Friday, 30 April 2010

Please sir, can I have some more?

The Victorian Era was a period of contradictions. Some people prospered while others became poorer. Conditions for women became stricter in spite of there being a Queen on the throne. While science became more materialistic and the theory of evolution developed, people clung on to their religious beliefs tighter than ever before.

In terms of literature, the Victorian Era was the "Golden Age" of the English novel. Storylines became more intriguing and characters more unusual as the novelists tried to satisfy their audiences' ever increasing appetite for fiction.

Charles Dickens was a symbol of the times. He himself had a hard childhood, with his father being imprisoned for debts he was sent to work in a factory at 12 years old. We can see many influences from his life in his works. Oliver Twist , the story of the orphan boy growing up in a harsh environment, is one of his most popular works. Like all of his novels, it was originally written in installments for publication in a newspaper to be read by fathers to their families. The image of a starving, ragged boy going against the authorities and daring to ask for more gruel is one of the most striking in English literature. Of course Dickens' descriptions are rather exaggerated, as with a lot of literature. He aimed to bring the plight of the British poor to the attention of the politicians, which he eventually did, therby bringing about some very important changes in the social law of the country.

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  1. this week oliver twist took my attention during the class,i couldnt care the age's characteristics but the subjects about charles dickens was enjoyable. however i feel some exaggeration about conditions of olvier twist and his friends,i like it..

  2. we covered oliver twist and ı liked it.ı read it in its shortened form, but ı can't remember the story completely.I didn't know that it was written in a newspaper.ıt's sad of course that the boy has hard times in his childhood and is starving but it's little exaggerated.however ı like it.

  3. hi everybody !! unfortunately, i missed the course this week because i am in EAS congress :( i am helping there. i am very sorry about missing Oliver Twist :( see you next week by!!

  4. hello... this week I liked Oliver Twist.IN high school my english teacher told his life and I remebered somethings:)the class was enjoyable and I liked the lesson again.The story was sad especially the boy had very hard times this effected me so much..see you next week.

  5. hi.this week ı missed the class( like özlem ı was in eas cogress :)).so ı will make my comment according to the film of oliver twist.ı read and also watched oliver was so impressive that ı didn't fed up it.ı think he and also his experiences in his childhood are the symbols of middle english period.the young boy oliver is like a mirror of britan.thanks to god ı missed the class but ı didn't miss the story of oliver.

  6. hi!I heard Oliver twist a lot in my early ages ,but I did not know the story.I got worried during looking into the story;Oliver had a lot of suffer in childhood,Even a slice of bread was grudged from him.What a pity it was!When we look at the era,women were not seen as humanbeings at that age,and I realized how we are lucky from this aspect.Also,Charles Dickens' satirising the people was very remarkable...

  7. Hello my friends!I think,another age i will like...because there is Charles Dickens and their works.I had liked Oliver Twist very much,i had read this book,and had watched it in high school,and i read the tales of two cities.Oliver twist includes one boy's sorrowful life...As i remembered,children face was very sympathetic.I want to watch film again very much.I'm sad for boy:(Anybody doesn't want such a boy's life especially their childhood...Does you want like this life?of course,NO!

  8. Hello everyone.This week we learned Victorian Age and Oliver Twist.In this lesson two fact impressed me very much.One of them is Women in the Victorian Age.They used their husbands'names.It is very absurd and interesting.As Amanda teacher says we are very lucky,we have lots of civil rights.we can do whatever we want.The other one is Oliver Twist.In this story although there are lots of exaggerations I'm very sad because of their position.To sum up I like the story...

  9. This week we covered Oliver Twist and Victorian Age. Before the lesson, I hadn’t read the book or watched the film of Oliver Twist and I had no idea what it is about. But now I know that Oliver Twist is a story of orphan children. I liked the style of Charles Dickens. His exaggerations made me like the story. However, I must say that I didn’t catch all the things about the Victorian Age.

  10. Hi,friends!After this course,ı prayed the God that ı diddnt live in such a time.ı m very lucky:)Anyway,ı like the story of Oliver Twist n criticize the hard rules of Victorian Age especially about the women intensely.Actually,although a queen,instead a king,ruled the country,again the women were under the pressure.What a ridiculos,unfair stituation!Also there r a lot of exaggerations in the story so sometimes u say that it cant happen,but it s undoubtely necesaary to use satire to draw attention the society on serious problem.ı think Charles Dickens made a good job n the age seems to be not only more realistic but also open to criticims.

