Carpe diem! Seize the day! The motto of Renaissance England, where life was too short too waste even a minute.
Now we're in the Golden Age of English literature-one of the richest periods of time for the art in England. After years of religious unrest during Henry VIII's reign and the ensuing short reigns of Edward VI and Mary I, the long reign of Elizabeth I and her love of poetry and drama was an ideal environment for the likes of Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and, of course, William Shakespeare to blossom.
The Renaissance, a cultural rather than political movement, had started in Italy over a century previously. Chaucer had started to bring French and Italian literary styles to England, and this increased in Elizabeth's time. The notion of love, courtly and divine, was being dealt with more widely in English poetry. The Italian sonnet of Petrarch- a 14-line poem with intricate rhyme schemes devoted entirely to the subject of the unrequited love of a melancholy lover for his lady- was popular with English poets such as Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare.
This week we read two such sonnets: the first, a sonnet in a sequence called "Astrophil and Stella" by Philip Sidney, who discovers he was looking in the wrong place for insipiration for his poetry - "'Fool,' said my Muse to me, 'look in thy heart and write'";
the second, a sonnet from the sequence "Amoretti" written by Edmund Spencer describing the courtship of his wife: "My verse your virtues rare shall eternise, And in the heavens write your glorious name."
The idea of immortalising ladies through poetry was common in the period, as we shall see with Shakespeare later.
hi,ı wanted the first to write a comment here because ı realy enjoyed in the last lesson.Firstly, ı find King Henry is very interesting.He changed the religion of the country to divorce and marry to another woman.He married six times.He had two daughters and one son.Elizabeth reigned fourty five years.We can understand that Elizabeth was a good and humanist queen.In fact, she said'ı will punish my public for their bad deeds, not for their beliefs'.Furthermore, she valued the art(poetry,plays,drama).In brief, ı admired her a lot.In addition, the developments in Renaissance helped the people become conscious for every aspect.ı liked the sonets, too.There was a melancolic love.ı liked the sonet 'Astrophil and Stella' more.The writer searches poems of another poets,but he cant write anythig.Finally, Muse tell him that he should look his heart and he writes easily.I was realy influenced because there are few people to express their loves with poetry today:((All these subjects were exciting to me.I am happy to learn about them:):)
ReplyDeletehi firstly l am very curious about Henry vııı and her daughter Elizabeth .When ı watched the movie 'the other girl of Boleyn ',l wanted to learn about them. ın class l am very happy because ı will learn them.and everything about them effected me deeply.ı felt l had lived in that times.
ReplyDeletehi everyone...the thing we learn in the lesson and the video we watched were very interesting.ı learned lots of fantastic events from that video. ı wish we had watched the whole video but anyway ı will find and watch it someday because l am very curious about the rest of it.:)
ReplyDeletehi,ı can say that it was the most enjoyable lesson in literature.of course ı liked heroic poetry examples such as beowulf and morality plays 'everyman' but now everything chanced;history,beliefs,creed in fact era chanced completely.and movies it is impossible to dislike or ignore such movies.durig the lesson everybody ask something about Elizabeth,the other boleyn girl and the king's marriages.ı think this curiosity and interest isn't for literature desire,it is just because we want to know king's interesting life and choices and also his wifes.you can call it as gossiping:)an finally sonnets.ı cant say that ı liked it very much.because ı liked elizabeth era so much that ı didnt concentrate on elizabeth.all ı can say that ı would be such a queen:((
ReplyDeletehello,after all ages,we came Renaissance age that i like very much.Especialy Shakespeare.Wow.This week we learned renaissance age.In this period,i was very affected of Henry and his wives,son,daughters.Especialy,Elizabeth.In this period there were some changes for example about religion.There was a conflict about it.Humanism emerged.ıt s very big event.as well, we learned two sonnets.One is Astrophil and Stella and the other is Amoretti.In Amoretti the love is mortal but by writing you can immortalise it.ı like very much this sentence.i think it s true.In the another poem the writer wants to express his feelings with his writing.in fact i lıke them very much.
ReplyDeletei watched the film 'the golden age' before and i really loved it.but i didn't know much about the elizabeth.now we have learnt the elizabeth period itself and film started to make more sende to me.i am planning to watch it in order to understand clearly.
