Hello everybody, and welcome back after the winter break.
This week we left the Elizbethan age of tolerance and prosperity and entered the Interregnum period, following the civil wars between the supporters of the king and those of Parliament.
With the Puritans in power, English literature changed greatly. First of all, the theatres were shut down because the Puritans believed them to be immoral places. Thus, there was no drama written in this period. While the Cavalier poets, supporters of the king, continued with the "carpe diem" approach to life, the literature was dominated with much more serious works of political and religious significance since the Puritans needed to justify the execution of King Charles and the establishment of the new form of government - the Commonwealth.
One of the prominent literary figures of this time was John Milton, considered as one of the greats of English literature along with Shakepeare. While his works could be the subject matter of a whole sememster-long course, we only have time to look at a very small part. The text we looked at today was the "invocation" of his epic poem "Paradise Lost".
The text is difficult to understand because he used Latin syntax, something for which he received a lot of criticism. He starts by calling for (invoking) the help of a muse to start his ambitious poem, or his 'adventurous song', which aims to acheive what no other poem has attempted to do, or in his own words, 'while it purues things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme'. He also calls for help from the Holy Spirit, because his ultimate aim in writing this poem is very difficult - to 'justify the ways of God to man'. As a pious Puritan, he wanted to tell the people of England that there was a purpose to human suffering on Earth - only by suffering could humans regain their place in Heaven.
Notice the Latin structures: "what in me is dark illumine" cf. "illumine what is dark in me" (i.e. teach me what I do not know"
and "what is low raise and support" cf. "raise and support what is low" ("help me to do what I cannot manage").
The following quotation is also important as it shows Milton's Puritan beliefs: "O Spirit, that dost prefer before all temples th'upright heart and pure" which means "O Spirit, that prefers the worship of a pure, honest heart to that performed in extravagant temples". Remember that one of the things Puritans opposed was the extravagance and excessiveness of the Catholic Church.
Difficult? Intersting? What did you think??
hi,everbody.ı can say that ı missed this blog and writing here.first of all about literature, if ı tell you that ı am disappointed by the literature ıt can not be lie.because ı was expecting that theatres would develop and better plays,dramas occur.but on the contarary they closed theatures and there was no drama.ı am shocked.thanks to god some brave men made good job such as milton.his strong pious belief influenced his works.ı think he is right in opposing the extravagence of the church,because church and kingdom spent money tactlessly.ı am curious about his education since he writes in english but in latin syntax(his latin shoul be well enough to write in that form).how did he learn only during university years?
ReplyDeleteHello Arzu - it's nice to see your comment so soon!
ReplyDeleteJohn Milton was extremely well-educated. As young as 12 years-old, he would read extensively from 7 in the morning to midnight. He received an education from Cambridge University, which at that time gave education in Latin, so his Latin was perfect. He also knew Greek, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish and Dutch.
Hello!This week,after Shakespeare's term this subject was a bit different.There was no theatre and drama I think,It was very bad thing because the literature shows us the situation of the people and we can understand about people's lives.What did they do or what did they believe?Nevertheless it was written a lot of things and people learned about the king and the parliament.Moreover religiously,poems showed them the pureness of belief.John Milton was one of the most important things that imressed me.Despite losing his eyes he reached his aims.This shows me not to be hopeless.Paradise Lost was very beautiful and long.He wrote it very perfect.I didn't understand all of it but I could understand the essence of it.The muses that Milton used were very strange.We don't use them today.Maybe there are some people who use them.Who knows? :)
ReplyDeletehello to all,its nice to be here again.It was a bit different lesson.After Shakespeare learning Puritans cause to feel a bit tension.
ReplyDeleteBeing powerful enough to cause people not to write any dramas and not to play on stages! and those powerul ones were Puritans! they prohibited some from writting but they permitted some who explained why the King was executed.It doesnt sound very justice.
