This week we looked at the state of the medieval Church in England and how that an army of less than perfect friars were responsible for the religious education of the illiterate peasants. One effective way to transmit religious teachings to the illiterate was through drama, and the first English drama emerged in monasteries. Over time, the behaviour by both players and audience became unacceptable to the Church, and the plays moved into the marketplace, where thy were perfomred by the various craft guilds of the towns. Plays which related stories from the Bible were called "mystery plays" and were performed in cycles; and those which narrated the lives of saints were "miracle plays". Once out of the Church, the subject matter of the plays became diluted with everyday characters and events, as we saw in the example of Noah's Ark (evening group only!!).
"Morality" plays, such as Everyman, developed in parallel with the mystery plays but taught religious principles through allegory. These plays were performed by professional actors, often employed by the king or other nobles and often with the aim of criticising the Church. Everyman tells us the importance of doing good deeds over worldly goods.
in this week we learnt that beginning of the drama and mystery plays,morality plays,miracle plays.It's effective that drama started in in church and developed...Anyway,it's funny to me because of overreacting players and audiences caused to moved outside the drama and people were concerned with drama.In addition,we leanrnt that drama provided to the importance of the good deeds,it's really lovely:)
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!This week we mention medieval drama.drama firstly began in the church.As the church was the authority at that time,drama was affected negatively becouse of wrong thoughts of the church.Drama was only known by the nobles and the churc and ı think its unfair.What about peasants,people living in the cities? one thing I like best is that mystery plays were perfomed by lay people of the craft guilds.what their jobs is performing their real jobs in life.But later they were performed by professional actors in morality plays.To sum up, the church interfered everything in medieval drama and Idont like it.
ReplyDeletethis week i learnt somethıng different about medıeval times, and these are very chamber thıngs. sometımes ı thınk as ıf ı lived in medıeval time. when ı compare today and the medıeval tıme ı gıve thanks to God because ı can t understand people living in medıeval time wıth the pressure of the church. because submıttıng to church ın every aspect is bad for people. they couldn t oppose to church, they accepted blindly what the church said. such thıngs are really nonsense for me, so ıf ı lıved ın medıeval tımes, ı would be excommunıcatıon :D i m sure ...
ReplyDeleteHi,everybody.This week we learned Medieval Drama.Firstly,drama began in the church.It was religious.There was a didactic teachıng.First play was Easter play.Drama was a good way to teach the illiterate person.Two kind of plays were presented.These were mystery and morality plays.In mystery plays,stories were taken the Bible.Generally,dramas were performed by lay person.In morality plays,allegory was used.As well,i paid attention the Everyman.According to this,a person who is about to die that there is one thing that will help you on the Day of judgement,it ıs your good deeds,Which affected me...
ReplyDeleteHi friends and my teacher!As my friends said,we learned Medieval Drama and The Four Orders of Friars.The Four Orders of Friars' aim to bring Christianity to the poor,so they travelled from village to village and narrated about it.Drama was firstly performed in the church but it began to be performed out of the church because of overacting of players and the unruly audiences.I think,moving of drama outside the church is very good changing because there isn't only people in the church!there are others(people who live in the country)outside the church..We read The Noah's Ark.The woman character in this play is like The Wife of Bath because she wants to do it whatever she wants,too.She thinks only herself not her child or husband.Maybe,this play was affected from The Wife of Bath poem.I learned a lot of information in this lesson and so I'm happy with my information which I learned:D
ReplyDeleteHi my dear teacher and friends again...This week we learnt Medieval Drama. In this time Church was very dominant and everything was based on religion.There were no positive science but scholastic thoughts. Of course lack of science caused regression in all fields like drama. Drama also based on religion and anyway it firstly started in Church so it was affected negetively from wrong informatıons. Furthermore Medieval Drama was included only nobles and religious men. Namely peasants were not important. It isn't fair, I think. On the other hand there was something good like that players played roles which they worked in real life.It is good I think beceuse they played what they did anyway so it was not hard for them.They could play it better. Furthermore it didn't include only comedy or something else , it also tought something to people. Nemely it was didactic. In additıon it mentıoned The Four Orders of Frıors. They told Christanity to poor and went village to village to told that. As a last, the thing that is effected me most was that plays were from Bible. There was even a player who played God. Furthermore good deads was very important.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!!!I don't know what you are thinking but ı like learning these tales and poems from this lesson.Medieval Drama was very perfect.The topics were changed a lot.The way of animating the story is so successful that even uneducated people could understand the basic message.The church was not totally bad ;for me.Because it thought its people and find a way to give knowledge.The first thing was the wish of the church in this situation.Drama is an arena in itself.The church is elit and it wanted from people to be elit also.But illiterate people didn't understand this importance:)They behaved as if they didn't see a theatre before:)The aim was to tell something about the religion of Christanity.People wanted to have a role from play;because it was as if worshipping to God.Our mosques haven't play a big role throughout the eras.I think Church'interference is important but its limit is important also.The didacting style was used and the words of 'mystery,miracle' gained importance also.The Noah'Arks was very interesting.Its characater is very different and realist.I am looking forward to another good topics like this week's subject...