  11. hi!!this week our teacher mentioned victorian age.industrial revolution.crisis of faith,woman question,british empire.they are important aspects of this era.especially woman question is interesting i think because the women didnt have civil rights they were angels in the was so this era there were alot of changes in economically,politicially,religiously...etc.also we talkes about oliver is charles dickens's popular novel.the boy was in miserable was so bad.see you later...

  12. Hi class!This week I was absent,but I read the informations about the week's topic.It was really fascinating.I ama familiar with Charles Dickens.When I was at primary school,I gained cheque from my painting and I bought some books with my own money:)I bought the book of Charles Dickens.His life was very difficult,But he showed the sample of strong man.He didn't give up the wish of being successful.I want to be a person like him also.You said the time of contractions.For me it is always a big problem,the era is not important.We are not equal,if we were equal the success of Charles Dickens wouldn't be occured.The Golden Age is also important for the progress of the novels.I like Charles Dickens and his style.Because it is full of real descriptions,his thoughts shaped his writing style.He lived in a hard times,but it only gave him a magic power.It impresed me...

  13. Hi everybody!This week again I will start from a different point of view in my comment.Like in nearly all the country,human rights have always been disregarded by big people with big stomach of those conutries.Fortunately,people like Mark Twain emmerged to get rid of this anachronistic system and try to take BIG STOMACH'S ATTENTION to the this formatıon.As a result,he was successful in his aim.Don't forget that:Living that conditions will affect you in the near future which will give direction to your life...

  14. Hi everybody.How cruel the Victorian age was.No tolerance for people,ignorance of rights and more commintment to religion.An absolute paradox...Materialistic thinking may have affected the period.Anyway,let me come to novel.Charles Dickens novel of Oliver Twist already reflect the cruelty in some way.Poor boys suffer from the cruelty.Only a small bowl of gruel and no more...In an era developing fast was there shortage of food.A nonsensible way to teach boys religiously.Anyway it is a nice novel despite exaggretions

  15. Hi everyone.I missed the class this week because ı'm so sick.I remember the story from last year.It is like a good summary of middle english period.Rich people became more rich and poor people were going to die.I watched the movie.I liked it very much.It is so enjoyable.Good chance to everyone..

  16. Hello everybody!This week's lesson was about historical aspects of The Victorian Age.I felt sad about women again because there were no rights for them even to their first names.Now,the women are very lucky compared to the past.I did not want to live at those times. Moreover, Oliver Twist was a very good novel.I liked it, ı was very sad about poor child Oliver,he just wanted "some more" but at the end what did he see? "That boy should be hung." What a strange thing..and Charles Dickens showed it very good way.We can understand how bad that time was for children and poor..

  17. First of all I find the victorian time very strict.Women there take the full names of their husbands.Even in our country we have never seen such things through our history.
    As to Oliver Twist I would not want to be in that times' children's shoes especially after I heard that famous school.Also it was sorrowful to hear that Oliver wants more and they do not give him:(

  18. Hi class this week we learned about victorian era charles dickens and oliver twist. ı have a background knowledge about oliver twist from high school. ı have learned it in that time and ı liked it it was a tragic story. and as ı said berofe we learned about victorian era. In that times women had little rights we are lucky now but still there are women who had little or no right like in victorian era. knowin' this is very upsetting for us but still ı wound''t live in that times. I am lucky for livin' this era

  19. Victorian time composed of many contrasts in terms of economy,social status and beliefs of people.I don't want to live in those times because women had almost no place in the society.The conditions were very awful for them.When I heard it in the lesson,I'm worried about them.It was a big injustice.Moreover,I felt sorry for Charles Dickens's life because he was a difficult life.His novel "Oliver Twist" reflected the characteristic of those times well,but a bit exaggeration.However it was a good and interesting novel to read ...

  20. Hi friend!! we covered Oliver Twist last week. I have heard about it since my childhood but ı didnt read at all. Thanks to this course, ı can learn about it.:):) cause I really wondered the story.I read The Story Of Two cities (something like this ı cant remember the name exactly):)by Charles Dickens. I like the story of Oliver Twist.Actually,it was good for me not to read it when ı was a child because I am really sad about the story of orphans.I couldnt help crying for the story:(but I like it..Moroever, ı didnt know that the story was written in a newspaper.See you later..

  21. Hello!In my opinion,the Victorian Age is an unique age in that the attitudes towards women are still unpleasant although it is expected to develop more contemporary thoughts.Indeed,it is hard to believe things like that.On the other hand,the novel,Oliver Twist, was good.Charles Dickens's experiences on life must have had so much effect on himself that he needed to mention them.I was sorry for his unpleasant experiences.