As for John Milton he is a newest man i think because for the first time he doesnt find the "muses" adequate , so he calls for Holy Spirit to help him to write the thing that hasnt been written before.i think its challenging! he is also cultivated and an idealist writer! i like him because he believed in himself and tried sth that hadnt been tried before!
hi everybody,first of all ı wanna confess that after a beautiful break studying John Milton was not so easy:)anyway we saw that english literature changed its way that it used so much.it was not good to close theatres n there was no play, but there were lots of written in support of the killing the king.what a big contradiction is this!... ı was filled with admiration for John Milton because he was so determinent n ambitious, despite his being blind he wrote his poem in his mind and he tried to write something different from other poets. It was impressed me so much.he didnt use rhyme in his poems,it can be so, but the idea behind it was interesting! he thought that rhyme was for entartainment but we r here for worship:O he was really a strong Puritan... also using latin syntax made the text a bit difficult to understand but still it is a different pleasure to read it...g.arslan
ReplyDeleteHi everybody after a long time!Firstly, I want to say that on contrary to most of my friends,I didn't get bored in this lesson because of my longing to literature.However,I accept that it's difficult lesson from the first lesson in this term.In addition, the syntax of this period is difficult to understand easily.And this forced us a lot.Because we are not familiar to Latin syntax.Now,I wonder that what waits us in later times to learn willingly=)
ReplyDeletehello everybody...actually i dont like both turkish and english literature :S so i got very bored in this lesson. john milton is very successful i think cos he wrote pages of poem and he kept it his mind but after romeo and juliet its really hard to understand...i hope the coming subjects will be easy enough to understand =)
ReplyDeletehi everybody after a long tıme ıt ıs nıce to meet agaın :)ı agree wıth all of frıends except my dear songül , ıt ıs a bıt borıng to learnıng purıtans after shakeaspeare . because ın fact ı dont lıke lıterature , ı only lıke ıf ıt ıs a bıt enjoyable but ıt seems that ıt wııl be a bıt hard thıs term :(
ReplyDeleteHi,everybody!we are back again with our comments.This week we began with a difficult poem I think.The poet's style is a bit different from the others,but it is nice to see that type of poem and the poet is very great because he read a lot day and night;consequently he lost his eyes.Despite this unluckiness,he had such poems by keeping them in his mind;it is fabulous.In addition,I wanna say politics always had some effects on arts through the history,I wish Arts would be continued without such pressures...
ReplyDeleteHello everyone.I'm looking forward to writing blog.I'm enjoying very much while writing.This week we learned John Milton and his poem.I think ıt's very difficult to understand,but ı liked it's topic.It's very interested.It is about Adam and Eve.This affected me very much. Because I'm interested in this subject.I know their story.I read it before.As for the English literature ın this era,ıt's a bit stressfull.I'm expecting a colorfull poems after ı read Romeo and Juliet.Now ı'm wonderıng what happens...
ReplyDeletehi!!!i really miss this lesson ın my holiday, and in thıs lesson i enjoyed so much when ı learn these ınformatıon. ı m ınterested ın cıvıl wars and the sıtuatıon of lıterature ın thıs tıme.but closıng the theatre dısappoınted me. because thıs thıng is bad for the lıterature. ın general ı hope to leasrn much more ınterestıng thıngs about these subjects of englısh lıterature.....
ReplyDeletehii everybody !! i missed literature lessons so much !! and it come back :):) after shakespeare , we saw a new poem style which is a bit difficult, but it is really good :)during that time so much pressure on literature that is so bad :(
ReplyDeletehi everybody !... after Shakespeare's poems ı found Mılton's poem's subject so different. ı think John Mılton is as great as Shakespeare also he is really brave because he wrote poems durıng the perıod of tıme that there was no drama wrıtten and theatres were shut down and ıt ıs very marvellous ı lıke ıt...