ReplyDeleteand sonnets...wow what a huge love they include...after reading sonnets we girls was like 'oh,c'mon,i want a lover like him,too!!':) i wanna read more sonnets and i think everybody should read in order to understand how love was pure and deep at that time
hello!!this week the class was really enjoyable and excited for me.I was sometimes shocked:)especially HenryVII:) This man was really a strange person I think he was also ugly:)the women who married him were not lucky.They are lucky for only financial and about king:):)Henry VII wanted a boy but he had one.Atfer the boy he lost his wife ''Jane Seymour''I think because of his thought and behaviours God punished to him:)I didnt like him in fact.His lifestyle was no good and he had no good deeds:DA bad king he was.I liked ElizabethI she was very beautiful and attractive and also natural habits.When we watched the film I am really excited I want to watch it full screen so I will buy the cd:)In the classes I love the visuality so much.Always I want to see this things:)Thank you teacher....I want to add something about the poems we read.They are really meaningfull and fascinating.They are short but full of emotion.I like them..... see you...
ReplyDeleteSo unlucky was Henry VIII i think.he married six times but we should think as if we were in his shoes.he was a king and he wanted a son of his to reign the country,and he tried until he had a son:))To me Elizabeth treated wisely compared with Mary because she took care of greatly her personal revenge.as for the poems women in that times should feel lucky themselves since they had great lovers of them:D
ReplyDeleteFrom now on,Elizabeth is my favourite queen:)She brought peace to the country and she didnt torture to the people.However,i dont like Mary I,she was heartless like her father! By the way,what a man-Henry VIII- 6 women couldnt make him happy!:)Anyway,I hope there was no king like Henry in English Literary;)
HELLO!I think henry vııı was a very dictator king.how a man he was! he married six times just for having a son.he was also a murderer as to me. he accused his wife, Anne boleyn,of deceiving him with other man.Although she was innocent,she was killed becouse of not giving a son to Henry.Anyway,I dont like mary, the daughter of henry.She was like her father and she was a torturer.Elizabeth,also the daughter of henry was the best queen,I think. She brought peace.more peace, more happiness:)
ReplyDeleteHello everybody.while we are making a journey on english literature now our present place is Renaissance times.All the fights blood violance are now back.Poems for ladies,love,romance are some characteristics of this period.Elizabets reign coincides with this period.I think this is better compared to Mary.Assume what kind of this period would have been if Mary had reigned in this period for a long time-a hearthless woman-Altough the themes are a bit boring for -we boys- we can read some pieces for our lovers.Why not?
ReplyDeletein this lesson our subject is really affected me because ıt defends carpe diem i mean the aim of my lıfe :D i thınk people should struggle for only seize the day and ıf they accomplısh thıs ı m sure they ll be never sorry about their life. the lıfe of henry VIII was so hectic for me. ıf i was a man(kıng) ı would have the same life:D but ı wouldn t kill my queens. finally, ı m really ınterested in sonnets, especıally "Astrophil and Stella" ıts mean ıs so sweet ısn t it?? :D ;D
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!This lesson was a bit different from the other ones for me.The historical,religious and eventually literary context were changed a lot.This difference maked me say 'oh finally my voice was heard by someone else:=) 'Because the topics are very well like melancholic love for a lady:Loving loving loving...The life doesn't consist of only love;but loving a lady platonicly makes this passion more efficient.And also art in every aspect was developed day by day.Renaissance gave this development a way to become real.There are 2 important poems:Astrophil and Stella and Amoretti.The message of the Philip Sidney is to teach writing is a inspirational spirit of human.Listening the heart and acting according to this!I really wanted to read and learn about Shakespeare;I read a book of him.It was excellent.I am looking forward...
ReplyDeleteHi!King Henry...what an interesting man!I didn't like him actually.He seemed he could do everything for women but he could waste them easily as well.He changed religion and married many times.Unlike Henry,I liked Elizabeth.She was brave,impressive and beautiful.I've watched some movies about Elizabeth before,and I liked the movies as well.When we see the movies,I think it is easier for us to understand their lifes and ages.They are useful for information.By the way ı liked the poems.They have deep meanings. :D
ReplyDeleteHi everbody!This lesson was very enjoyable for me...we learned about the real person s lives.It made me consider how a king can change the literature of a country;namely it s style of thinking and writing properly.I did not like the rulling way of Mary.She has bad personality.It reflects the rulling style of her.By the way iLiked the poems very much.They are realistic and full of information.See you next lesson.BYEEEEE......