ReplyDeleteAs we all know,the Medieval time's distinctive feature was the domination of the church.As a naturel consequence of this,the English drama was used as a tool for teaching the religious subjects and I deduced that drama was used different purposes compared to the today's plays because in today drama is used for entertainment but in those times it was played for religious purposes.I liked most the part of mystery plays which were performed by lay people.It was very creative and interesting.I think they were performed very well because they were the expert of their job,so they could link the real job and the play perfectly.I also want to mention "EVERYMAN"play because it gave the logical messages to us to do good things.At the end of the lesson we learnt lots of new information,which is very nice....
ReplyDeletehello!!!this week I learned something about medieval drama mistery and morality plays also the beginnings of English Drama I liked all of them.Yes the church was authority and the church was affected people.This influence to the people negatively and in a wrong way.This was really a bad situation for the medieval times people.I really didnt want to see this times Thanks GOD:):):).OK Church was very effective but then it changed and the right way was found by people:DAnd also I understood that even in the medieval times drama was really important and I appreciated to this condition.It is really good I felt good in this week in the class when I learned them.From day to day I increased my knowledge about literature it is so beneficial and good for me.Thanks..see you next week in the exam goog luck everybody:))
ReplyDeletehi everybody!we talked about the beginning of English drama, mystery plays and morality plays.we saw that church was dominant in even darama.Origins of plays comes from the teachings of the chuch.Because of overacting of people, plays began to be performed out of the church. ı think, this style was more interesting and nice.It was good since everbody in village could watch the play.In those times,the Four Ordes of Friars travelled village to village to teach Cristianity to poor and illiterate people and they influenced people a lot because these people were illeterate. They knew that it was easy to make them believe their ideas...ı was pleased to learn about the play,'Everyman' as a morality play.A man who is about to die noticed that there is only one thing to aid him on the Day of Judgement:'good deeds'.I realised that there was a universal message to human beings, to all the religions even today...It was excellent!!!
ReplyDeletedrama is one of the best ways to explain something,to teach something...it is great that people found something like that as a way of transmitting religious things.By means of this,look where we are now!i am sure people in that time were eager to watch dramas.
ReplyDeleteone thing that surprises me is that this 'good deeds' issue.that is fantastis!In our religion,this is the case,as well.maybe this is why i really liked it.in dramas,everymen were talking about good deeds,but it is questionable that whether everyone understood the importance and paid atention to it.
anyway.drama and good deeds...in short,THIS IS IT :)
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ReplyDeletei remember something...when drama issue were being discussed my teacher said 'audiences were overacting,shouthing,screaming..making noise.where is noble english man? at that time english men were like that:)))' everyone assume that english men were real gentilmen but i ascertained that they were not at the beginning which is fun to learn :) i liked that.i would really like to witness it going back in time,seeing how dramas were played and how audiences acted.