ReplyDeletehi everybody!... i thınk John Mılton's text is difficult because of his using Latın syntax and so it makes hard of its understandıng. ı found ıts subject really interesting and fine. he mentıon relıgıous subject and it attracts me ...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.English literature journey is going on again from the place we left...And Civil Wars Puritans.John Milton.The effects of political and religious effects are dominant in this era.I think it causes the literary pieces to understand difficulty.John Miltons -Paradise Lost is difficult to understand but has deep meanings in itself.Only if there were dramas in that era so that we understand more clearly.No criticism for the subjects but anyway we shold be respectful for their religious beliefs considering the lack of theatres dramas to illustrate the subjects
ReplyDeleteAgain we are together how nice:)This term first lesson came a bit complicated with wars,changes.I found Puritans strange because their lifestyle was very different and difficult I think but I love one of their belief that was related to extragavance.I think it is harmful for humanbeings,but their closing theatres was very damaging for literature.Finally, John Milton is very interesting because he wrote his poems Latin syntax to be different and prior to others,it was a strange behaviour...
ReplyDeleteWitnessing the Elizabeth I's period with properity,welfare,peace and also developments in literature,ı see this period as a decline in terms of both politically because of the conflicts between monarchs and Parliaments and liteature which in some degree affected by these..and this period's main character is John Milton,he is a well-developed poet,his Paradise Lost has a subject which is interesting and related to the Fall of Man,ı admire this types of poems trying to say something important...
ReplyDeletehello everybody I couldnt participate this lesson this week but I really miss this blog for writing I was absent but ı saw that we are going to leran important persons and wars in English literature wars were very exciting.... I am very excited this term again:) I am waiting the lesson godd bye see you evrybody...
ReplyDeletehi everbody!!! we havent written here for a long time..ı missed English literature:)ı want to congratulate Milton.What an everlasting desire to read and he was well-educated.It must be the reason of his writings. Furthermore, he is very brave to write in a period that ıt was'nt allowed drama and poetry.ıadmired him.All ı can say that ı want to be as well-educated as him.One more thing,we can also see the effect of politics on arts. I think it was very bad. ı am waiting coming lesson:Dsee you
ReplyDeleteHi ladies and gentlemen!Again in a blog for our ideas,expreessions,expectations...etc.We have to know that this term teems with more complex poems and their syntax.In the world,you can ban something that expresses people's ideas and their desire to access to better formation but you shouldn't forget that you can not counteract coming to existence of their ideas as the person doesn't die or be killed.This is the John Milton's braveness and intelligence that resist the formation of that times.
ReplyDeletehi everybody!! we're here again :)first of all I want to say that a hard term waits for us in literature :)what a talented and perfect man, as I understand from Amanda teacher's comment, John Milton was very talented person b'coz he could speak lots of languages such as Latin, Spanish, French etc and also I like his desire to read. I hope one day I read as much as possible he read. :)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!I also couldn't attend first class.But I have read what was told in the class.I think english literature is getting hard step by step.I saw john Milton using Latin in his text.And this makes us understanding difficultly.John is very talented persons and using his braveness and intelligence.Not allowing dramas is a new event in English Literature.We had accustomed to dramas:)Anyway,it is all.I m looking forward to coming the next class.see you:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody,after love stories and golden age of elizabeth, these subjects came to me a little boring and maybe more difficult to understand when compare to previous courses =)and of course some points in the course are very interesting and amazing for me such as milton's life and his very long work =)the most important part that i like is the puritans ideas about being modest and pure in religion i love them very much except their closing theatre and being against to entertainment and arts :)
ReplyDeletehii everbody:)Again we are writing here..There is a subject different from the subject we studied last term.With the changing leader,queen or king,the literature changed.I think the Prutian thought very differently and I don't like some of them.However,I should say I like their thinking about praying without anybody between God and people.And ı admire John Milton because he was very determined and in spite of difficulties he wanted to say his opinion and to instruct people:)
ReplyDeleteIn this course i learned interesting things and some of them make me smile especially puritan's bans in entertainment such as sunday games,christmas,easter etc:)and actually i had hard times to understand paradise lost like my friends.milton's and other puritans' seeing the rhyme as an entertainment came to me very different i didn't see the rhyme like them before this course :)
ReplyDeletehi friends,we are here after a long time.first of all ı was shocked to hear that the theatres were closed and no drama.ı admire JONH MILTON because of his rebelling against the king.we looked at the paradise lost(epic poem).it is very hard to understand,but it is very nice and meaningful.he was blind at 44,but he continued to write the rest of this paradise lost.it is very interesting,he is very emotional man.I wonder the rest of it and what we will see next week.:)
ReplyDeletehello again,we started this term by learning some wars that were exciting for me.Literature have changed,but I liked this changes because we will learn really interesting informations.John Milton for instance,I didn't know anything about him before but now I'm curious about his life and works.He has different ideas about satan and heaven.The most impressive thing is that although he was blind,he wrote very long.He is very special and successful man,I think.I want to learn more about him.
