Despite all the technical hitches and obstacles, at last we have started to read Shakespeare! After looking at the overall plot of the play, we read the Prologue, which is in the form of a sonnet. Interestingly, Shakespeare reveals what will happen at the end of the play, but he still manages to hold the audience's attention. At the beginning of the play, we see Romeo sufferin unrequited love for a girl name Rosaline, and Juliet is about to be engaged to a you g nobleman, Count Paris. We cannot help wondering what circumstances will bring the two lovers together and then bring about their sad end.
hi,everyone.This week,we learned Romeo and Juliet which is Shakespeare's poem.It's a trajedy.It's a love story.Surprisingly,Shakespeare gives the exact point from the beginning nevertheles we are shocked in the end of the story.Romeo and Juliet are in love,but they are enemy families,so their families don't allow their marriage so they hide their marriage from their families.Juliet's father wants to her marry someone else as Juliet have already married Romeo,she drinks elixir and she sleeps but Romeo thought,she died then he died aswell.As soon as Juliet sees his death,she kills herself with his dagger.And families reconcile.But romeo and juliet died.To sum up,ı like very much this story.
ReplyDeletei like the story of romeo and juliet so much.when i firstly wacthed the film i really effected...but i didnt know rosaline i learned new thing =)i think unrequired love is so bad romeo must have had hard days:)))despite this bad luck he found the love of his life juliet.actually poor romeo started an impossible love coz their families re enemy ::(( romeo really unlucky
ReplyDeletehi everybody , as you know we learned romeo and julıet's story but thıs ıs an unrequıtted love whıch seems vary dramatıc b:( theır famıly dont want theır marrıage so thıs we can the ımpact of thıs love on the story .... but ı lıked thıs story very much
ReplyDeletehi friends,we had a nice start for this week again.First of all,ı really admire Shakespare and his works.That he wrote universal themes in his works means that he was a humanistic person,ı think.Meanwhile,ı find silly the idea that these good works might not be written by Shakespare.ı want to say that education shouldnt be a condition to write because writing is the job of ability.Then,ı like the story of romeo and juliet very much. ı learned about it last lesson in detail.For example,every tragedy was caused by Tybalt.I didnt know about it before.What is more,ı was really influenced by love of Romeo and juliet.That they broke the ice and married for love affected me a lot.On the other hand,they were very young.For a moment,ı thought that ı was late to marry:))Sure that ı will watch the film of Romeo and juliet. It was excellent course for me....
ReplyDeletefor years we have known Romeo and Juliet and ı think almost everybody at least every girl admires this love story.ı am very surprised about the rosaline case.a boy die for a girl then something happens and our lover:) romeo fell in love our juliet.how interesting it is.and another interesting thing is that their family dont like each other and they die but their families dont know anything about their love.they died in vain ı think.ı admire shakespeare a lot.he was not educated man in his century.but he did his work better than educated ones.all of his characters in his plays speak like a poem.even today there are new version films of his plays,theatres,in classes such as our course.he and his works are universal and also eternal.until today ı said:ı wish ı would be juliet.but now ı can say that it would be stupid death if ı died for love:)ı know impossibility makes love valuable.if everybody can marry,they may not die for themselves.it is just my opinion about eternal love.
ReplyDeleteIn this lesson we learned about Shakespeare's famous play "ROMEO and JULIET".It was affected me very much.In fact some kind of events occur in our daily lifes,so it is a kind of our traditional topic.It was a tragic play and it kept lots of interesting meetings that were not predicted.Shakespeare correlated successful links between the events and I think that is why the play is shocking for everyone.Because of their families enemity,they had to live an unfortunate lifes an eventually they died,but if Romeo had controlled his anger and he hadn't killed Tybalt,their lifes would have been very different.Anyway it was a very effective love play I think now there is not a such kind of love affair:)everybody thinks themselves.In the lesson we couldn't watched it but I hope we will watch next lesson.I'm waiting eagerly to watch it:)
ReplyDeleteHi everyone! this week was very enjoyful like the other ones. The story of Romeo and Juliet was so magnificient that l couldn't help feeling sorrowful while l was learning about the evenings. As eveybody knows, love themes are liked by girls more so l like it. what a romantic story it is :)
ReplyDeleteromeo and juliet, they have really pure love, and their love is so ambitious. They wrestled for their loves until the end. They must have succeeded, but unfortunately they were defeated toward their families's animosity. despite all difficulties they had , their loves impressed me so much. I want to confess something about our this week lesson. When i listened to my teacher, i was really excited because i really wondered what would happen next?? listening to their gorgeous and ımpossıble love was fluent and exciting. The last thing i want to say about this subject is no one's fate is looks like romeo and juliet's fate:( it is so tragic...