ReplyDeleteThis week we started drama in medieval time.DRAMA!!!This is the part that I love most in literature.Moreover church guided people wrongly.Sadly,dramas in this time were performed by kings,nobles in the church and people didn't perform in dramas.This is not nice because plays shouldn't be just for special people.The subject of dramas generally were chosen from Bible and dramas included religious things.We name this kind of play from Bible "mystery plays".We call the dramas "miracle plays" which were consisted of lives of saints.The topic of dramas often criticized the church.Then dramas were performed out of church because of this reason.I think that there are lots of things that we should learn about dramas in medieval times and in general.Now I wonder how the changing of drama would be in later times!
ReplyDeleteThis week we started drama in medieval time.DRAMA!!!This is the part that I love most in literature.Sadly,dramas in this time were performed by kings,nobles in the church and people didn't perform in dramas.This is not nice because plays shouldn't be just for special people.The subject of dramas generally were chosen from Bible and dramas included religious things.We name this kind of play from Bible "mystery plays".We call the dramas "miracle plays" which were consisted of lives of saints.The topic of dramas often criticized the church.Then dramas were performed out of church because of this reason.I think that there are lots of things that we should learn about dramas in medieval times and in general.Now I wonder how the changing of drama would be in later times!
ReplyDeleteDidactic plays were used by church in this time for teaching religious things but day by day they started to go in different way,church decided to ban drama in church because of exaggerating of the plays and roles. actually using drama for this purpose is interesting and maybe effective but it's results were different from their thoughts:) Another thing that makes me laugh: craft guilds performed the plays, i wanted to see them in Cesus or God role as professional merchant actors :P morever i want to say that morality plays were actually professional dramas with professional actors because using of allegorical sermons, personification of abstract concept were very effective for the people who didnt understand everything wholly, that is perfect way ;)
ReplyDeleteDrama first started in the church.It was very interesting because I think it occured naturally and it was very useful to teach illiterate people and of course they were about religious aspects and it was easy to people to understand because they were seeing it and on the other hand they were illiterate.So drama was very didactic issue.One thing payed my attension and it was the need for wanting to be a priest or nun because of problems of living off.It was very interesting.Also lay people performed the drama it was very different thing.Moreover I want to say that the content of the drama was religious and moral things.The most important is to be good person by having 'good deeds'.Some of them exsist now and I wonder the next section of English Literature.. :))
ReplyDeleteI'm really critic about the church in that time because priests were from the local community and most of them were uneducated.Because of the scholastic thougt people believe that whatever the church say is true. And uneducated priest...I can't imagine a priest say something and another priest say something different..Where is the religion? it is manipulated..it is nonsense..pff forget about it..=)) I'm not satisfaid with the church but with the beginnings of drama:).Especially I'm ınfluenced by the Everyman play..What did he say? Good Deeds..yes friend all we need is Good Deeds..never forget..!=) :p
ReplyDeleteWell,Medieval drama...We see the churc h has authority over the people and everything.Firstly, plays were performed just at churchs,then they were moved outside the church.Fortunately,they were done so because plays took place in a very relaxed atmosphere and so everything was more enjoying.The story of Noah and his ark is one of these..yeap..The woman character is similiar to The Wife of Bath,but she isn’t as dominant as The Wife of Bath.Although she does everything in her way,she supports her thoughts against her husband and sons,she despotically entered the ark..But she still is a powerful woman:D she shows this by slapping her husband;)
ReplyDeleteIt was good for the church to teach religious things to the people but only the truth not what they wanted.Afterwards they had to make the drama performed out of the church because of the crazy audience. Also it is suprising but I absolutely agree with Songul:)it is quite unfair that the peasents were not allowed to perform the plays.