ReplyDeleteHello!John Milton and the age when he lived is really very interesting.I liked him in some ways.One of them is his ambition for success.Nothing in his life stopped him from becoming a real poet even though he met a lot of difficulties.It is really amazing.Considering his aims, he managed to write a nice poem,attracting almost everyone.His perspective of life is an example to us,who think that life is pointless.I really admired of his thouhts.
ReplyDeletehello everybody i know i'm a bit late:(after a good holiday we have started a new literature course.this term i believe the works we're going to study will easier than the others because of their language is more understandable.in this week i got confused because there are a lot of historical events and people i had never heard.and the subject of the poem didn't draw my attention so i was bored.i like entertaining and romantic poems.for example i could find these features in romeo and juliet;my favorite poem.
ReplyDeletehello my friends and my teacher again after a long holiday time .by the way ı miss writing blog ,too:)this week we met with John Milton and his poet . I think he is a fantastic man not because his courages but also his feelings even if he has blind times.and this attracts me so much.like me he attracted everyone ın his time with his poems .and according to me he managed his aims,too. thanks to his poems we see latin syntax.next course with new informations see you everybody..
ReplyDeletehello everybody:) after Shakesper we started a new era.ıt's different from previous era.because theatres was shut down.ı couldn't understand the reason.anyway.there is another man in our course.john milton.he is different from other poets in terms of his writing syle.He doesn't use rhythm in his poems and it's very ineresting ı think.to be honest,ı didn't like ıt.Also his using latin syntax is also difficult to understand.ı hope ı like it soon
ReplyDeleteHello friends!
ReplyDeleteFirstly,i want to mention Puritans.I love their attention about religious but it's not good that there is no theatre.When we look at John Milton,i like his poem.However,It's so long and i have difficulty with understanding it.To sum up,last lesson complicated!:)
Hi everybody!
ReplyDeleteI want to talk about some oppositions of Puritans.I think they are completely faithful to their religion,however,it is too much.They exaggrate a little.ı think people also deserve enjoying themselves.They dont accept it as far as i see.Only religion isnt enough in life.there are many nice things in life other than religion.By the way,religion is of course a necessary thing in our life:)
hello friends:) I think this term will be a bit more confusing:(Time is passing and like everything there are changes in literature,too.We started with the subject 'Civil War'.When we look in terms of literature,I was suprised that the theatres were closed and there was no drama :(It is a bad situation especially in that times because theatres enlighten the people and they are necessary for development of a society...And the poet John Milton.He affected me with his love to reading:)How can such a person like reading so much:)Also he was succesfull in writing.Despite the obstacles he came across,his not giving up the writing is so effective:)Also his poem 'Paradise Lost'is good and he is quite succesfull in telling his thoughts and ideas.. Thats enough:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody!
ReplyDeleteit is nice to meet you again. this week i got confused because of the historical events but i should confess that i didn't study fot these topics before i came to class. it was very good to listen the historical events from our teacher but they were confusing and i had difficulty in remembering them. i think it would be better if i have a look at the book before classes.
hi everybody... After a long time we are here again with our comments:).this week we read the john milton'poet.it is very interesting even thogh he is blind,he could write such a poet.ı think that he devote great care to writing otherwise he couldn't.at the same time i can confess that it is a bit difficuld to understand.
