Now we've left the Anglo Saxons behind, seen the Norman conquest and how the social structure and language of the people of England changed as a result. Old English interacted with the French of the Normans and the Latin of the Catholic church to become Middle English, and the literature changed accordingly. Bravery and loyalty were still themes, but there was a new interest in the idea of what love is, human or divine. We also see criticism of those in power and the use of irony, both unheard of in Anglo Saxon times.
This week we looked at part of Chaucer's General Prologue to his Canterbury Tales and his ironic approach to those who went on pilgrimages.
hi.firstly ı want to say that when ı learn something about english history and literature,ı become more interested in them.ı have learned history in turkish perspective so far.nowadays ı start to study english history and literature in english perspective.everybody can learn a language but cannt learn what ı learn.ı'm very happy with it.and ı'll be glad to mention that ı admire Chaucer for his ability to write.he is aware of people's wrong attitudes and he uses ironic approach successfully.with the Chaucer age we closed one era,beowulf era,and open love,humanity era.ı m looking forward to studying Shakespeare's era:)
ReplyDeleteThis week,we learnt Middle English Literature.I realised that this period was different from the other for some aspects.For example,love and romantısm are important.As well the lady is in the top.This affected me very much even ın this period, women are very important like now.This is very odd.In addition to this we paid attention to Geoffrey Chaucer.He is known as a father of English Poetry.He wrote 24 tales.In his tales irony is more important.It's strange to me that his stories starts with a general prologue.When i heard it,i was amazed because i didn't hear like this before.Now i will read one of them "The Wife of Bath's Tale.I hope,i will like it...
ReplyDeletethis week we learn somethıng more enojable than the last week, because there were nıce feelıngs for ınstance courtly love:D not hatred, enmity as in beowulf. there are lots of thıngs affected me in this lesson, but the plıgrım's aims of goıng pılgrımage are the most effectıve one:D because ıt s really fantastıc. when ı heard it, i couldn't help laughıng...but ı thınk the wıfe of Bath ll be more funny:D :D
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ReplyDeleteas i learn english literature im getting curious about it...its enjoyable but to be honest i have diffuculty in understanding some times...i hope it gets better
ReplyDeletehi. fırstly ı want to say that ın fact ı dıdnt lıke lıterature but now ı m gettıng to lıke ıt because of the teacher's enjoyable teachıng method . but ı sometımes have dıffıculty ın understandıng ıt.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to see even one thousand years ago people felt the same way we do now. It was lovely reading a poem that strong in feelings and expressions(Especially after reading some more of the remaining rest, not the whole work :)). Main focus is on the people themselves, though. I personally feel the need to add that I don't like poems a lot, mainly because everyone that can write inverted sentences thinks they are poets, but stuff like these always left a good feeling and impression on me.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.This week,we learned the Middle English after the Old English.It was a bit different from the Old English.There were much love in adition to bravery and loyalty.Because printing was developed,reading habits andlanguage were transformed and so everybody understood grammar,vocabulary and spelling easily.There was a famous man named Geoffrey Chaucer.It was important for the Middle English because he produced a lot of tales and contributed a lot of thing to the Middle English.I hope next week we will see more enjoyable course. :)
ReplyDeleteHi!!Middle English Literature is more different than the earlier one.There were the works explained love and romantic stories.Also the works,such as Canterbury Tales, were written to criticize the leader,church.Writers firstly used irony.I think reading these ironic and love stories lead to our having a good time:D.I hope all funny stories are,at least,as entertaining as the reason which they went on a pilgrimate:))
ReplyDeleteHi!This week we discuss Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.I realised that this work remind me ironic poems of Şeyhi in Turkish literature.I made a comparison between English literature and Turkish literature.Feelings are the same;irony and anger at people's behaviours or officials's corruptions in Ottoman Empire.All people have similar emotions but the difference is people themself maybe time difference.This class give a chance to compare two literatures-English and Turkish-.I think,this truth worth learning!