ReplyDeletehi!As you know,church was the dominant aunt of that times;because of this reason, nobody couldn't do anything apart from the things which church said that you have to behave and live as they wanted.Also nearly all the priests being uneducated can not be explained in my opinion.Beforehand all the plays were performed at church but after plays became unaccepteble for the church,all the plays were performed out of church(for the people in towns,marketplaces...).In spite of all plays performed in relaxed areas,the people who were educated about religious of Christianity couldn't perform in these plays,it is very different and unfair as Sinan said :).The plays being with the aim of criticising the Church shows us that people started to see some realities in their lives at that time.That's all :)
ReplyDeletehi!Drama came into present this week and the church was very dominant on it as we learnt.drama was a tool to expand the religion from village to village,but exaggeration in the plays in the Church caused it to move outside of the Church.Then,various crafts guilds also began to play drama according to their professions as it was in The Chester Cycle of Mystery Plays.As the time was passing,professional actors started to take roles in the plays and they reflected the ideas and feelings in a bettter way.In addition,I can add that "Everyman" expressed the reality of this world's temporariness...
ReplyDeletehi friends..our subject was medieval drama.at that time firstly drama was played in churches, but later drama was performed out of the church.with drama religion was explained.some draft guilds support the drama, and also some kings and other nobles support the drama to criticise the church, because churrc takes the power in its hand and kings, other nobles cant move freely.by the way they take advanteces themselves.ın this way some realitiy waz narrated to peasants.
ReplyDeleteEveryman was very successfull indeed.What makes me so surprised is that in this the author used the technique of question_answer.It is important even that time.This technique shows the development of didactic style.It is like a film .The story was very captivating.A man who is about to die.And then he thoughts.What is the most useful thing in our lives?He ,after passing time,discovers that there is no help from anything.But our good deeds help us on the Day Judgement.It is really moving for me.
ReplyDeletehi friends!we learnt about medieval drama.I was more interested in English Literature.I learn the things different and interesting.As my friends say,in this term,the church was dominant on the people.It tried to impose what they thought and wanted on the people easily because the people were illeterature and they could accept what the church said without doubt.I mean deceiving them was easy....I was influenced by Everyman deeply..and I am happy to learn this knowledge because what he said is same in our time.What did he say?GOOD DEEDS..this is the only thing that doesnt leave us when we die....anyway ı am curious about what we will see next class:)have a nice dayy:))))
ReplyDeletehello friends..this week,the class,we,had an extensive information.we learnt about mediveal times in English Literature...we see the church preasure in this term..The people at that period were so infleunced that they could not do anything on their own..they believed what the church said and accepted without any judgement because they were ignorant,so they were persuaded easily..The thing that i mostly influenced was Everyman..It taught us that this world is mortal.. What the important thing is good deeds...see you next class.. have a good luck in the exam:)
ReplyDeletehi friends!we learnt about medieval drama.I was more interested in English Literature.I learn the things different and interesting.As my friends say,in this term,the church was dominant on the people.It tried to impose what they thought and wanted on the people easily because the people were illiterate and they could accept what the church said without any doubt.I mean,deceiving them was easy....I was influenced by Everyman deeply..and I am happy to learn this knowledge because what he said is same in our time.What did he say?GOOD DEEDS..this is the only thing that doesnt leave us when we die....anyway ı am curious about what we will see next class:)have a nice dayy:))))
ReplyDeleteHello!This week,the condition of medieval church and its effect on emergence of drama and drama types were reviewed.I enjoyed "miracle plays" the most.Maybe,it may have impressed me with its interesting content.I'm sure that it would be enjoyable to watch it thoroughly.In addition,it would make one curious about what will happen or the what character the saint has.On the other hand,the other types of plays are good,too.Morality plays give the public some messages about what the church's purpose was in reality.And some ironical statements are made and the church is critised in this way.In addition,it is funny that the performance of some plays was made by the crafts who adjusted the topics to their jobs.To sum up,it was time for drama.It was also so enjoyable!
ReplyDeletehi.ıt ıs nice to learn about drama.we left old eng. poetry behind and started to study drama.the beginning of it attracted my attention.drama was created in order to teach and criticize the church or something wrong.ı don't know is there any pressure on these plays but ı liked actor's and also writer's courages.also now ım very curious about noah's Ark.probably ı'll search it now.ı realized that we humanbeings always undergone same problems such as pressure from relious leaders.different places but same problems,sorrows.so in my opinion everyman is universal,in fact literature is universal.now it is time to read Shakespeare:))
ReplyDeletehello!!this week we learned medieval drama.in this term the church was affected people who were illiterate.there was no judgement!!especially i was influenced by every man play.he thought everyting was temporary only our good deeds will hep us when we die!!it is atractive.