ReplyDeleteHi!This age is full of innovations as its name suggests.Above all,it is Henry VII that is very interesting.Apart from him,Mary I is right about her hate for Henry.Of course,it isn't good that she had other people killed,but she behaved accordingly in some cases, in my opinion.On the other hand,I agree on the motto that highlights the importance of time.I think we must appreciate with it.Otherwise, we may get into trouble,which makes us feel regret.I have had such some experiences so far.As for the themes about love of this age, they are the most beautiful of all,in my opinion.They were written cleverly.They look like a film or a book that involves in curiosity and excitement.Really, they are perfect.I'm looking forward to what will happen this week.
ReplyDeletehi,you all!"Carpe diem"What a nice word this is.I agree with it because sometimes humanbeing thinks about tomorrow ,so he does not realize the value of the time he is present...This week ,we took a look at King Henry's marriage adventures:)what a pity that this man had unluckiness in his marriages and among them,Anne Boleyn especially attracted me because she was an intelligent woman.Also,I heard about this woman very much and i bought a novel about her,called "The Boleyn Inheritance",thus I was very ınterested in that lesson.In other words,how happy is a lady who becomes immortal in a poem.Both sonnets were very meaningful;the writers expressed their feelings in a very efficient way.I liked them very much.they are no more alive,but their love still lives thanks to their works.Who does not want to have such a lover:D...
ReplyDeleteWell..The Golden Age beginning with Elizabeth I.It is like its name.It is the era including in new things,prosperities,art,music and unique love..yeap..what nice poems we studied last week;)In that time, love was purity and beauty.Lovers tried to do everything for their girls without fail.They contemplated to explain themselves.Then,they found a solution in their heart.All thoughts,deeds were just their own and they were special for their girls.These thoughts were innocent,sacred and without hidden-intent.Actually, these women were very lucky because everybody,especially people living in this era, can't be as lucky as them to have such relationships.Moreover,the film we watched was,really, effective and I'll buy the CD and watch it!:)yes I'll.
ReplyDeletein last lesson we saw lots of people and historical events but the reason for my pleasure i have heard about most of them. Henry VIII,Anne Boleyn, Boleyn's girl Bloody Mary, Elizabeth with golden age,carpe diem live the moment... All of them are familiar with me from tv series,books or films,so i am very happy to see these famous events,people or quote in lesson and learn about their details =) And pure and courtly love in sonnets were very impressive, what a deep feeling...
ReplyDeletemay i take one of the lovers of that time? :)))
Hii!Fisrtly ı was very confused at the beginnign of the lesson because Henry married so many women that ı mixed them up:)Also his children were very confusing because every of them had diffrent religion,but ı liked Elizabeth most because she wanted to bring peace and prosperity it was very good policy for the country.Renaissance was called as a golden age because it brought new perspective in literature and the most famous motto was "CARPE DIEM" that is,time is going and you have to keep up with it.It has still been used today,so it shows that renaissance has a great effect on our lifes.Finally ı want to mention the sonnets we read in the lesson.They were very interesting and ı liked Amoretti's sonnet because the idea of being eternal by writing poem was very impressive and logical.This Renaissance time will be more enjoyable ı think we will have good times :)
ReplyDeleteIt seems that we will enjoy while learning Renaissance time...=) first of all i want to talk about VIII Henry.. what a interesting man i liked him very much :)i think he didnt need to try to have sons because his girl were as powerful as son especially 'Bloody Mary' his girl reigned the country more effectively than boys 'Elizabeth':D and i am sorry to say that heyyy girllllss! you search one of the lovers of that time in vain you will never find him..:D
ReplyDeletehello,friends!This week,the class was very enjoyable and informative.This age was more different than the other ages such as changing the country's religion and marrying many times!...How can one who loves kill his/her lover?I think,this king was self-centred because his wives (I say "wives"because he married six times!)didn't give birth a son to him so he made them killed:(.He can't be a real lover...We watched a film in the class.It has really visual effects.We wanted to watch fully,but we couldn't.I am curious about how the rest of the film is.I'll watch it if I get a chance to watch it...Have a nice day everybody:)
ReplyDeletehi,everybody!The subject,this week,was more interesting than the others.Henry VIII is already an interesting king.He is curious about having a son.He always wants to have a son,so he marries many times.So-called,he loves one of his wives very much,but he also makes her beheaded.It is very interesting!This shows us that in fact,he is not a real lover!And for him,changing a country's religion is very easy just because of his being self-centred.And also,I am very curious about the film we watched at the end of the class.I hope I will have a chance to watch it fully:)see you next class...