ReplyDeleteHi everbody!We learned middle english literature this week that it is different from Old English.It contains love and romantic topics instead of bravery,war and loyalty.I liked Middle English Literature very much.I hope that we will see love and romantic topics in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.We only talked,we didn't examine any example of Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer.When we examine any of these tales,i think that we will like and enjoy because Geoffrey Chaucer who is father of English Literature had used ironical style in his tales so i'm looking forward to examine 'The Wife of Bath's tale:D
ReplyDeleteHi!This week, we met Geoffrey Chaucer who is a poet and examined some different types of themes such as love and satire.I think Geoffrey must be a very brave person to make satires about some people that go on pilgrimages because he might be damaged by these people.On the other hand,love means a different sense that is for a lady.This is really amazing.Maybe,the literature could have attracted many people in those times due to this reason.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!We learned the Middle English Literature last week.It's different from old English Literature because it focus on love a lot.It's more realistic than old english literature stories and it didn't have violent actions.Because of including love and good things,it is very attractive.I loved the topic this time =)..Not only the poems include love but also it criticizes the people who are pilgrims.I think subjects are becoming interesting.
ReplyDeleteHi friends!This week I want to say that liked the topic and it was more interesting than the story of last week.It narrates love and real things.I think it attracted lots of people because of this reason.It didn't have miraculous events,so I interested in it.During the lesson I listen the story in wonder.I think romantism is the topic that most people are eager to learn.I want to see topics like this story next week:)
ReplyDeletei was like 'come on,where is love?!' and finally love showed up..well...what can i say,i am glad
ReplyDeleteabout pilgrimages...i thought it was nice of people to go on pilgrimages..but when i learnt the purpose of it,i was totally know..pilgrimages include love,marriage affairs.people going on pilgrimage seek husband/wife...:) pretty cool,huh :))))
Hi!The most enjoyable part of lesson in this week was Chaucer's general prologue for me.I think he was a genius,he had a special ability.By the way;Thomas died for his beliefs,and it was another impressive thing.Middle English and literature seem to be easy and enjoyable considering of old English and literature.I can't imagine how different types of literature we will see in the following weeks:))
ReplyDeletehi.!.Midlle English literature is different from old English literature.In summer I heard something about English literature but a little:)In the begining there is not any criticism about literature.but in the middle.there was not real literature in the begining,but later Geoffrey began to wrire literature in English.It is very important for english literature.Geoffrey criticises church and pilgrims.In the middle age English is closer than old to our English.I know about some information about france literature also,but it is so huge and there are some similarities in both literature:)
ReplyDeleteHi english literature elt students.This week we examined the middle age in english literature.If you realise there is adirect connection between history,social events and literature.this week we understood this again.the events in society and era resulted in a bit more different literature.In old english bravery and loyalty were maın themes but in middlr age we see the themes of love romance and irony.I think this can be linked to a more civilizated society and printing press.We met with Geoffrey Chaucer and learned abit about his Canterbury Tales.he used irony in his and make us hink by reading it.The concern was pilgrim.He used it to criticize some people in that it served for several reasons apart from main purpose.In Canterbury Tales what else we will see i`m looking forward...
ReplyDeleteAnd eventually different things different feelings from hate,enemies,loyalty :) this week we saw the entrance of love to the literature so this is more enjoyable especially for us, girls..:) furthermore the pilgrims were very interesting,their aims that includes marriage affairs surprised me and the criticism to the pilgrims is very fantastic and sarcastic..:D
ReplyDeleteAfter we had learnt about the eglish literature,ı realized that languages were affected by every kind of events such as wars,social interacts,trade,politics and so on.In middle english literature,new terms came out and people wrote about love,divine and human.It showed that human love gained a lot of importance in that time and it was very vital improvement.We also saw the "CANTERBURY TALES" and ı found them very interesting because they were imaginary stories and there were lots of people who were different social levels it gave a chance to express their feelings.Therefore they criticized the society.I'm looking forward to the next lesson because we'll see "THE WİFE OF BATH'S TALE".I wonder this tale a lot:)
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see the popularity of English. In this period English was becoming more popular than past among all classes of the society.After heroic poems now we start to analyse different themes like courtly love and romance in that period of century.And also Chaucer's critics were impressive because he cirticize the society with interesting tales of pilgrims in his masterpiece...