ReplyDeletehi friends!this week we learned about medieval drama.the authoriy was the church,it influenced the king.Drama was a way to teach the illitarate audiences.so,it was very easy to manipulate them.it is very unjust I think.it is very interesting that there is an everyman who is a man is about to die and discovers that there is only one thing that will help him on the day of judgement.this one thing is good deeds.ı think it is true even today.There is some similarities between these thoughts and what we think today.this week was very enjoyable..ı wonder what we will learn next week..we see.:)
ReplyDeleteHi friends.As you know the subject of this week was medieval drama.Drama is an effective tool to give messages to teach to implay an idea.So drama was used to teach illetirate people of medieval time.The focus was on religion and drama was first performed in church.That means that religion was the most important aspect in society.Plays were three types morality mystery and miracle.It is interesting plays were performed by craft guilds as behaviours of audiences were unacceptable.Everyman s thought is universal in religions.Good deeds are needed in other world...
ReplyDeletethis week we learned how medieval drama started,developed...it firstly started in church because it was easy to teach something illiterate people by the way of drama but because of their behaviours drama continued out of chuch...the dramas were abt religious subjects...i want to mention noah's ark...it was similar with the wife of bath despite she wasnt as dominat as her...i think english literature is getting more enjoyable...i really wonder coming subjectss =)
ReplyDeletehı everybody as you know we learnt thıs week medıeval drama.and ılleterate people was taught by the way of drama ın church because the church was very domınant at thıs tıme and the relıgıous ways are very ımportant. and also ıt ıs the tıme of good deeds....
ReplyDeleteHello!We called Medieval times "Dark ages".It is very true because of the church.I wasn't surprised when I heard the drama came from the church.Because in those years the church was dominant,and people must have thought how they could affect the others.They had to find a way to promulgate their beliefs and rights.But luckily day by day drama got over the church so that dramas performed by the people outside the church.By the way the most hilarious part of the lesson was "Everyman" for me.The man understood the real hapiness and peace too late unfortunately."Good deeds will with you forever even in death" it was so effective.Until now,we've learnt many interesting and different poems,stories...All of them were enjoyable.I'm sure we'll find out much more interesting things in the following weeks. :)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody! We learn about Medieval Drama this week. Drama firstly began in the church and church affected drama negatively. Two kinds of drama were presented. They were mystry and morality plays. In those times, the Four Ordes of Friars travelled from village to village to teach Cristianity to illiterate people. We also mention Everyman which is one of the morality plays and gives us good messages. Yes, when we die, the only thing that come with us is our good deeds!
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!This week,we have begun to know about The Medieval Drama.Drama first began in the church,but later because of overacting players drama moved town.After moving to town the topics still religious but changed a little bit.There are mystery and moralty plays.Mystery plays were acted by craft guilds on pageants.Its contents were religious subjects from "The Passion of Christanity".In morality plays,single plays were acted by professioanal actors.Their aim was to teach religious values.Most famous one is Everyman.Its message is Good Deeds will rescue you,when you die.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time we have learned about English drama.We learned a play which was short(maybe it is long I don't know),but very meaningful."Everyman" is a summary of humanity I think because all we have the same problem-what are we going to do after death?It conveys good ideas to the people.Something which took my attention is that the aim of widening Christianity was probably effective on the growth of English drama.I liked this play.That's all.Take care of you everybody!
ReplyDeletehi!..This week,we learned about medieval drama.Drama was used to teach religious teachings to the illiterate people.It took place in monasteries firstly.However,because of the overacting players and the unruly audiences drama came out of the church.
ReplyDeleteIn Noah's Ark,we see some differences.It was used everyday charecters and events in it so it is simple and understandeble quickly.