ReplyDeletehi! i have never so enjoyed in this class before.the last lesson attracked me.maybe because we know much more thing about these topics,queens.the queens had really interesting life stories.the sonnets were beautiful.they made me thought 'people change over years but sensations are the same for instance love...
ReplyDeletehi everbody!the lesson this week really make me curious about the literature.there is a interesting king named henry .thanks to this class we have ı watched films that ı have not watched before.and this time ı gonna watch the other girl of boleyn .we already watched some part of it.and ı am curious about ıt and wanna watch without losing time.:)as the time pass,the subjects are both informative and interesting.ı suggest you watching the film .by the way there is a book named The other boleyn girl by Philippa Gregory .ıf you like reading books like me read this.have a nice day...
ReplyDeleteWhat a full of surprise,intrigue term!The Golden Age.Nearly,all feelings such as love,hatred,envy,ambition.etc reigned the term.In the course of the history,there have been few successfull women so Elizabeth-the queen of The Golden Age- was ceratinly one of these women.Also her policy about reining the country was perfect in terms of every aspects,for example,she wanted to keep together people different.ı wish ı had been a queen like her :) And also ı like the motto "Carpe Diem" so much.I think the life sytle has been available for our persent world bec peoeple are always in hurry to catch the time.ın the mean,the sonnets are so beautiful.ı m sure that ı ll learn a lot of interesting events and historical characters during the Renaissance term.
hi.I didn't attend the course again for illness:(my interest against to english literature growing day by day.this lesson teach us not only poems,novels but also history of english people their habits etc.briefly learning something by means of novels,poems is very enjoying.
ReplyDeleteFirstly I must tell you that the most interesting subject was this one for me. When the teacher tell the characters of this period, I noticed that I had read their lives before. “The Girl of Boleyn” I read this book last year and I loved it very much. I didn’t like Anne Boleyn, but I liked the other boleyn girl, Mary. The king, Henry VIII delivered blue beads to every lady :) Because he wanted a son, he always changed his wives. He married with six women. Some of them died, some of them gave birth daughters, not sons. Jane Seymour had a son but this time, she died. Henry was unlucky. His effort to have son really affected me :)
ReplyDeleteAlso we read two sonnets about love. I think Astrophil and Stella was the most affecting one. On the other lessons, I want to read many more. Love is worth to everything :)
hi friends.this week was very enjoyable."carpe diem"is very nice and meaningful word.I was very shocked about HENRY VII.he married six times.I think he is not handsome and good person.I liked ELIZABETH I.her time was very peaceful and golden age of england.and I think she is very beautiful and sympathetic.we watched a film in the class and it was very nice,I want to watch it fully later.I was effected by Sonnet.They are very romantic.
ReplyDeletehi everybody! I think it will be ver enjoyable to learn more about Renaissance time. In that period, there are very nice poems. What makes them interesting for me is love and romance in poems. As for the Henry VIII, he married six times to have a son. Mary, the daughter of Henry, was as cruel as his father I think. However, I liked Elizabeth, another daughter of Henry. She brought peace and prosperity to the country. I think she was very intelligent. That’s all for now..see you next week..
ReplyDeleteHi friends!...The subjects of this week was really interesting,especially Henry 8 and his marriages...he married six times to have a son,in real,it is not unusual to us,Turks:( And He eventually had a son but unfortunately his son died at an early age.However, he had still two daugters,they are powerfull girls,and reigned the country very well...
ReplyDeleteWe also read two sonnets,and they ,of course, involve love,too.But unfortunately they are unrequited loves.
Hi my dear teacher and my friends. If it is necessary to say the truth, I don't like Henry's personality. The only thing he wanted was to have a son so he married six women like changing socks. He killed one of his wife because of that reason.He did'nt think what his wifes felt. He made upset them very much because of his wishes. He was very selfish. On the other hand I like the film we watched. People wore very different clothes from us. Clothes were very exaggerated. I wonder how they felt relaxed with those clothes:) At last this week was an enjoyable week.. See you next week..:)
ReplyDeleteI'm late for writing comment teacher and my friends because of my illness.I'm very ill and I'm writing our comment on my bed in my house.Yes,time is Henry's time and Golden Age...His wifes and children...I liked this age because there are a lot of sonnets,we read only two sonnet but I liked them very much.I think,poets had explained their love perfectly by using their feeling,thought.I’m looking forward to read and examine more sonnets and learn more things about this age…I’m sorry. I can’t stand up more.I have to go to bed:(
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ReplyDeleteHEY!I'm now writing from my hometown!First of all I wish all of u a good holiday :D,secondly I would like to anounce that our beloved teacher has put the MİDTERM RESULTS on her homepage.Finally I'm going to comment about last week's course...
