Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The War Poets

Hello everyone...this week my post is really late! It must be the effects of the last week of term. Anyway....
This week we read and compared two poems written during the First World War. Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier" is a sonnet presenting an idealistic view of war, and he used a lot of words we would not usually correlate with the topic - flowers, rivers, the sun, friends, laughter. Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est" captured the more realistic aspects of death in a war where new weapons were being tried out. Perhaps by modern standards it seems very naive, and perhaps not very shocking; but at the time it was written it caused quite an effect. Still, I think, it has a certain power.


  1. hello! now we are coming closer the final weeks. I am excited and also nervous because of exams.So far this course has run smoothly,very effectively now I wonder if there will be enjoyable course next year :( (I don't think so )and it is time to make a comment.like everybody I don't like wars but this war is universal and in our literature there are millions of works mentioning the first world war.so my curiosity becomes double.I like both of the poems but ı found second realistic poem better than the other.Brooke's poem was very naive than it should be it was a bit lie,indeed.but again ı dont know why,maybe beacuse of my nationality when I read both of them I couldnt feel very strong feelings.see you...

  2. When we were asked if we liked the poems or not,most my friends in the classroom said yes,but how can a poem which tells the suffering of the innocent young soldiers be liked?.When we read the poems I felt anger for the bloodthirsty people who are responsible for the war instead of feeling sympathy to the poems.That is what the poems made me feel most.

  3. this week i feel depressed during the course however i know that war is the reality of life conditions i was bored while we were reading this poems and talking about bloody wars. morever we realize that there are certain differences between two poems because of the different lifes of the poets. one of them lives in real war but the other one is only thinking about it and write the poem.they give very different emotions to the poems. i hope we will finish the term with nice topics next week =)

  4. Helllo, everyone.This is last week and then exams.I'm very exhausted.Last week,we learned war poets.We read two poems last week.One is Rupert Brooke'poem,the other is Wilfred Owen's poem.I don't like wars like most of people,but unfortunately this is fact.Rupert's poem is different from the other.It's about victory and courages but other is reality.It shows us the bad sides of wars when I read that I feel bad,upset.I hope,there is no war in the world...

  5. Hello friends.English literature journey is coming to end.And now topic is war.A ceative way to evoke the patriot feelings of soldiers.But what about the realities of war.Rupert Brooke has no mention of it.War is not like flowers,laughters,friends,rivers...Thousand of souls are lost due to a bloody weapon.And this is reflected in the poem of Wilfred Owen.Such a topic like war would most suitable to his poem.Realities...

  6. Hi everybody,we come to the end of the term,and ı am very excited and anxious.This week is very emotional and attractive.We saw two different poets who wrote poems about war.One of them is realistic and other one is idealistic.Brooke is volunteer to be a soldier because he didn't experience such a sitation,he wrote according to people's speech.Whereas Owen went to a battle and see how soldiers are poor and in difficulties,so he says that if you see how miserable soldiers are in battle,you wouldn't say them to go to battle.I am not sure who is right.It is very debatable subject.That is enough for this week,see you...

  7. ın thıs lesson I undertood one more time that everthing depends on fate. we see two dıfferent poems, they are really tragic. and one of the poet who supported the war died before going to war and the other who supported the peace died in the war. this event impressed me so much because what would happen in the life is obscure. shortly, thıs lesson a bıt enjoyable. and I hope that our last lesson will be the most enjoyable lesson at this term:):):)

  8. This week we heard different opinions about the war.In war times,some supported the war,some didn't.The supporters had some reasons for that For instance;victory,martyrdom,patriotism and courage were important reasons for fight for the country.Rupert Brooke wrote the sonnet in a positive way,so it was full of patriotism and the importance of martyrdom.Also the images such as dream,peace,heaven,happy,laughter represented the positive side of the sonnet.On the other hand,Wilfred Owen wanted to show the real side of the war and its' result.He expressed the bad effects of war and he tried to make people give up sending their children to war.I liked his poem much more than Brooke's because he avoided from wars and also he wanted people to know the realities about wars...