  22. Hi everyone!.. this week we covered Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and l liked it because l realized how we are lucky when l saw his experiences on his life. O n the other hand, Dicken's way of telling story was a bit exaggrated although l like it...

  23. Hi friends.this week we have covered the golden age -victorian age in english language.and of course oliver twist .I admired charles dickens experiences.but there are some bad unpleasant experiences.
    Next week ,we will see together what will happen.

  24. What an unpleasant situation, while some people become rich, the others become poor.In my opinion there is still this extraordinary situation in our century.At this area, the political events give a shape to the literature.really there are some contradictions at this age. Although there is a queen on the throne, there is a restriction on women.In my opinion, all centuries have a famous writer,and this age's writer is Charles DICKENS with his breathtaking works...

  25. at first ı must confess that ı couldnt attend the lesson, but i read it when ı was in high school, and after ı read my friend's comments, ı could remember it better.Its really sorry to hear story of a child in a very. hard stutaions.when we think it tells someone's real life, it becomes more effective because you know that smn had this difficult time those times even if there is some exaggrations:)and another topic that there is a Queen, on the contrary restrictions to women.So contradictiory!

  26. this week was not as enjoyable as last week, but the story of olıver twist is really tragic the life of little boy is different from today's children.I thınk I couldnt have lived in that times if I had been oliver or one of his friend.ıf we had listened a movıe or short film about olıver twist, ıt could have been more enjayable than ıt was...

  27. yeap.. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens..What a poor boy's story:(I had read the book before and it really affects me.Everything is too hard for Oliver Twist to deal with them.Also the conditions of his life in the gloomy school(fortunately, there is a school like that no longer) make me sad..

  28. hello everybody!this week I missed the lesson because I was in my hometown.I am also sorry for missing Oliver Twist:(see you next class.have a nice day !!!

  29. hi friends! this week we talked about victorian age and charles dickens.I had heard about him,but I didn't read his stories.Oliver twist is a nice and sorrowful story.It effected me so much.There are some exaggrations.These make the story attractive.This week is a little bit emotional compared to last week,but it was good like other literature classes.see you next week...

  30. From the last lesson about Victorian Period what ı remember is the unpleasant attitudes towards women,which is not unusual also in today's world.Also,ıt is the Golden Age for literature.And we learned about Charles Dickens and his Oliver Twist..As much as ı can understand from the some part of the story in the book,ıt is a very sad story about an orphan boy and the incidents he had in the workhouse,he and his friends are suffering from hungar and finally the one who dares to want more gruel is Oliver,but the result of this request is not polite..Even this shows how he is treated there and says about his hard,sorrowful life..In his story,Charles Dickens may have used exaggaration,but ı think his story is absolutely from the real life,and ı have the book and ı want to read it in the near future..ı liked the last lesson..

  31. Hi!I!ve know some of Charles Dickens'works and I like his style.Oliver Twist is a great story, but of couse when people read it,naturally it effects them becauce we see poor children's lifes in it.Oliver Twist has a very difficult and even unbearable life.He faced so many difficulties in life although he was just a kid.Yes,may be Charles Dickens used some exaggeration,but it shoul be used to describe exactly what he saw and how he lived. Charles Dickens' another work A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite actually. I hope we will talk about it in our next classes.

  32. hi everybody!that week you covered this topic I was at home and busy with some health problems so I couldnt attend this course.Because of this situation I cant make comment however I understood that there were some historical topics and charles dickens.Iread the book olıwer twist in my childhood but I dont remember enough knowledge.

  33. hi, i liked the 'Oliver Twist'..i think the rebellion to the starving is an impressing theme, but of course there is some exeggeration about it..anyway it is good job of Dickens, i liked it..

  34. Hi.. Last week , the thing attracted me mostly in the lesson was woman question because women didnt have civil rights and this was really irritating. and moreover ı liked the story of Oliver Twist about the poor childrens life in workhouse.

  35. Hello! That lesson was about a poor boy's sad life story named Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I knew it from my childhood anyway.Oliver Twist's sufferings are very tragic. He is a very unusual little orphan boy, different from all his friends. Charles Dickens' style with many exaggerations is very impressive.

  36. hi... oliver twist looks like Turkish films.ıt is so sad and sorrowful.ıf ı wathed its film version ı would cry.however ı didn't like it so much ı don't know why...