The drama firstly was played in the church. at this time, the church was really powerfull. the aim of drama was to teach to the illiterate audience. but drama was banned in the church because of overacting players. last week, the tale of everyman effected me mostly. it gave us important mesagges. it explained unimportance of wordly goods such as money, friends, beauty. the most important thing which we should give importance to are our good behaviours and our good deeds in life..
ReplyDeleteHi... we learned medieval drama this week and mentioned mystery plays,miracle plays,morality plays.it was effective way to teach something illiterate people by the aid of drama.As the church was the most powerful thing on people at that time,drama started in church.It was only for nobles and religious person.Likewise main characteristic of the plays was didactic especially in religious subjects.Finally.four orders of friars.. They walked village to village and explained Christanity.
ReplyDeletemediaval drama is an intersting subject.we are learning new things and this interests me very much.And ı think 'everyman' was the most effective subject we have seen so far.Man who is about to die realize that anything wont go with him except good deeds ,beauty,wealth,strength will leave him alone on the day of judgement.
ReplyDeletehello friends...yes this week we have learned medieval drama in english..
ReplyDeletedrama was launched buy the church..first it was known by nobles etc..drama was didactive..an example is 'everyman'...
Hello!!We talked about the Medieval Drama this week and learned that it emerged in churhes first.When we think of that time and the power of church over people it is inevitable.The idea of using drama to teach illeterate people is quite effective.Origin of the plays comes from the teachings of the Bible so it could be both informative and entertaining,but it didn't happen so.Overacting players and audience prevented this.I liked morality plays most.They were desinged to enlighten illeterate people and protect people from 7 deadly sins.Allegoric method was used to do this and I think this shows even that times' people' interest to art.And Everyman!Its plot is quite familiar.His discovering the only thing that will help him on the day of judgement and the way of its transmitting to audience is impressive and realistic.We can see a universal message here in tih play to all people around the world.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to learn about Medival English Literature.Drama was dominant at tahat time and I must confess I'm suprised when ı learn that drama began with church.It is understood that church was the power of that time...''Everyman''effected me very much.It is just like a pray... I realized that humankind is the same regardless of nation,language or time...
ReplyDeleteHeyyy :D!First of all I wish everyone good luck for tomorrows exam.And now about the plays...I know a few of the plays for example the Birth of Christ,actually I played in that play. I was one of the peasants :) as far as I remember it was very funny. We used a doll for the baby.Ive never heard about "everyman";however, I liked it because it has a moral at the end of the play.But still the most liked play is the Birth of Christ because I played that play as well...
ReplyDeletehi!!! This week we learned about Medieval drama..Drama was played in the church and its aim was to teach illiterate people.This can be thought as a good way... And The Tale of Everyman.. ı really liked it because its message was quite effective..In the movement of life,sometimes we can't see the real values of life but when the time is near to the end we realise some other important things..And in ''Everyman''it is really clear...In life we shouldn't look only for worldly things. Thats all :))
ReplyDeletewe learnt somethıng different about medıeval times and plays.Drama was firstly performed in the church but it began to be performed out of the church because of overacting of players.I think,moving of drama outside the church is a good changing because plays werent avaılable for people who ıs out of the church It was very creative and interesting movement because we know that at that tıme church was authorıty..ıt shows that somethıng has changed..It was good so that everbody in village could watch the play.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that you too had played a role in this play. But you have to admit it, being a peasant is still better than being a field-mouse!
hi.. it is different that these plays were performed in the church may be it was to teach Chiristianity to the illiterate people, but it is vy diffeent event. In a religious place there are plays..I want to say that this 'everyman' play is very meaningful..
ReplyDeleteDrama begins with the effection of church in mediaeval times.There is scholastic thought.The church acted on so many poors and illiterate people with drama.The four friars travelled from village to village and they were supposed to abondon worldly goods and power and I think ıt is really marvellous and charming.Drama was performed by different parts in society.In mystery plays ıt is performed by a lay people and in morality plays ıt is performed by professional actors.This shows us drama's changeability and development.It is nice to search it...