  9. hi everybody.. this week we are going have our last lesson :( next week, we saw different types of poets which were about war.In these poems there were two different personal views. i liked the poems very much. they were very impressive.. see you tomorrow byee !!

  10. hello everybody this week we saw the war poets and I liked the two poems especially the second one.It was really good,realistic and effective.The name of death is always horrible.I enjoyes in the lesson with the good and national feelings but I felt bad when I thought the death and young persons.Of course everbody hate wars this lesson was full of information again.See you tomorrow:)

  11. hi,every one!this week's topic was different from the others with its "war" theme.I liked the Owen's type of writing because he reflected the real side of the war contrast to Brooke.Brooke's style may be more impressive with its nice theme,but I am for the reality due to the fact that it shows that the war is actually a painful and dreadful thing.Also,that Owen satirised the things was very effective and drew people attention in a different way...see u

  12. The War Poets,one side tries to make war more acknowledgable through its spiritural aspect,the other side says about the things which are the realities,results of the war..
    Of course no one wants war,but in the condition of one's defending of his/her country,unfortunately ıt could be the last solution..Brooke's sonnet seems as if it is just an idealistic,but ı think ıt is also important because ıt mentions the spirit,love one should have for his country ,so he could do something even fight,join the war for it,whereas the Owen's poem tells us the negative,very miserable conditions of war..ı think both of them mention right things according to their views..

  13. hello everyone!!This week ı felt very depressed myself because it is impossible not to be stressful when even the name of war is heard!!Furthermore, when ı compare Brooker's poem to Owen's one, ı find realistic one is more attractive and nice..ı must say that there is no sweet side of war or good side like this..If the title is WAR, wae can not mention this..therefore, l like Owen's poem most. He talk about war as painful and bloody and so on. However it mentions the love of country and nation.That is all:)But fortunately, we can end the year with a nice topic, ı hope:)see you...

  14. Hi!Two different poems and two different poets...One of them tells about the war with its bad side of it.I think,the people should not be cheated saying the war is good.The poet shows it very clearly.On the other hand,the other one tells about its good way,but the poet does not know the reality of the war such as the soldiers' difficult situation..I wish there is no war in the world and people live peacefully forever... :)

  15. hi.. we saw the very opposite two poems and poets in the last week. one of them told us about the good sides of the war and another one told about the good sides of the war because he did not join the war, he did not know actually the fact side of the war. ı dont like the subject actually because ı dont like the wars.. ı prefer the next week's topic would be more entertaining....

  16. Hello everyone!
    This week, we read two war poets. They were very different from each other.Rupert's war poem involved some romantic images such as flower,love,dreams while Wilfred Owen's poem consisted of real war events,deaths.However, I was little bored in the lesson because of wars,bad things and deaths...

  17. hi everyone!this week we have last lesson,unfortunately because really English Literature course was very enjoyable and we learnt many things about literature.Thanks teacher...last week we saw the poems about the war.Both of the poets had different personal views about the war.The poems were very touching,but I didn't like the subject because I don't like the wars.Even its name is bad.I hope this week we see very entertaining subject.See you next week:)

  18. hi everybody...two poems... two poets...each of them looks the same war from different aspects from different windows..rupert brooke's poem encourages people to go to war however wilfred owen's poem shows the realities about war.their death shows why they look from different aspects.

  19. hi everyone this week was a little bit boring because wars do not interest me and have negative affect on me so ı was bored in the last lesson.There were 2 different poets and one of them is supports and the other one does not.ı like the one that does not support of couse ı hate wars and like that everytime ı prefer peace ...

  20. hello class... at the lesson we studied the war poets.This topic is very exciting and taken from real life.For that reason, it very breathtaking. there are two poets and one subject. Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier" and Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est". their poems are about war; on the other hand, their opinions are different.Rupert Brooke's opinion is idealistic, but Wilfred Owen's opinion is realistic. In my opinion, Owen is true on his ideas because he has experienced the spirit of the war. he was in the war. Hovewer, Brooke has not experienced that situation, and he only realise in his mind. Owen's poem studies the reality of war.