ReplyDeletehello again! it seems to me that this lesson was a bit difficult when it is compared to other previous ones in terms of some political issues like civil wars, conflict between the parliament and the king and so on.I admired John Milton as he was so powerful in spite of his blindless.Also I need to state that it was a pity that the theatres were closed and no drama any more. That was a great loss in terms of public education,I think.
ReplyDeletefirstly hello to everyone,my dear teacher and my friends.as my other friends said,I missed writing on this blog.I confess that even in the holiday ı opened this blog and looked for whether my teacher had added something or not;but naturally she hadnt added.Now we started to write again and ı am glad with that...I couldnt attend the class this week;but ı read the comments my friends wrote and I worried about this semester..ı am looking forward to tomorrow's class..ı missed amanda teacher's lecturing too much.see you and have a good evening:)
ReplyDeletehello everybody! after the semester holiday we again started to write comments.we were watching films and have fun in classes but this week was different.ı thougt ı must study more.and ı understood this term in literature is complicated ı hope it will pass soon =)
ReplyDeletefirstly hello eveybody... it is very nice to see my teachers and friends after a long time:)i couldn't attend the class last week unfortunately:(i wish i had attended because i read my friends comments about the last week's class,and as far as i see this semester seems to be more complicated and difficult..As read my friends comments,the theathers were closed:(i think it's a very miserable situation because in some degree,theathers help people to enlighten, and also they had a good opportunity to pass their spare times with full of fun...there is a man called john milton and what is surprising for me about that man is that he is blind but good at reading and writing...it surprised me a bit when i see that.. And i think this requires a very good skill:))see you next class.. Good night:))...
ReplyDeleteHi friends..We've had one of our best lesson ,haven't we??I'm talking about John Milton..he is very different ,according to me.What makes him different from others is his understandingof life,looking life from a different perspective ,or his being aware some facts of life maybe..I searched more about him after the lesson and It is very efficent,I must add..
ReplyDeletehi everbody.This is the second time ı take this course.I think in this period civil wars are so important because they changed the history.It was very bad for the england to closed the theaters but some man done vey good job especially John Milton.His works are great for the literature.I like paradise lost very much.Good Luck to everybody!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehello everybody;
ReplyDeleteunfortunetely ı couldn't get the chance to attend the class last week and ı tried to learn a bit what was told during the course. It seems that we are moving on with a new period and it is very different from what we learned so far. Also some new names are mentioned like john Milton. Though this period seems a bit complicated ı hope this course will continue to be a joy like it was and I'm lookin forward to it...
I wasn't here last week but Zehra told me who is John Milton and Paradise Lost.I think,in this period,there are very different thoughts like their thinking about praying without anybody between God and people and there is another thing that ı liked it which they don't like more exaggeration,they like plainness and naturalness.Ishould say I'm sad about not developing and occuring of plays,dramas and theatre...
ReplyDeleteHi..last lesson we mentioned john milton and his poem :( it is too long and a bit difficult to understand.he used a remarkable and literary touch.Also disappearing of theatre,dramas was an important loss in terms of both term's people and us...
ReplyDeleteHello everybody. It is nice to meet here after semester holiday again. This week unfortunately we had finished Shakespeare’ s term. John Milton was different from that. Altough I didn’t enjoy much more firstly, but after reading the poem “Paradise Lost”, I got curious about it. John Milton wrote it well I think. I was surprised at learning that he wrote a lot of pages of poem. Now I am curious about the other poets and poems.
ReplyDeletehi again it is very nice to see Literature lessons again.l think this term will be a bit hard because the subjects and the productions of writers are hard,but ı think John Milton is as interesting as Sheakespeare and l liked his braveness and his poem.l wish good luck everybody!
ReplyDeleteHi everyone! after a break, we met together on our literature class again.. Apart from Shakespeare, John Milton is so different from him as a style. Maybe Milton's well education is an important factor in this degree.l am looking forward to learning about new interesting products...