ReplyDeleteHi everbody!As everybody knows,The love of Romeo and Juliet has an important place in all the people's life,and it always affects the people's thinkings or feelings in any way.Although I am a boy,I also love or like love stories and films such as 'Brave Heart'.In Romeo and Juliet's story, we can see both love and sorrowfulness at the same time but this situation is still seen in all people's lives.You can not always be cheerful or sad.As my sentence tells,the life is not a chance giver.If you have a problem that you want to get rid of,kick it of from your pure life,you don't allow it to affect your beautiful life.In that story,a lot of bad things and people that make the life unbearable or hard for Romeo and Juliet.As in Turkish films or stories All the people wait or assume that it will be a happy end for them but not like so,this is the life's fact and we will see the other parts of this fact in the next lessons.
ReplyDeletei have listened the story of romeo and juliet for years but it's the first time that i am interested in details of the story and i enjoyed very much in the lesson.it made me feel more romantic while talking about their pure and deep love=) in my opinion although it isn't the masterpiece of shakespeare it is the most popular one because it includes interesting love events and behaviours which are not suitable for that time's lovers and it make Romeo and Juliet more special for us;)
ReplyDeleteI could not help smiling during some periods of the lesson although the story was quite tragedic:))As to the reason,Nurhayat and I talked about almost every scene because this Romeo and Juliet's story was handled in the comedy program.Therefore it was useful for me to watch it.
ReplyDeleteI think their families' waiting Romeo and Juliet's deaths to make peace with each other was absolutely stupidity.I am sure if their children had not died, they would have kept on being two foe family.Also Romeo and Juliet's death was their unluckiness.I really wonder if they had not died in that way, what would the end of the story be:)
Romeo and Juliet is impressive for me but when it comes to its end I'm really sad..the great love and struggle for this love really worth to appreciate..of course a person do many things for his/her lover but one of them shouldn't be death.On the other hand when ı thougt that again I had a different feeling about this death..a person die for another person..what a great love it is..=)) but I don't wanna die for you my lover:) just live with u..
ReplyDeleteThis is real love!:)Could anybody die for his/her lover or is there love like Romeo and Juliet's love? However,i cant understand why shakespeare gives us the end of story.In addition,there is more interesting thing;After Romeo and Juliet die,the families reconcile! but it is too late.I feel sorry about the end of story...it should not have finished like that.
ReplyDeletehi everybody!What a love it is! ıs there any love like this?I think no.Cos nobody wants to die for somebody.julia's drinking poison is nothing apart from pure love like Romeo.But I sadly want to say that I dont believe such a love and Idont want to die for my lover,I think.However,I want to have such a love.Iwish I had a lover like Romeo:))
ReplyDeleteHi my friends and my teacher!While I was listening the teacher, I heard Sinan's and Nurhayat's conversation:DYes, it is very funny:DBecause Sinan said funny things like'where is the friar?'and etc:D:D As everybody said that Romeo and Juliet is perfect play and topic,it is pure and very deep love... It is deep love because Juliet risked her life by drinking pill which makes her sleep in coffin!What if she couldn't get out from there?She didn't think like these.I don't know but I don't dare like this...and I think that the reasons of being successful and perfect of the Romeo and Juliet play is their pure,real love,confidence each other...
ReplyDeleteyeah finally Shakespeare shows up and of course his beautiful masterpiece 'romeo and juliet'.after the lesson i realised that i knew nothing about it,i mean Romeo and juliet.i am glad that i have learned it.we shortly discussed it but i want to learn the whole story.