ReplyDeleteIn general I like the Renaissance period and I have read a lot about it.However,it's the first time that I come across such a complex period...:D The fight for the throne and the marriages were very difficult to understand for me.This lesson was the most interesting one till now. I was very entertained when I was told the relationships of the King Henry VIII and his wifes.After his children Edward and Mary the brave and unique Elizabeth came.She was a great woman!There is a movie about her: "elizabeth- the golden age".I recommend all of u to watch it. You will understand Elizabeth and her Age clearer.
Later on we discussed the sonnets of 2 fantastic writers: Sidney and Spencer. I've never heard about them but I really liked them. There is emotions in them.When I read these sonnets I feel a desire to write sonnets as well.I feel a warmth in my heart. Very Romantic :) I really enjoyed this lesson. Thank you Teacher
Last lesson,we learned about the King Henry with his 6 wiwes,and we saw that he did different,sometimes disgusting things to his wives..witnessing these is interesting.Also,we see that unlike her father Elizabeth did good things,made her country have welfare and made her period as Golden Age..
ReplyDeleteApart from these,we discussed two poems..
first is Astrophil and Stella,ı loved this poem firstly because of its title which says about a lover Astrophil as star lover and Stella as star,this affected me,secondly it's about love,but this love is not superficial;on the contrary lover's feelings are very sincere..and being loved like that is impressing..In the second poem also there is a lover who wants to make his love eternise and he make some trials to success this for the sake of his lover...ı think,this two poems are the examples of effective and beautiful way of showing of one's love...
hi class.!..I did not attend the course...The literature is very impressive at this era,Renaissance.It's wright to say that the Golden Age of English literature-one of the richest periods of time for the art in England. Especially with poem, somethings began to make sense.Somethings were immortalise and meaningfull.Henry was very interesting king.Just for a son, he married six times and also to divorce,he changed the religion.But at this age poems were very interesting and attractive.In the and I can write a poem which I learnt last summer from some englis tourists:) IF I COULD REACHED THE STARS, I WOULD PUT ONE DOWN FOR YOU JUST SHİNE IT ON MY HEART.....
ReplyDeleteHi! The last course was pretty interesting as we witnessed a real greedy king.I was shocked when I first learned the story of Henry VIII and his 6 wifes a couple of years ago.How weird it is!A man had 6 wifes in that age(!)It was very hard to believe that a king changed the church of England for his personal reasons! I saw 'the other boleyn girl' and 'elizabeth-the golden age' movies which were related to these subjects.And finally, this course helped me understand the related things more clearly.
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ReplyDeleteHello all the people!Today I will write and talk about the Renaissance Age.If you ask me which character affected you much,it is clear that this character is Henry VIII.From now on,he is my leader while thinking about my way going to marriage :).Courtly-love,beautiful ladies, love of poetries and dramas are the characrestics of optimistic Elizabeth's time,not of pessimistic Mary's time.Instead of seeing bloody times,coming across lovely times by listening or reading their poem is the best one until this time that we have lived or seen.I agree with Mustafa,this time may sometimes be boring for the boys but learning how to write love-poem and how to put across our love to the other side(lady) will make us experienced while living this:)Fortunately, we have English Literature lesson that teaches us this:).It is possible that we will like this time's products,we don't have to be prejudiced towards Renaissance age,All the boys please...!
ReplyDeletehello everybody!We have learned about Renaissance age this week.I think this age is the most interesting one.I listened the lesson willingly.Henry's marriage life is also very interesting.After Henry and his son and daughter,luckly ElizabethI came to the reign and something about art began.As Mustafa and Ugur said,this age may be boring for boys but for girls it is very enjoyable.Poems that were written by platonic lover are very impressing.I am looking forward to learn something more about this age.See you soon:)
ReplyDeletehello every body! with this lesson, i think, we started to learn much more about literature because there is more interert to the poetry, literature.. and im happy that we can see love,human love, and romanticism in poems.. thus i am interested more..