ReplyDeleteHello eveybody!Last week started our course with Civil Wars and Restoration. we saw england as a country in political and religious unrest.puritans'pure and very strict style of life was very interesting.i want search more about them.i had difficulty in understanding John Milton's Paradise Lost.it is a new style of poem for me.it is about the fall of man from heaven to earth.we know this event with the perspective of İslam.i see that it is somehow different in Christianity,but mainly same.Paradise Lost has invocation part he calls Muse for help,it is very interesting ad different.
ReplyDeleteI was absent last week so I can make a comment accordıng to what I heard from my frıends.The poems that were written were difficult.And considering the era he lived, John Milton was absolutely as brave as nobody else could be.He was not afraid of being critisized or killed in spite of the power across him while telling his thoughts.If there had been some people like him at that time,they could do something easily together.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody in a new term..
ReplyDeleteFirstly,the subject was new for us as some friends said,too,so it was complicated for me from time to time while listening..For Puritants,the one nice is that they avoid from extravagance and adopt a pure lifestyle, but it is bad,annoying,i think, they affect the literature so harshly and put a barrier to writers for producing works.As for John Milton,i really impressed his being so talented and productive in literature.It is also very amazing and admirable that firstly he wrote‘Paradise Lost’in mind as it is so long and then he made his girl write it down..(if my memory serves me correctly from last class)
hi.. we are together again after the break for one month..Last week, we came to an age that is different from the age we studied last term..Execution of the king is very offensive ı think.. and with executıon of the king, everything was changed, literature was changed.. And story of Adam and Eke was really interesting ı think. ı learned somethings ı didnt know about them and that is what attracted me mostly in the lesson..
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to meet you and the blog after a long break.I am thankful for this blog.Thanks to it,I have a chance to learn my friends' ideas,emotions and etc.We talk about Puritans with their pureness of worship,John Milton and his poem "Paradise Lost".For Puritans,the most important thing in the world is worship.They live just for it and try to earn the heaven.I find exaggerated because we are just people not angels.As for John Milton,despite of being blind he wasn't weary of life and he wrote his poem in his mind.What a achievement motive!
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ReplyDeleteHi:))After the richest and prosperous period of Elizabeth I, it disappointed me how literature changed greatly in a very negative way. And one of the surprising event for me at this time is that Charles II reinstated as a king, very interesting..As to the poem; it was really difficult to understand i admit that too, but only john milton, blind but well educatedd and ambitious poet could have written such a good poem and his calling help from the Holy Spirit is one of the thing attracted my attention; as far as i remember any poet didn’t do this before:)thanks..
ReplyDeletehello!!after a long break it is nice to write:)we learned puritans and john milton.he is very clever man but his poem is a bit complex for me.i think the story of adam eve and satan was very interesting but i think shakespeare's play is better..:)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody! Like most of the old literature art we can see the effect of religion here. Before coming of humankind to world it was the Garden of Eden but after that it became the corrupted world of humankind.This was said a lot of art of civil war period to express the effect of the war on people author write this kind of literature art. Paradise smbolize the garden of eden here. The effects of civil war lasted a long time. and a lot of books and poems were written about it. one of these are Lord of the flies. like this poem it was written to show the effects of civil war.
ReplyDeletehi...now we continue our literature course beginning from Civil War.There're some points which take interest of me.One of them is Puritans's being aganist rural and court culture.I'm suprised that theathres were closed down.Another surprising thing is John Milton's success despite being blind.His poem we read is difficult for me and i think he's right for opposing the church, it's extravagence.
ReplyDeletehi everybody again..this week was a little bit difficult because we could not understand the john mılton's work very easily.i should confess that if the teacher did not explain his work 'paradise lost' i could not do it easily.. and after Elizabethan age there are many events , incidents wich are affect the people very much such as wars.i want to say that when i learned a king was killed i was shocked..i am curious about what we will learn in the follwing weeks..
ReplyDeletehi my dear friends!