ReplyDeleteit is interesting that shakespeare reveals things that will happen which increases curiosity...well...good play,good plot, a masterpiece,shakespeare...everything is in this course...excellent...^^
Hi!After a long time,we started to make comments on what we learned in the class again.Our subject was "Romeo And Juliet" this week.At first,it seemed to me as a stereotype topic,but it wasn't so.Of course, it makes one sad that two lovers didn't bring together.Fate didn't allow them to do so.Anyway,some nonsense things exist in the plot of play,in my opinion.In spite of all these things, it makes one curious about what will happen then.As it was in other topics,this subject was impressive,too.
ReplyDeletehi friends!this week we learned about shakespeare and his wonderful works.ı have heard of him for years,but ı haven't seen in detail like this.he writes universal themes,maybe this is why he is famous worldwide.romeo and juliet,what a pure love theirs,but their fate is very sorrowful.they didn't listen to anyone and got married because their love is so much.ı really impressed.ı wish their end had been nice and happy.the best thing in the end is their family's making peace,but it doesn't work because young lovers had died:( ı am really curious about shakespeare's other works...
ReplyDeletehello friends after the holiday this week our lesson was really enjoyable.I felt very comfortable in the class and the topic was really effective Romeo and Juliet.I couldnt watch Romeo and Juliet or Shakespeare in Love but I know both of them.When I watched in the class I love the film anyway the topic was really impressive and dramatic.I am so happy because I learnt their history comprehensive We are very lucky and I want to add in the film Romeo that is Shakespeare is very handsome::Dof course Juliet is also beautiful.Anyway this week was really good and benefical for us I will watch the films full screnn..good bye everybody see you:)
ReplyDeleteAfter a short midterm break,We are again writing our comments:)I have heard a lot about this play ,but I didn't know that there were different people in their lives beforehand thanks to this week's lesson I got the opportunity to learn more detailed information about it.I need to say that Shakespeare' way to express the feelings attracts me very much especially i like one of his speech which is about why people are afraid of loving smo.Also I watched a film called"Shakespeare in LoVe",and liked it.I can add that Shakespeare is a great man in literature with his plays,words he added etc,and in my opinion he will always survive with his works...
ReplyDeletehello friends. this week is very enjoyable.ı really admire shakespeare and his masterpieces. ın his time he is very perfect person of course.especially romeo and juliet . by the way I watched "shakespeare in love" and I liked it so much.But I think ıt shold have finished with happy ending:)The love the romeo and juliet is really love.cause a person dies for another person .what a really love.
ReplyDeleteı am curious about next lesson:)
Hi! After a long time,this week we had lesson and I must say that I enjoyed so much.I like Shakespeare's work so much.I've read Romeo and Juliet before so I knew the story.In the lesson while talking about the story,I remembered all the story and felt it again.Romeo and Juliet is very affective story especially when we consider these old times.When I first read it,I found some parts very funny,but then I thought the time when the story was written,I was interested it, so read the whole story,watched some movies about Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare's some other works as well.Shakespeare mentions about love very differently,affectively,so everbody can find different feelings in his works.Everybody can learn somthing from him.We will go on talkin about him,I guess.I'm very happy to learn new things about Shakespeare. :)
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.Our current destination in english literature journey is Renaissance times Shakespeare period.And this famous Romeo and Juliet.What a love tragedy it is.A beautiful example of a pure eternal love story.In fact the reason its being so famous appealing to virtually anyone lies in the fact that it is a kind of legend of love enduring all the difficulties to live the love even if knowing death at the end.How genius Shakespeare is-father of eng lit.-maneging to attract attention altough telling what will happen.Few authors can do this.What other works of him we will read Iam curious...
ReplyDeleteEventually we learned Shakespeare and his popular play, Romeo and Juliet this week. I watched a film of it, but it was so funny that I didn’t feel the purity of love and I left it undone. It wasn’t the story that I expect. In the class, I learned the details. I saw that in those times love was pure and eternal. The lovers, Romeo and Juliet, die for each other. It was a unwanted end for me. Ah, if only they came together! That is to say, this is a love story which impressed me very much..