  37. Unfortunately ı missed the class... but ı believe that the lesson was cowered nicely because every week we come across different aspects of english… I know limited things about Oliver Twist but ı like it:)

  38. ı missed the lesson that week... but ı know Oliwer Twist from my high school years... but ıt is limited.unfortunately that's all.

  39. Hi my friends!Last week we covered Oliwer Twist by Charles Dickens!He absolutely reflects the real features of the period.No rights for women,social and economic contrast etc...It is a sad story that ı would not want to live in those times.People were facing with many difficulties.Altough Dickens used some exaggerations,they are from real life unfortunately :(

  40. hello everybody. we learnt something about the victorian age, and actually Oliwer twist and Charles Dickens last lesson. I liked the Oliwer Twist's story. If I have time, I will read the book. and I want to add that I think women in these days are very very lucky if we compare with the past. As you know in the Victorian age women had little or no rights. I'm so suprised and upset for those women..

  41. Hi!I'm sorry for not attending the class last week.I learned some about Oliver Twist from the blog.I remember the story of him because I had read the novel when I was in primary school.It was a fascinating story.I was sorry for poor Oliver's suffering experiences as a little child :)

  42. Hello everybody!
    This week,we covered Victorian Age and met Charles Dickens and his novel "Oliver Twist".
    In Victorian Age,women used their husbands's names.It is so nonsense..This makes us think that ıt is just as well that there are women who protect women rights.
    See you next lesson...

  43. hello everybody!
    "Oliver twist"Charles dickens's novel,ı heard it but ı didn't read is an original novel in terms of reflecting its ages age features.. there is a bit exaggeration , we accept:))but life is cruel:(and even in those times it was more difficult .for example no rights for women it was frustrating..

  44. The fact that the Victorian Era was problematic in terms of being worse while other people prosperred doesn't really bother me.I am also not interested in the Queen's tougher duties and her people's religious beliefs.What I take into consideration is that how these events affected the style of the writers of the period.Charles Dicken's novel 'Oliver Twist' is an example of that.While other people lived in good conditions,his father was put into the prison and he was forced to work so early and these factors have affected the way he wrote his novel.He wrote about an orphan boy who was trying to survive.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I think the type of the novels of the writers like Charles Dicken should change immediately because I want to see something that is full of more adventure.Fiction also would be fine,but I am glad to know something about the novel 'Oliver Twist'. Why did the writer choose such a surname?.Maybe it was chosen to tell the strugglings of the orphan boy.Maybe this surname represents his destiny.Anyway,I would like to know about such novels,and I also want to read the entire novel if I can get the book from Mrs.Yeşilbursa.Every time we talk about a novel in the classroom I feel that something is missing.The missing part is that we don't read the book.Of course this is only my thought so I myself,really want to read some of the novels we talked about.Life is full of surprises.Maybe I will write a novel after I inspire from the novels I am going to read and take my part in English literature.I am not kidding,I am serious.

  47. Hello everybody!
    We looked into Victorian era this week.It really consists of contarsts and involves four important factors.Especially,this one of them-women question is interesting.Women have no civil rights although they are considered as 'angel in the home'.This is upsetting :(
    Oliver Twist and his life is also sad.He had to struggle these difficulties in a very early ages.We also see these difficulties in his works.

  48. Hello everyone...
    Please remember that the reason we have watched some films - whole or extracts - is to complement the readings we do in class. They are NOT substitutes for the original work in anyway, and they are definitely NOT shown just to entertain you!

    I'd also like to say that I'm glad some of you want to read some more of the works we have discussed in class. Remember that the nature of this course - three hours a week to cover the major periods of English literature- does not give us enough time to read whole novels together. You will have this chance next year in the Literature and Language Teaching course next year.

  49. hi friends!!! This week we learnt Oliwer Twist by Charles Dickens.Although he wrote it in an exegrating way,ı liked his style.He can attract people's attention with this way.ı think we are very lucky to be born in this time and in this country:)) because Oliwer Twist's experiences are very difficult we must know our lfe's value...see you next week

  50. Really,i would like to see different writers and various works of them and also agree with Gülçin and Teacher. I have been interested with literature,too and for other interested ones it will be very enjoyable, i think. If we mention the writer, Charles Dickens, i want to say i have had a sympathy of him.I came across his name in highscool,we read the summary of his novel 'David Copperfield' in class and i liked it much. The writer's style remembers me the type of writing of our some writers. He is really successful in reflecting the feature of the term in which on the on hand is both Golden age for literature and the life of England and on the other hand is poor lifestyle of the others. Oliver Twist is good Example for that and sorrowful one for humankind. it is also very bad and surprising women was deprived from their natural rights.. Have a good day.