ReplyDeletei was complicated while i was listening the lesson because i get difficulty to understand who was killed, and why...but it was enjoyable and i think that i am learning some important things abaot english liteature and the English.
hi..king henry,his wifes and his children...as we see his life was full of surprises for us.henry married six times to have a son.Actually this is usual for us even now...Also we read two sonnets called "astrophil and stella" and "amoretti".Poems were written by platonic lovers.Romanticism,love and immortalising were dominant themes in poems...
ReplyDeleteWith Renaissance,the literature has changed accordingly.There was a return to past and the language of love was emphasized.Also sonnets were produced.They were about such love usually as unrequited love.We read an example of them.They were Astrophil and Stella and Amoretti and "Carpe Diem" concept occured."Life is short and hard,live the moment."I strongly agree with this idea.We must use our time efficiently because that time won't come back again.Moreover.The Renaissance affected both people and the literature very heavily in different fields.The term impressed me very much... :)
ReplyDeleteRenaissance had the Golden Age started for Art.Sonnets were produced in this period.The life of Henry VIII was the one which impressed me mostly.I think it was look like soap operas.He married several times to just have a son.There was men's passion of having a son even in that time like now.Also today having a son is important for men. Anyway ı want to mention about sonnets "astrophil and stella" and "amoretti" which we read last week briefly. These sonnets attracted me. They told us about the painful love because their loves were unrequited so they suffered from this and wrote sonnets for women they loved. ı wonder the next story...
ReplyDeleteHi all..The striking characters of Renaissance Henry VIII and the queen Elizabeth.Although they are father and daughter we see two opposite characters.Firstly I want to talk about Henry VIII and his six eventful marriages.It is no good Henry's killing his wifes just because their not giving him a son but when we look at our own history we can see the same scene.Sons have always had the prior importance.Now,this situation is changing newly.
ReplyDeleteAnd Elizabeth..The golden woman of golden age:)Her love of art made this period developed and unforgettable.Also her personality evokes admiration.She was such a humanistic,fair and understanding person.
Lastly we read two sonnets.There are big loves hidden in these short sonnets.The writers of these are the real lovers.That time's women should feel lucky themselves for this.
That lesson was a little bit confusing..The king HenrY.. What a man he was.He could conquıre every lady and got married with them.To get what he wanted, he even adopted another religious belief. Finally he had a son and two daughters.Only Elizabeth could make good jop.Thanks to her new forms entered literature.Love was started to be emphasized.The Renaissance affected not only literature, but the life style of humans.They live their lives according to the idea "seize the day".And the sonets are also very effective.
ReplyDeleteHi my pals!I think the lessons are being more attractive and interesting.The golden age is one of the my favourites.Queen Elizabeth!What a powerful woman!Iwish ı were in her shoes!Her literature love and contributions are really valuable.
ReplyDeletehi friends...
ReplyDeleteI think this lesson is becoming more and more entertaining..Queen Elizabeth..and his father Henry VIII..his father's marriages interested me so much..so many marriages and divorces..and the religion change for divorcing.. ıt was really interesting:)))and his girl Elizabeth affected me too..the golden age...in her time..ınterest to poetry,romance..ıt was good to attend that lesson for me...
Hi!Firstly,I want to say that I was absent in this class so I don't know what the teacher told in class.As I learned from the comments,the King Henry is leading role:)and his marriages,divorces that cause social confusion in his time.I think he is an interesting and he is famous for marriages six times!I want to say:'Oh my God!:)It is a subject of curiosity why he marriaged six times.There are some films about Henry and Anne Boleyn who was Henry's second wife.I wonder them and want to watch as soon as possible...
ReplyDeleteHello!! firstly the lesson was a bit confusing because of the king Henry and his marriages.:)But if it is thought in an other way, I think king Henry is very lucky man:) I wish I had lived at that times as a king like Henry the eight:) "Carpe Diem" (seize the day) is one of the most effective figure in the history of the Renaissaince Age, and it shows the people how to live the moment without any thinking about the rest of life, because you dont know what will happen in the future...
ReplyDeleteI feel sad about King Henry a little bit as he has been awaiting for a son but whoever he marries cannot bear him a son.However, the kingdom experiences its richest years in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.Accordingly the literature is affected by this prosperity and people began to seize their days.In this period, famous playwrights such as Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser came forward.The humanist lollardy made it easy to ignore tyranny and forcing.