ReplyDeleteI was absent last week unfortunatelt but as far as ı was told,we sre dealing with a new period after Shakespear.John Milton,what a clever man he is,but a blind man, used a difficult style to understand so I think we wont enjoy as we did in the last semester :(
It was obvious that the parliament and kingdom wouldn't come to a conclusion together so I am not surprised they happened to fight.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first heard about Puritan style it sounded nice in terms of religious beliefs but the fact that they closed theatres and banned
such things is unintelligible.John Milton may be right to use blank verse because it is important to get the message across instead of
using rhyemes.His epic poem Paradise Lost tells people that worship is actually a part of people's lives and they should do it in a simple and pure way.This idea isn't hard to understand but the way he writes is a bit difficult for me.
hello everybody!last week ı was absent but it seems we encounter a new and different term,john milton after shakespare terms.a want to learn more and wait curiously:)
ReplyDeletehello everybeody!last week ı was absent but it seems we encounter a new and different term,john milton after shakespare's term.ı want to learn more and wait curiously:)
ReplyDeleteHi...What attracts to me attention the most is Puritans'perspectives of life. I think they re right in some ways.That they live strictly is nice,but it is necessary not to exaggerate about it in my opinion.It s good that they ignore about excessivenes.The only thing ı disapprove of them is their act of killing of the king .Althoug they re aware of how they should behave, ı think it doesnt make sense that they do it.
ReplyDeleteHi,everbody...I was absent in the last lesson unfortunately.However,as ı learned,it is a bit different.No dramas,no theatres...It is bıtter.I think,such good works shouldn't be banned.These are not thought as apart from human beings...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody...I wasn't in lesson first week;but from the comments and the knowledge I can easily understand that it was really a cumulative of eye_catching events.A lot of things became on earth,we should pursue them patiently.The view of ordinary people is good CARPE DİEM...but to where does it go? :D Latin syntax is as if returning to ancient times.The language of intell,igence and loyalty...No thetre no drama.WHY? For me this people didn't think in detail.Which language can give this nonsense reason????
ReplyDeletehi.. ı wasn't in lesson first week too.as ı understand from book and friends john milton is very very ambitious .his being blind because of reading a lot is an example of it.ıf we compare him with today people and with today easiness we should appreciate him.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone..Like some of my friends I couldn’t attend the class and missed some important parts of the class.As far as ı learned and read from my friends’ comments it is a bit different and difficult topic.So I will try to cover the topic on my own if I can :)
ReplyDeleteSo everythig has becom as it was before Elizabeth.Puritans prevent theatre and some kind of writings, but some writings like John Milton are not bad.I like it.The way he is starting the poem is interesting,He calls holy spirit for help
ReplyDeleteEven if the poem was written in Latin structure,it was not difficult to understand I think.And it is good for me to be able to understand a poem in English because when I was reading the poems of Shakespeare,I was about to become depressed."why cannot I understand these poems?" or "Don't I know English?".The theme of the poem is a very familiar one which will never lose its popularity."We came from God,and we will go God,we should behave as God wants and in every situation we shouldn't give up hoping" well something like that.One of the things which catched my attentiom is that there are a lot of secret meanings behind the lines and it is enjoyable to try to understand what the poet tries to tell us.Like a puzzle...
ReplyDeletehi eveyone..ıt is now a new term and as some of my friends I didn t attend this class so I missed some parts of the lesson but I hope from now on I will attend and make comments:))
ReplyDeletehi everybody..I couldn't attend this lesson and I couldn't write any comment until today because of some technical problems:)but I read the comments and I saw some had difficulty in understanding but some didn't.though almost everyone liked the poem.I am much more experienced about this course as I took it last year:)so don't worry this course is really ejoyable and full of interesting poems,songs,books etc..good lucks:)
ReplyDeleteat this period, political events have got an important role. In my opinion, a literature must deal with the literary situations, but most of time it deals with political evnts, too. after Shakespeare's term, literature got a new form which includes political strugles but not mostly literal works