ReplyDeleteThe topic we dealt with this week was really impressive for me and possibly all of you because it was Shakespeare and his famous work Romeo & Juliet.In fact I must admit that ı was looking forward to dealing with Shakespeare for ı really love him and his masterpieces.He is really well known by the world.For Romeo and Juliet,it is a love story that ı want to have :)who does not want to have such a lover even it does not finish with a happy ending?
ReplyDeletehello everybody..this week was very enjoyable that's because we learned about Shakespeare's the best known masterpiece Romeo and Juliet..I had heard it before,but i hadn't known it in detail..I want to confess that it impressed me very much..The two lovers' not being able to come together made me feel stressed:(It is a real love story and i think not everyone can find such a pure love in these times...Despite the two families are enemies;the lovers don't care about them,and in those times one could marry with someone just because of political reasons or make strong relationships with one another.. Seeing real loves in those times is very surprising..I liked it very much.. İf only they had come together with happy ending:(
ReplyDeleteThis lesson was very enjoyable because of the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet!I know the story before like most of us but I didn't know the details.In this class,I learned full of the story and it sounds good:)Listening to an extraordinary love story is not only having a great time but also thinking the events or what cause to them.I understood that time doesn't change everything,as love doesn't change from ancient ages to present.Love is always and in everwhere!I think,Romeo and Juliet is one of the most affecting story because it includes family relationships except for just two lovers and their feelings.In other words,the story hasn't only individual content but social one.This story displays families' attitudes about their sons or daughter's decisions of marriage as it is now...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody..Romeo and Juliet! How nice to learn about their loves:)As all my friends say,I have only heard about them,but I didn't know in detail.Both of them are very young!very surprising for me bec. I thought they are older.Although they were very young,they didn't give up their loves,but their families were enemies.They were reconciled after Romeo and Juliet died,but this was in vain.I mean the one who died died:( It is difficult to find almost such lovers even at these times...I wish ıt had finished with a happy ending,but in general,unfortunately such stories end with a sad ending.Lovers cannot come together.We will see what will happen at next weeks.Have a nice day all of you:)
ReplyDeletehii!!This class we learned romeo and juliet.it is a tragic love story:( their love was pure i think it is so impressive.it is the best subject we have ever learned.i dont watch the film about it but i am going to watch:))im curious about it.i like it so much.
ReplyDeleteit seems to me that this lesson is going to be more and more enjoyable week by week. I watched the film Romeo&Juliet before, but examining it in detail was nice and ı liked the lesson very much. Shakespare is a great man.I like his many other plays and books but Romeo&Juliet is without doubt the best one( at least for me.)Their tragis story and pure love is very impressive. Also this week we watched a part of Shakepare in Love. I was very impressive too and I wonder the other parts of the film.
ReplyDeletehi friends.. this week we've learned william shakespare at last :))ıt was really impressive in this lesson we've watched shakespare in love but some parts of it..I'll watch it because I'm curious about it.as we know he wrote romeo and juliet..I was impressed by the play a really sad ending a suicide for love ıdont know whether there is like this love and lastly I'm curious about the next lesson;))
ReplyDeleteHi my dear teacher and friends. That week was the best one I think. I love love stories and films about love. But when I heard about Romeo and Juliet I felt very upset. They love each other very much really but they couldn't be together. Fate didn't allow them to be together. When I heard about them in lesson I really felt badly and my eyes become waterly. It reminded me my own story. Once upon a time I love somebody very much, he loves me very much too and we had very good days. We didn't think we gave up each other but we had to. I think there are a lot of love stories like that but Romeo and Juliet of SHAKEPARE is the best one of course.I like it very very much and I'm looking forward to learn about them more.:)
ReplyDeletehi..We studied Shakespeare and one of his masterpieces,Romeo and Juliet.I know something about it but ı didn't know the details.Actually theme of the play is usual :two people love each other and their families don't allow their marriages.At the end they die for each other.In this familiar story ı think eternity,purity of their loves may affect to people.Certainly Shakespeare's success is indisputable and his works are highly popular today...