ReplyDeletehi to all, i write this mail a bit late cos i cuoldn't attend this lesson..but as i know and understand from what ı have read is that this term is "my term":)cos topics are very intersting but of course i also can imagine how curseful it was for the people living in that terms.. marriages just for having a son..love, romance, immortalizing by poems,.of course not an exact similarity but all these sounds more realistic and easier to make a relation between the past and now... as we get near to present, everthing gets more complex..more details make the topics,terms more thrilling..
ReplyDeletewhat a nice message,isn't it? : seize the day with the help of renaissance.. there is undoubtfully the best example for it: Dead Poets Society which impressed me deeply and is my favourite movie.. the term introduce people to the indispensible pieces of life: art, innocent and pure love,social ctivities.. actually i have the same thought as my friends said: it is hard to find such pure love by the boys in today's world..also i watched the film of 'the other boleyn girl' which has the same plot as we learnt in lesson.. i liked it but i got angry with the King Henry.. what a man he was.definitely bad guy..where were the purity of love,loyalty to his religion( he changed his creed for a woman)? for the sake of having a son, he had a life full of bad experiences.. it didn't worth..and finally a peaceful king Elizabeth had the throne and she deserved it the most with her good-heart and fair governance.. i really liked her and the film of her 'the golden age' much..:) hopefully i will watch the remaining parts of it..ohh i nearly forget to mention the sonnets.. i liked that impressive love in ‘ Astrophil and Stella’.. how nicely expressed the feelings of unrequited love..
ReplyDeleteI did not attend this class,I just read what was learned this lesson.I see that English Literature lived its golden age.Moreover Renaissance affected literature this age in big amount.In addition Chauser brought French and Italian literary styles to England.
ReplyDeleteEven though England had a unsteady government after Henry VIII's rulership,it managed to come up with an ideal
ReplyDeleteenvironment for poetry an drama.Elizabeth I should be appreciated that she supported literature and that she helped literature
have successful names.The fact that Chaucer brought new Italian styles to England should be considered as a new aspect because
love,courtly love and divine are good subjects to take parts in plays and poems.Here we can't find anything violent imagery,challenge and loyalty to the King because
time chanced and new plots were needed.Now there is loyalty,dependence to the lady who is loved,and challenge of the lover's hearts.
The Sonnet of Petrarch was another thing that made poetry of the time stronger and meaningful.The subject of unrequited love is
the best way to tell how a lover suffers badly.Immortalising also makes reader understand more about this subject.
firsly i want to say that this lesson was a bit confusing because of Henry's wifes!he had six wifes from different characteristics women.i found his life quite different.i liked Astrophil and Stella more.
ReplyDeleteOur time travel on English literature,we had a break in the Golden Age and King Henry with his six wives,son and daughters especially Elizabeth greeted us.We also read two sonnets.The first one is called "Astrophil and Stella" by Philip Sidney and the second one is "Amoretti"by Edmund Spencer.I am happy for meeting all of them.Thanks for all...
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ReplyDeleteI really wonder how ıt is like to marry six women. İt must have beeen hard for King Hanry.Anyway time and stuation are imortant for this.The thing ı like most and agree with you can change most of bad stuations to goog ones with the help of drama and poetry. ı see this in Renaissance age England.
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ReplyDeleteHi,for God’s sake what a man this Henry VIII 6 wives(reminds me wife of bath) I didn’t like this man and the way when ruling his country; but his daughter Elizabeth I she is a good Queen ..about the sonnets we read I wonder when these guy will be responded:)but every love doesn't make people write such masterpiece; maybe if this unrequited love wouldn’t have been,they couldn’t written at heart like this. ..thanks..
ReplyDeletehı everybody!!!
ReplyDeleteı am really curıous about Elizabeth and fortunately ı learn about her. ı learn really fantastic thıngs and really love her. she is brave, ı thınk. ın her tıme there were peace and prosperıty and people lıved Golden Age because of these ı am really ımpressed...
Hi friends!
ReplyDeleteI think,Romantic Era is important so much cause writers,musicians,poets canimprove themselves and use their feelings,and create new things.When we come to the view of "going with the moment",I like it.Everything should not be according to plan especially such as poems,musics...To sum up,this is enligtenment age,in my opinion:)