  21. Hi everybody! As you said,we have come to the end of this fall and this last lesson's subject made me remember a real example like this poem,but ı could only watch, not read it:SAVING THE PRIVATE RYAN.All the young soldiers witnessed all the bad things while their friends were dying.Seeing them in that position affect other young soldiers during thier lives and cause them to tell 'Why didn't we die with them or take place of them?'.However,in one of these poems, Ruppert used a lot of words we would not usually match with the topic (flowers, rivers, the sun, friends, laughter)..etc.This is my last comment if I don't get a grade that will make me fall.Since the beginnning,I have told that I am the derogative commentator as you see in all my comments.SEE YOU PEOPLE! Take care of yourself...

  22. Hello everyone. This week we took the last course of this year. We learned two different war poems. I liked the second poem much more. It’s Owen’s poem. It shows us the real and bad sides of wars. Although I felt very depressed while reading the poem, I learned about the wars. No matter what happens, wars are always bad. The solution shouldn’t be starting the war!

  23. Hi everybody! Firstly, that lesson's subjects were different from the previous ones.This week we read two war poems and two different attitudes toward wars. I can't decide which one is the best because both of them are highly successful considering different view points. This is my last comment, I will miss this English Literature course:( Time to say Goodbye...

  24. hello!this week we learned two different war poems.one of them consist of idealistic ideas and the other realistic.ıt is owen's poem.this was our last lesson.good lucks everybody in final exams...

  25. hi everybody, ı liked the topic this week especially the poem which was written by wilfred owen, he tried to show the people realities of the war. and also ı want to say something to Rupert Brook, he encouruged people to go to war, but''War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it'' ı think even the worst peace is better than the war.ı mostly interested in the war rather than the poems, ı just thought the people who were suffering from the war, they were hopeless, but the most important thing is not going to war but causing of it...with respect to the martyrs...(no war)

  26. hi everybody... this week was a bit boring for me because i don't like wars and everything about them.. we saw two different poems which aren't similar..but whatever it is, it is war.. lots of people are dying for nonsense reasons..i wish we could stop it.. see you next year:))

  27. Hi everyone!Yes,we saw this week Twentieth Century,WAR CENTURY...In fact,this century is not my century:)My century is Nineteenth Century(Victorian Age)There are Charles Dickens and Bronte Sisters...In 20th Century,we see Siegfried Sassoon,Wilfred Owen,Rupert Brooke and Rupert Brooke's War Sonnets.Rupert Brooke used idealistic approach about war,in contrast,Wilfred Owen used realistic approach about war.I think,Wilfred Owen had the best approach because topic is war,and this topic is a serious topic.Furthermore,it is hard to see optimistic aspect of the war because of blood,corpses,wounded people,sadness and so forth,isn't it?As I said before,Wilfred Owen's approach is better than Rupert Brooke.

  28. Hi, Two poems were technically super:) Rupert Brooke showed us how to write a poem not by living but feeling it:) His death shows us this too.Surely, Wilfred Owen's poem was the real aspect of war.He pictures the war with unseen aspects.You see when you read the poem that;"Yeah, this is the real war not just by the soul, but as well with the real body..thanks..

  29. hi friends..This week'S topic was different and more serious from the other topics. "WAR".It wasn't as enjoyable as the other ones.No matter how it is written,war is so bad and harmful to the people:(wilfred owen's poem was realistic and it shows the real aspect of the war. ı liked two of the poems... this is the last comment of mine :(see you :)

  30. hi, this week's topic is about the war that i don't like, i prefer more enjoyable subjects:).'The Soldier' catch my attention because of the strangeness of the words in the poem..anyway the end of the year comes..it was good to meet English Literature..