ReplyDeletehi! ı want to start with some features of shakespear's time. At that time the theatre was not seen as a good activity, not a good place to go. Anyway Romeo and juliet is a forbidden love story. When we contrast it with now, we can see some similarities. For example, families sometimes dont permit their son or girl to marry to their lovers. Sometimes these families can be enemy such as that in Romeo and Juliet's story.This is a tragedy for lovers. It is a suffering event for them. This story includes love, passion, death, tragedy and suffering. They could not come together despite their all efforts. Not coming together caused their deaths...
ReplyDeleteI have wondered Romeo and Juliet every time because ı had no chance to read or watch it. But the first time ı could watch it on tv was in this summer and ı learned it in our course in detail in this week. There is a love which is forbidden. Their families dont want them to marry to each other but they dont think their childrens lives. In the end they understand the ıssue but it is too late. Both of them are not alive. Shakespeare wrote the play in a such excellent way that we can read it nowadays with curiosity and we can understand its language. I think this is the literature's beauty...
ReplyDeleteHi friends!..
ReplyDeleteThis week,we looked at 'Romeo and Juliet'.It is really a tragic drama.It includes unrequıted love,then coming together,and immediately later leaving.There is also unluckiness,too.For instance,it is that Romeo can't give the letter Juliet had written for him and that he thought Juliet was dead.Therefore,they die in vain.This is very sad so It impressed me much...
Shakespeare is really a prolific and universal playwright.His works are just for entertainment.He must be very genius to write 54 plays for a son of a glove maker.I think romeo & Juliet is a masterpiece not only for English literature but also for world literature.Although I do not like melancholic pieces, this one carried me away, indeed.
ReplyDeleteyess.. romeo and julıet... very sad and interesting play it is..when i was watchıng or reading it i thougt that it finished at the marriage scene but everything started there..i kept my eyes on the play at any moment..i always think that films, plays, books which have sad ending get much more attention and are liked much more than the others..romeo and juliet is a play and book like this..i very enjoyed it.:D
ReplyDeleteA pair of stars-cross'd lovers take their lover,and then an impressive love story comes out,becoming nearly a phenomenon for all times with Shakespeare's writing skill..Until the last lesson, ı knew the Romeo and Juliet love, but not very much in detail..thanks to this lesson ı learned details of their love,and ı have been affected in some aspects,for example,they fell in love with each other at the age of 13s-14s,and ı think at this age love is very pure and genuine..then their love was impeded by trivial reasons caused from their families,..and most important is that their story ends again as it starts with a real love,but in tragic way...
ReplyDeletehi.literature became more enjoying for me after we started to read Shakespeare.Although he was not educated,his writings were impressive enough.Romeo and Juliet of course the most important ones.almost everyone knows their loves.it was very enjoying until they died in vain:(
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.. This week we read Romeo And Juliet written by Shakespeare. It is a tragic story but also romantic. In the play, Romeo and Juliet loves eachother but they are the children of enemy families. Their families do not allow them to marry so they they marry without mentioning about their marriage to their families. However, juliet’s father wants her to marry someone else. Then, Juliet drinks a potion which makes her sleep. When Romeo comes and sees her, he thinks Juliet is dead and he kills himself. After that Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo is dead then she kills herself. Their love lasts forever. What a love and what an attractive story!
ReplyDeleteRomeo and juliet..i have always heard some gossips about their love but this time it is not a gossip:) this week we read the Romeo and juliet , even we watch scenes from film..a tragic love it is..actually there isnt something new in the story ,even Shakespeare says the sad end but he uses such a different style that you enjoy a lot while you are reading the love of Romeo and Juliet..
ReplyDeleteIn the end we could begin to study Shakespeare's plays. =) Everyone waited for this lesson.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know the other works of him except "romeo and juliet","hamlet","othello" and "Midsummer Night's Dream". He has a lot of works actually 54.It was a fabulous lesson.The time just flew away :D...