ReplyDeleteIn thıs tıme orıgıns of dramas came from the church.It ıs performed sometımes to spread the chrıstıanıty and sometımes to crıtıcıse to the church.But ıllıterate people was used for every thoughts of person.New current occured lıke everyman. Everyman ıs man who ıs about to dıe but the only thıng that wıll rescue hım on the day of judgement ıs good deeds.On the other hand the churc's aım was to brıng chrıstıanıty to the poor because the poor was ıllıterate and ıt was eaey to affect them.The translatıon of Bıble was basıc on future sıtuatıons.That ıs all...
ReplyDeleteHi,my friends:)we had a different side of english literature this week.We learnt that drama was played at church and out of church for especially illiterate people.With drama,we see that english literature starts to be much more colorful.
ReplyDelete"Everyman" is a touching play.it gives important messages to people.We see differencies between real life and other life in this play...
hi everyone!this week is pretty different from the others in my opinion.drama is a very effective way of expression of some issues.especially in that age,to the illiterate people it is used very cleverly both by entertaining and teaching,including some religious messages."everyman" is particularly a good example as it expresses what the real virtues are in human life, so it is valid not only in medieval age, but also all the ages people live in...
ReplyDeleteI accept that people have to do obligations of his/her religion.But I can't understand how people accept without thinking and without asking if its features are logical or not.If ı had lived in the middle ages, I would have been excommunicated('æ fı rous) like merwe ince...:))
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ReplyDeleteHi!I was a bit bored at lesson; maybe because we were accustomed to reading heroic and funny poems..But there were some events arroused attention at me..It was wise of them to use drama to transmit religious to illeterate people..I liked "Good Deeds" but not attitudes of the friars and nuns who went to villages to teach religious to these people:( Oh, what a shame to use authority for goods and power..thanks..
ReplyDeleteI see that in medieval times there were religion based plays,subjects.We learned about "Everyman".As an subject,it has very didactic,important and useful subject..And it is with teaching in it, is for every man in the world saying that there is nothing important than being good and doing good deeds,and ı also absolutely agree with this..
ReplyDeleteı think the most interesting event in this time is the drama perfomed by lay people.Especially they acted on streets,market places.Certainly,it would be very enjoyable to watch their plays.Also the believes such as good deeds and the Day of Judgment are very important.In this time,we see that the drama was the best ways to teach religious teachings.
ReplyDeleteBefore ı start we should admit that this lesson is very enjoyable and informative to us from religion to thinking style of a country.I am really happy to this lesson.What a thought_provoking poem.Namely EVERYMAN.The man was about to die;and started to think the purpose opf the world.It was very touching story.Sometimes we should stop and think also the importance of life;the personality of us and the most important things in our lives.Why do we give extra importance for unnececssary things?I really want to read this poem from the beginning.And ı think the most interesting thing is tha drama began in church and developed in street:=)
ReplyDeletethe topic was some boring.i didnt like it so much but i liked Everyman.it s very beutiful really.over years people think about death and said so much things and every person died but only good things we did benefits us.Everyman wants to say it.today also we can understand and say you are right...
ReplyDeletehi friends.eveyman is the main topic this week. the most interesting thing ı learned this class the everymen.ıt affected me very much for it really says reality in life. as ıt says,the only thing that wont leave us our good deeds .so we should collect good deeds all the time we should understand the purpose of life..also lay peaple there are.they acted streets.by the way the church is dominant and drama was showed there.but also dramas were done for illiterate people .this situation reflects their perspective of drama.see you next class...
Hello friends!our topic was everyman and ı think it's the real of life!İt says the only thing that will help us on the judgment day is our good deeds.We must care about both this and the other world.When this such things are spoken -ı mean speeches about god,heaven and hell and so on,ı feel a bit different.That is,my mind is confused and ı ask myself what is the meaning of this world?
ReplyDeletehello friends i especially want to say something about everyman.its topic is really different from others.i think every man represent all of us perfectly.he says us we should figure out our aim to live and realize what is important in our life.unimportant things shouldn't be our most valuable things.
