeletehi everyone!We had a more entertaining course.The works are familiar to us of course but ı confess that ı didn't read Gulliver's Travels. If ı had read it in my childhood, ı probably wouldn't understand the messages it gives.It's style-satiric- and having criticism make it attractive.
ReplyDeleteThis week we went our childhood with the Gulliver's travel.We had very enjoyable time.Nevertheless,I forgot some part of it.When our teacher narrated Gulliver's unpredictable and amusing action to fire,I laughed a lot like my other friends.By the way,I loved novel much more than everythig in literature and I am very happy for this.From now on, we will see novels in our lesson.
ReplyDeletehi everybody;..
ReplyDeletethe topic we mentioned this week had some familiar information and of course this made the course more understandable as well as making more enthusiastic. this kind of childish stories make our minds relax also at the same time we are examinig them from another perspective and ı really like it..
hi everyone! this week l couldn't help laughing at the events which were happened at the stories :))) For example, the fire was put out in such a way that makes me laugh so much..Robinson Cruose and Gulliver's Travels are very important and powerful productions, l think.
ReplyDeletehello everybody..this week's topics were very enjoyable and entertaining when compared with the other weeks:)we saw robinson crusoe and gulliver's travels..luckily i have read the two stories when i was in primary school so i was familiar to it before..i have read them with a great pleasure:))..of course,i didn't know the gulliver's travels exact meaning when read it in my childhood..some stories become more understandable as we grow up..the gulliver's putting out the fire was very enjoyable and funny so i laughed a lot:DD lessons are getting more interesting..i'm looking forward to next classes:)) good night...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethere is no doubt that "Robinson Crouse, and Gulliver's Travels" were among the most indispensable books of our childhood,i am sure lots of children liked them and so did i,but in last class, we learnt this Gulliver's Travels was not appropriate for children at little ages as it was written in a sarcastic manner and it had much critisism within.. so there may come a question in minds ' why did it among Children's Classics?
ReplyDeleteHi, we came across lots of new things as its name at this lesson. So it means that essay,our headache,emerged at this period:) I didn’t like the sight of literature “from the head, not the heart:(Crouse's dialogue with Friday was common but Friday’s wise question which Crouse didn’t find any answer, was really surprised me.And I found Gulliver's Travels very enjoying but before now ı really didn’t know its message. Fortunately i haven’t read this during my childhood:)..thanks..
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis week,we met Jonathan swift and his novel "Gulliver's Travels".As the novel was a part of our childhood,Gulliver's Travels took us back to our childhood years.His way of extinguishing the fire laughed me again:)I am looking forward to next lesson.
Hi.Those books were some of my favourite ones, but i don't remember how we understand these books at those times, as what it wants to tell us or as what i want to understand from it.The name Restoration really gives its meaning everything has changed.That subject was enjoyable i thing Romantic movement will be much more interesting.:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody:) this week we have seen new writing styles in english literature like novels,journels and essays. ı think english literature has begun to develop gradually.And this makes me happy because ı lıke these types of writing much more than poems.also charlesII whose father was executed didn't punıshed the everybody.this was also interesting.
ReplyDeletehi!Thisweek Gulliver's story took my attention mostly in the lesson. ıt made me laugh and enjoy. ı really liked his way of putting the fire out. =) Apart from this, other things we covered this week didnt attracted me too much.. the lessons had been much more interesting last term ,ı think. they are becoming more complex to understand and follow...
ReplyDeletehello.. we learnt Restoration period in English literature I like Jonathan Swift:)when I was a child I didnt read Gulliver's story but I learnt the real story and reasons and I laughed so much in the class:)but some thing in the story was really interesting for me actually I learnt new things again as before and I am very happy about this situation...I enjoyed with this topic and laughed but in the first lesson I bored a bit then really I enjoyed:)see you....
ReplyDeletehello everybody!
ReplyDeletethis week was really funny. i like gulliver's story very much it made me laugh a lot. and from the restoration period, satire took my attention most.
When ı was a child , ı watched a cartoon named ''Guliver's Travels''.It was really very enjoyable..Litlle and huge people were quite intersting and attracted my attention a lot ,even though , as Mrs.Yeşilbursa said, ı couln't understand the messages given which criticise socity..I just watched it with the eyes of a child (ı think it was better that way ),but ı couln't know ,ı will read it again as a lesson topic related to my departmant in the future..Life is full of surprises and we can not know what will happen tomorow and that's nice :)
ReplyDeletehi everybody!... this week we learned more about Jonathan Swift. When we read Gulliver's Travels ı couldn't help laughing because he put out the fire very strange and ridiculous way... ı think after thıs lesson ı begın to know real things about Gullıver's Travels and ı enjoy thıs week's lesson really much:))
ReplyDeletefirstly ı want to confess that ı don't like Gulliver's travels and Robinson Cruise and ı didnt read them when ı was a child.in addition ı think gülliver's travels are not suitable for children..for instance his stle of extinguishing the fire:)))ı don't suppose children can understand the concepts of dwarf and giant,too
hi everybody
ReplyDeletethis week was very enjoying and ı laern a lot of information about ruling system and etc...at the same time Guliver's travel is very funny especially the methot that he used to put out fire:)I also watched a cortoon of guliver's travel when ı was a child but the meaning it gave was different
ReplyDeleteI like this period in terms of rationalism. The works reflecting real facts has always impressed me. However, the ignorance of the imagination and finding it mad and wild is so weird. The way the reigning of the country is also strange-Three Georges.Moreover, Gulliver's Travels is a wonderful classic. Jonathan Swift reflects satirical facts in a powerful way.I have never thought in that way before this lesson,I had just enjoyed while reading it.Thanks to this lesson we can be more aware of the underlying thoughts of the works.
Hi..In restoration period, we witness rationalism in literature and we came across Jonathan Swift.his wonderful classic gullıvers travel is very enjoyable.it caught my eyes in terms of being satiric.ı couldn't read it before.
ReplyDeleteSorry for becoming so late!I can't find any reason fot that.I am an irresponsible student.Anyway:)The main character whom we have known as "Güliver" for years is probably a symbol.Why?Because in the environment where everyone is dwarf according to him,he becomes a good example of morality,however,in the environment where he is dwarf according to everyone he becomes a bad example of morality.Maybe not a symbol,but a subtle line.Bad-Gulliver-Good.The writer probably wanted to give some message with this,maybe he wanted to critisize something.Actually I enjoyed with this one particularly in the scene of stopping fire:)..
ReplyDeletehi everybody..the restoration period is the period which I understand easily.I like the period because I was impressed by the features of the music, art and also literature of the period.the pictures of the time are so realistic that they seem to be real.the book Gulliver's Travels is a good example of the time.but I've just realized that the book actually tells something different from what I understood in my childhood:)
ReplyDeletehi everybody...different literary forms appeared such as journalism, the essay and the novel. however, the novel has an important emphasize at this age. the stories generally criticise the people's morality.for example, gulliver's travel.