Romeo and Juliet is a well written play.I'm fascinated by the way Shakespeare wrote it.So many must have come to his mind and the most amazing point is he only finished highschool!Excellent work William :D He exaggerated a little bit;however, it is obvious that one can not compare the play with the modern time.
Look forward on the next course.If there is anyone who thinks of not attending this course I would instantly dissuade him...
ReplyDeleteHello everybody.At last we could begin the masterpiece of Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet..Although Shakespeare is an uneducated playwrite he has lots of well written works.They are really successfully writen compared to that time's works.His works are important not only for Enlish literature but also for the whole world.Achieving writing so universal works makes him a unique playwrite.In Romeo and Juliet he wrote about an unrequited love of two youngs which we all know something about.but in this class I learned the whole story.I found it a bit exaggerated but when we consider that it is a play to be performed and the conditions of that time it is an excellent masterpiece.It is a kind of tragedy that makes reader or watchers both laugh and sad.We all liked it.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody..Well..After weeks, passing with The Early ,The Middle English and The Medieval Age,we studied Romeo and Juliet,by Shakespeare.it is ,really, masterpiece and now I understand why and how this play has remained for these days.The gir and the boy loving eachother and not wanting to live without eachother..It's impressive and I enjoyed this play.
ReplyDeletePoor Rome and his poor darling Juliet!I always wonder how this story is until my teacher narrated this.I just heard their name but,this is magnificient play.In additıon, we watched the film of Romeo and Juliet; enmity,love,passion,hatred all these feeling were mixed.Existing this drama in Medieval Age is unbelievable.Bis masterShakerpeare created perfect work again.Because of this play,I admire Shakespeare one more time.
ReplyDeletefinally eagerly waited Shakespeare and his works including 'Romeo and Juliet' .. actually i didn'T know about it,too untill sinan summarized this sorrowful love story in a funny way that it was shown in a comedy programme so i couldn'T help smiling for the things he said most of time:)besides, what a real and an eternal love they had..here i am lost for words but i got upset about such a bad end of it..but it is also inevitible that life may put unexpected sorrowful ends to nice things and unforgetible memories even if we can't fit it..
ReplyDeletein fact, we always come across such stories in Turkey(even me :)) so it is bad for lovers:( shakespeare express this situation in a really effective n perfect way. i become absorbed in the story while ı was listening it.their love was so pure n didnt deserve such a bad ending.. ı wish they could be together at the end but if it were so it wouldnt affect people i think...it is a good love story, every body should watch or read it...g.arslan
ReplyDeleteTeacher; ı didn't overthink about the end of this youngs:=)Their destinies were written beforehand:)They have two choices:1.they will get married;have children;namely a picture of family happiness and 2.they will die together(TOGETHER)if only one of them dies; the mystery flys:=)I had read the Shakespeare ;and liked very much.This Romeo and Juliet is also very effectively written even if I said smt.Watching the poems film makes it more colorful and easy to remember.It is the time of love ;it is the time of real passion!
ReplyDeletehi friends...shakespear wrote universal themes such as love.we still read the his masterpeace.It shows that he is a real and worldwhile writer. Romeo and juliet's story is like 'pamuk prenses ve 7 cüceler'. They didnt show their love because of their families' enemity, they experienced a real love.While listening the story takes you from real life and you live in a pink world.
ReplyDeleteohhh My GOD!!!this is a fantastic and sorry end. ı am really admired to Sheakepeare for that he wrote such a unbelieveable and marvelleous story. ı liked him but a bit a l am sorry because their death and the end of the love of Romeo and Juliet maked me really sad.Their love deeply affected me while ı was watching film, l felt very emotional...
ReplyDeletehi friends.it is a good story.when ı am lerning these ı always contrast them with our literature.ı love our literature very much but ı lose interest to english literature and ı judge it.for example ı contrast leyla&mecnun-romeo&juliet and ı am frustrated about english literature.maybe it is not a good behaviour.because every culture has its own values,traditions,reliogional thoughts,lives...etc.ı am going to try not to do it to learn more effectively.but ı must say ı liked sheakspeare's literatural works.