  31. Hi everybody!
    This week,we have read two nice poems.Buti have to confess the poem by Robert Brooke doesnt show me the real conditionsof a war.This poem is very interesting,becouse instead of telling blood,death,weapon,injury, fear...,it mentions flowers,rivers,sun,heaven,laughters...The second poem by Wilfred Owen affects me more,i think,becouse it shows the real conditions of a war.By the way,this is our last interpretations.Byeeeeeee:)

  32. Hi everybody.Last week was really different from the other ones.I think the topics were not interesting,but they were worth to read.For me the poems were successful.The description of the war scene was also good.I normally don't like these topics and this made me bored also.Robert Brooke thought everything in a good mood,but it was totally wrong of him.I like the topics of flowers,sun,rivers;weapons,fear etc. not for me:D The sonnet style was really good,it affected lots of people and now.Teacher last week You said:Next week the topics will be more attracting,but unfortunately these sorowful topics are the last ones:( Thanks for everything...

  33. hello everyone,last week we covered our last topic...and our last topic is wars.I hate weapons,blood,injured people because of wars,Therefore i dont like this topic.However,certainly this is real life,isnt it?Despite of the topic,i love first poem:)It's different from the topic:)Anyway,everything was good,thanks Amanda teacher:)

  34. hii!!this week i couldnt attend the class because of my health problems.i heard the topic from my friends.it was related to war.i dont like wars:(it is last one.sharng ideas about the topic s is good.thanks for all...

  35. Hi!This weeek's topic was good.I liked Wilfred Owen's poem so much.Although it exaggerated some aspects of the war, it seemed to me more sensible.I think the facts of life must be recognized.Otherwise one may damage other people.On the other hand,the poem soldier was perfect,but it was done in the way the other poem was written so the common way wasn't found in my opinion.Anyway,both of them were good.I liked!

  36. hello everbody
    last week we read two war poems from different views.like most of the people i dont like wars so i was a bit bored while reading them.the poems were different from each other i cant say which of them was better because both of them were successful and nice.this was my last comment of the course.i really enjoyed and learnt a lot from our literature course.i hope we have such enjoyable courses next year.see you eveybody..take care of yourself.good luck in final exams!!!

  37. Two different writers , two different sides to one topic;war.The topic itself is a bit depressing and boring although there was two different approaches to the topic.By the way it was our last lesson. it is nice learning literature from Amanda teacher;))

  38. Hello everybody!
    This week,we compare two poems(The Soldier by Rupert Brooke and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen) which were written during the first war.
    One of them is idealistic whereas the other one is realistic.Although realistic one tells the bad sides of war,ıt was so sensible.

  39. Hi all..
    The War is really hard to comment and it is hard to think in terms of literature,too as it makes me feel upset like everyone,but I can say that that two poems written in the war time were impressive with their different styles from each other,though. I can't make a comparision between Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen with their poems. I appreciated both of them as they gained people different point of view: with one we can see the real and sorrowful part of the war and with the another one, we can see the love of country,the bravity and brotherhood. Nevertheless nations are not nice to be obliged to war no matter what reasons there are...Thanks,teacher and good luck all with the exams.

  40. This week we have covered our last lesson.And this term ends ,too.We saw two different poems on the war that ı hate. But the poems were good. ı liked the first one much more.
    See you next sömester .goodby everybody.and thanks teacher.Goog luck all my friends on the exams.Have a nice holiday...

  41. hi..ı couldn't attend this week's course.as ı read comments,the topic is related to warı can say it is boring topic for me ::) have a nice holiday ,thanks ...

  42. this is the last comment by me:) so I don't make any comment about the course or lesson.As you know the final exam is waiting for us.I hope we all pass the exam. good luck to everybody..:)

  43. hi everybody! this week we learned about wars I don't like wars, indeed:( but ı am really curıos about what happened ın the wars and never can be optımıstıc to them.I like both poems but ı found first poem better than the other one, both poets were very succesfull. everythıng was so good thanks to Amanda teacher good luck...