ReplyDeleteHello.. That week was not as enjoyable as others, but it is very interesting that drama started at monastries and went for a long walk.Then it came out from there and came among people.Eventhough i write it was a little boring, i still have a favourite one "Everyman" :)
ReplyDeletehi Drama is the most enjoyable part for me l love it very much.l love this lesson very much.ı want to learn lots of things about drama l loved other subjects about the English Literature but Drama is special for me and it is my number one...
ReplyDeletehi all!!! if I am not wrong,drama begins with the effection of church in mediaeval times, so you can see the affects of the church in the dramas. And also It is good for the church to teach religious things to the people but only the truth not what they wanted. it began to be performed out of the church because of overacting of players and the crazy audiences. In my opinion this movement of drama out of the church was good for the drama, because it was watched by other people as well...
ReplyDeleteMedieval Drama attended to the poor and the illiterate instead of the rich and the noble.It was a pathway to the undergo of the influence of the Church on kings.Uneducated priests had inadequate help for the clergy. Moreover, the availability of the Bible in English made it easy to read and comprehend by everyone.
ReplyDeleteyes, its the Medieval Drama turn..Actually even if it was church dominated term and there was a lot limitations to the people, its nice that it aimed to teach poeple religion through plays..,but of course everthing doesnt happen as people plan it.. the plays were started to be played out of the church as the time passed..i think this is what it shuold be, because in church plays there was only loyal people, and this couldnt be effective even if the aim seemed to be good thing.We also learnt about Everyman.i really like it, cos its an objective approach in that term,it just focuses on doing goods..that sounds more realistic..
ReplyDeleteWe learned in this class that first drama emerged in church.I think this fact isn't surprising to me because the church was a powerfull institution that even influence the King.The church is dominant,not to mention its pressure on community,institution in medieval times.As you can guess,the plays were acted in the control of the church of course and their plots were chosen by the clergymen from the Bible.I think,it was a development that a play acted on the stage when we think the medieval times' circumstances.Anyway,these first plays were forerunner of the future dramas,theatres.The plots and actors would change and vary ahead...
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ReplyDeletebeing a late commentator, i would like to start with agreeing the beginning sentence of sinan. it is without doubt very nice and honorable job to teach true things to illiterate people for the church not doing it for the sake of their benefit..well, what about the introduction of drama to the life of people? when we think about it, it is noticeable that people made a great effort to entertain themselves and make their life meaningful with the help of drama,comedy plays and such activities. they deserve appreciation in this aspect, i think ,because art adds life forgetible moments in every aspect.. for the last one, there can't be so greater message than it to the world by the Freeman: GOOD DEEDS all the time.. it was certainly very educative class and full of information..thanks to dear teacher.. :)
ReplyDeleteThey seem to have chosen an easier way to transmit religious teaching to the illiterate,and this is exteremely good and logical.
ReplyDeleteInstead of making peasants,who weren't aware of what was going on in literature,learn how to read and write,they managed to
transmit religious teachings in a faster way without wasting time.That should be because of the fact that people who arranged these palys thought that peasant should know religious information through drama.Monasteries were suitable places to start these plays because
most of them(plays) are about religion.The fact that plays moved into the marketplace because of the the behaviour by both players and audience,the
plays became much closer to the public and that was an advantage to develop these plays in front of the audience.
The use of allegorical plays is a more effective way to tarnsmit the teachings.
Hi everybody!This week we met not only the Medieval Drama but also mystery,miracle and morality plays such as "Everyman".Everyman includes people's thoughts about death and ıt emphasizes that goodness is the only thing which we leave when we die on the world.In Medieval Drama turn,Drama is a way to express people's thoughts,feelings,cultures and etc.People also used drama to conveying religious teachings to illiterate in Medieval times so first drama emerged in church.Finally,drama is a part of our life and we need it to express ourselves...
ReplyDeleteThis week's course is very imformative for me. Actually, ı didnt have so much imformation about medivial drama but ı have now. I think there is smilarites between England Medivial Drama and Ottoman. Friars had launched Medvial Drama in Enland. In ottoman, it had also been launched by relegious men like Şeyhül İslam to teach illiterate people.