ReplyDeletehi everybody!! This week was very enjoyable:). I liked the story of Romeo and Juliet. It's one of the fantastic and magnificient story I've ever heard,but end of the story is so tragic.. I wish they hadn't died.. :)
ReplyDeleteThe big love story...
ReplyDeleteActually.ı dont like love stories,romantic films very much,but this one is like magic.A young boy and a girl fall in love.It's impossible to be together.Their families dont like each other.Also juilet's going to marry another man.There are alot of thing dont let them to marry, but they r decided to struggle on with all obstacles only for their big loves.ı think this story s worth listening.
hi everybody.this week we watch romeo and juliet love story of shaekspaer.ı don't tell the whole story because everybody already knows that:).the most important and exciting part of the story is the last scene but at the same time sading.in turkey we get used to see a wedlock in such a situation
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is a very brave of Shakespeare to tell what will happen at the end of the play and it is a very exraordinary
ReplyDeletetalent to still hold the attention.While doing such a thing it is important to make people curious about what will happen,and Shakespeare knows that.The fact that Romeo wrote unsuccessful poems for Rosaline because of suffering from
unrequited love and that he then noticed his real life convinced me that there is always an opportunity to find
a dependable love.
hello my friends:) at last we begun to Shakespere even Romeo and Juliet.It is very tragic story.I hadn't known the story before.After ı have learned I was really ımpressed.I am lookinng forward to watching the film:)
ReplyDeleteHello. This week we read Romeo and Juliet by Shakespere.ı had read it when ı was in high school but ı couldnt understand it exactly.Now ı understend and liked it very much.The tragic and romantic story of Romeo and Juliet impressed me deeply.ı really liked the style of Shakespere.ı will watch the film soon.
ReplyDeleteShakespeare!!There is no word,no sentence to express him.He is still alive at our hearts,words...Thanks to him,love(eventually) opens the door slightly this week.Although the love of Romeo and Juliet is full of tragedy and sorrow,they do their best to protect their big love.As I am a believer of "The best love is the difficult one",I had a good time in this lesson.Thanks for all:)
ReplyDeleteI hadn't read any of Shekespeares' works,but we began one of them that week.Romeo and Juliet
ReplyDelete,love can't be defined more than that one.It is so influential that i have waited for next week impatiently to watch it.Although it is told at the very beginning what will be at the and still it can make everybody curious about it.
What a great work! Romeo and Juliet…I found no words to say in front of such a masterpiece. Shakespeare totally did his best by writing this wonderful story of two young lovers. His words reflect the perfect image of pure love. In spite of the difficulties, they tried to resist somehow with that powerful emotion. Although they died bitterly, their story has been read and told for ages worldwide…
ReplyDeletehello everybody..this week i could not attend the class so i could not watch the beginning of the romeo and julıet film but last week i watch the last part of it..i know about the story that it is very romantic and it is also very tragedic.. at first you can laugh while watching the film but at the and of it you really feel sad..the imperessive aspect of the fılm and the story is that this play took place in the time which the people didn't expect to watch and read it..may be the people were not ready to the story but they really liked the story.. and many people in the world remember this story when Shakespeare is mentioned..
ReplyDeleteLove story, hmmmm, it is really impressive and also as we are turkish people we are accustomed to love stories. There are two persons who love each other and they cant come together because of family eneminess.We live this kind of stuations and so we make them movie. We can see them in YEŞİLÇAM movie sector. This kind of love storeis has always ipmressed us now and then. As to me , ıt is perfect....
ReplyDeleteyeah in the end we started to Romeo and Juliet.. we were impatiently waiting for it:) we started with Romeo’s contradiction love (even not a real love) for Rosaline, but then we continued with his love for Juliet I name this “a real love” we started good:) we know the end but i still want to continue to read and watch it eagerly..thanks..
ReplyDeletehello everybody!
ReplyDeletefirst of all ı admire this story. ı think it is a pure life... Although they are enemy,they continue love each other. ı always thınk that they will marry in the end but they don't and ı am really shocked. ıt ıs really tragic ang ıncludes unrequeted love...