  44. these poets made me think wars are harmful to both sides.and in both sides whoever wins there are sad people.and we always see there are poets after the wars.

  45. hi fellow, The Victorion Age and different topics and ideas to be examined..The writers explained the war in different view.One of them Rupert Brooke's poem.His thoughts are very different,imaginative and very optimistic about the war.However,Wilfred Owen's poem shows the real aspect of war.I like the latter one because it reflects the reality of war..

  46. hello everybody!! last lesson we have learnt about wars. I always wonder what people feel in the war and how they tell and convey their feelings. I think it is not easy as we imagine, because In the wars Everyone has lots of feelings and thoughts such as fear, anxiety.. With these kind of feelings, whatever people write in war, I think they are to be well worth reading..

  47. this was the last week.. and the lesson was about wars.. there are very different feeling in the wars in people's mind i think.. it should be the most difficylt, hard and sorrowful thing..it cannot be thought by the people who didn't see a war..
    i hope that your final exams will be goog.. see you next year..

  48. hi!! this course, we see two different views of two poets about wars.To be for or against...ı always hate,critise wars especially,for example,just only for the sake of a country or a society.I think the wars in the past seemed logical,but for this era, if there re still wars in some parts of the world,even though humankinds have made a lot of technologic innovations,we are still like little children not knowing what to want.Another anology for a war s that there s a game played with the world,and there are also losers n winners,but
    when the game s over unexpectedly for the googdness of a side,be ready for a bloody fight!!!Yes, unfortunately, the scene s like that.Actually,being for or against s relatively changable situation so one day u agree ,another day vice versa.Anyway,trying to live under hard conditions,suffering from bad results of wars...poverty,violence,exploitation...the God keeps us from these!

  49. hi...We read two poems last week one of which was Rupert Brooke'poem,the other was Wilfred Owen's poem.Rupert's poem is different from the other one.It's about victory and courages but other is about reality.It makes us see the bad real facts about war.Actually I like hearing something new about history, on the other hand I think if only none about blood and war would happen:((

  50. hello everybody.this week we saw the positıve and negative sides of war with different literal works.It is very tragic that there were people who supported the war.Even there are literal works for the encouragement of war.I dıd not like this.But there are also works which show us the real side of war.I wish there wouldn't be wars anymore and we don't have to read literally work about war.

  51. Hi!Firstly,I want to say that I didn't like the poets because I don't like read works related to war.They were bloody,disgusting,boring and depressing.We analysed two different sides of the war-realistic and idealistic.In my opinion,war is always a bad thing causing great losses from not only loser but from victor also...

  52. Hi! Nobody like the wars of course but the poems were really effective and I liket them very much. When we read these kind of poems,we can understand people's feeling in these war times,so they are important for historic information as well.The two poems are different from each other but in both of them we can feel the spirit of war.Hope people don't have to write the poems about war again cause they don't see another war in the world.

  53. Hi everyone:) these works are really effective.Especially soldier poem.I like war poems becuase it gives me differnt feelings.People fiht for their country and give their life for their country.Hero comes from ı think.Sorrow teaches the people how can come up with hard situations.Good chance to everyone:)

  54. hello everybody, in fact i did not like the poem.i believe Rupert was a believer and a admirer of loyalty to a home country. i think he felt it was important and honourable. possible he looked up to people who had the courage to die for not their own desires but for the good of others. but also i think his opinion was mangled and determined by prior propaganda to make his enlist with the army. by not experiencing the horrors of war i think he did not fully understand the pain, loss, frustration, anguish, tiredness,and all the other feelings felt by soldiers who have experienced that. however im not sure if he would still think that it is honourable to die for ones country or if he would reccommend it. :S good luck to everyone.

  55. Actually I don't understand this poem very much. ıts language is very difficult. we tried to explain the meaning all together but it didn't give any emotion to the poem. If I were an English I could understand it well. The idiom or expressions were different.But Patriotism is a very good feeling and people's writing poets for their own country is very proud