  51. Charles Dickens explains us poor childrens life perfectly.I read his another work David Copperfield,but I do not remember completely.In addition, I want to say that I love this topic a lot.We learn things that we would see in real life.This topic is also dissapointing.A poor child,rude teachers and various kind of people are in this story.However,C.Dickens finished this story with happy ending and this is very nice.After upsetting events,this makes us happy.

  52. Hello everybody:) last week we covered Victorian Age and Charles Dickens.I really like Charles Dickens works.When I was prep school in highschool I read Great Expectation and it was really impressing.Also At later years I also read Oliver Twist.It was very sad story but of course perfect work.In fact we shouldn't surprise the sadness of story because Charles Dickens also had a difficult childhood and he reflected this his works.

  53. Last week, we covered Victorian Age and Charles Dickens. His story “Oliver Twist” was about a boy who had hard times in his childhood.This story made me upset, but the writer finished the story with a good ending; which made me a bit happy. As for the age, I wouldn’t want to be a victim of that age because women were not given any importance in that era.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hi,I missed the class last week, ı read the Oliver Twist; but ı didn’t take the same pleasure in lesson.By the way theory of evolution took my attention beside literature at this period:)I didn’t read Oliver Twist before, but it takes people attention with its style and, it is a usual issue; sure writer wrote this usual issue arrestingly at this age.I like it..thanks..

  56. Hi….
    This week we covered victorian era and oliver twist .generally ı liked it but there is a bit exaggeration.for example poor boys coudn’t find a piece of bread.when we compare the women in that time, women are very lucky today especially women living in Turkey

  57. hello..
    this week we covered Oliver Twist's work which was about a orphan boy.. itwas an orphan boy's story and it was very effective and sad.. the story was like real but as well exaggerated.. at the end of the story the boy was lucky and rich.. it was very hard times i thing the time you became rich then you became poor suddenly...
    see you...

  58. hello..
    this week we covered Oliver Twist's work which was about a orphan boy.. itwas an orphan boy's story and it was very effective and sad.. the story was like real but as well exaggerated.. at the end of the story the boy was lucky and rich.. it was very hard times i thing the time you became rich then you became poor suddenly...
    see you...

  59. Hello everybody,i couldnt attend last week but i have some ideas about this topic.Firstly,in this era,everything is more difficult for women.They have no freedom.I feel sorry for women who live in this era.In addition,Charles Dickens mentions social problems in his masterpieces.Certainly,he is conscious about social problems because of his harsh childhood.see you next week:)

  60. hi everybody...oliver twist.. i had read the book when i was in secondary school..but i couldn't remember it until we saw it last week:) the boy's stuation was very miserable.. i felt unhappy when i read it.. his condition was very miserable:( he wasn't allowed to eat as much as he wanted..women were also ignored at that time.. i think we are very lucky to have been living in this era..freedom is really important for a person to maintain a happy life.. see you..

  61. hi everybody last week we covered Victorian Age and Oliver Twist from Charles Dickens.i had read it when i was in secondary school and i remember taht i was very sad while reading i see that Charles Dickens used exaggerations to impress the reader and to convey the message he wanted to give more effectively. i want to read the novel again in its original to compare my feelings about it.i think people should read the novels and other literary works periodically because our perceiving of the world changes through the is also enjoyable to read the things which we had read in our childhood.

  62. hi everybody.last week we covered Victorian Age and Oliver Twist from Charles Dickens.i had read the novel when i was in secondary school and i remember that i was very sad while reading i see that Charles Dickens used exaggerations to impress the reader and to convey the message he wanted to give in a more efficient way.i want to read the novel again in its original form because i want to compare my feelings towards it.i think people should read some novels and other literary works periodically because our perceiving of the world changes through the time.also it is enjoyable to read the same works of our childhood.

  63. Hi everybody.Our topic was Oliver Twist.I had read Oliver Twist before tihs lesson.It was very efficient book.I couldn't find same taste in the film.However,it was also very good.Charles Dickens uses his literature very effectively in this story.I was like living in that period while ı was reading Oliver Twist.what a chance for people!Victorian Age gives birth such writers like Charles Dickens..

  64. hello everybody...This week's topic was Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.As many of you did, I also read it.But I haven't watched it yet.I think Charles Dickens is one of the most successful writers of the age.That's all for today:) see you next comment..