ReplyDeleteHi. This week we have learnt Middle English Literature.In this period, love, romantism and women were important differently from the other one. I was more interested in these topics rather than bravery and war. We talked about the father of English Literature, Geoffrey Chaucer and his tales. He also criticizes the aims of pilgrims. It made me laugh so much, because as everyone see, the aims of them were very different. They went on pilgrimage to seek partner. :) It was very surprising for me to learn this.
ReplyDeletehey!!!Ive read most of the comments of my friends and I noticed that we have almost the same opinions.Its the first time that I examine any other literature than the turkish one.Actually Ive read a lot of books about the english literature like "the other boleyn girl" and other books by the same author, but its the first time that I got it as a course.I recommend everyone to read books and watch movies about the english literature, such as "elizabeth golden age" or "countess". You will learn a lot from these movies. All in all I really enjoy the literature class.The tales and battles are very interesting...Hope u are enjoying the class as I do :)
ReplyDeletehi friends!firstly,ı haven't attended the class fully for some reasons..ı got a chance to attend for one class.ı wanted to be in the class for three hours but ı learnt some information about the topic and this interested me so much then ı searched it on the net...Middle English Literature is more interesting than the Old English because in this term,love and romance are more dominant topics.These topics interested me more than war and bravery...ı am curious about what we will see in the next class.Have a nice day:)
ReplyDeletehello!ın this week,ı was enjoyed by the class a lot because the topic was more interesting and enjoyable.ıt was more outstanding because love and romance are the main points of the class.Especially the girls were more interested than the boys:))so understanding middle english literature is a lot easier than the old one...War and bravery are not the interesting topics so ıt is easier to forget them.I hope next week will be the same as this week:)
ReplyDeleteIf I had come accross this work somewhere else I would think it is from the German literature.
ReplyDeleteIt is a different style showing how much impact German lang has on the historical process of English.It is really difficult to understand Old English-I have difficulty in understanding Old Turkish let alone Old English-but it is interesting.That is why we listened to the teacher very carefully in the last course.I don't remember paying much attention in Turkish Literature courses in high school.I hope we will go on following the courses like this.
The development of English Literature is very interesting and entertaining.Noticing the variation of the topics in this process,poets started to write in different ways.They added some new topics to their old ones.The writing style changed on a large scale.Mostly because of the ordinary peoples' rebellious behaviour against government.I understood that everyday life determined this ages'literature a lot.We also see the advanced structure in poems and in their aims.Old English is not good;because understanding it is very difficult for a person who is not a native speaker(but ı think Engish people can't understand also:)).But other ages' poems are worth to read.Love and irony together very well.Other topics were also used.For a man writing a masterpiece like Canterbury Tales is very difficult for me when we think the time of them.Congratulations Geoffrey Chaucer:)
ReplyDeleteHi!As we learned from last week's,middle English literature has some differences from Old English.You can see love,irony,criticism,romantism all together in here.At the process of time,some tales were written against the head(bad king) of English civilization and the head of church such as Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.Nearly all of his tales have ironical styles,but in one situation I don't agree with Oğuz.Writing inverted sentences didn't lead to them to think themselves as poets at that times but now it can be.As a brief sentence,I can say that Geoffrey Chaucer is father,mother,grandfather,grandmother... of English Literature :)We are waiting for next tales of Geoffrey Chaucer.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI must say that I'm very impressed at the rich contributions that you are all adding. I really enjoy reading them and I can see that you are interested. Keep up the good work!!
Hi my dear teacher and friends...After Old English, we learnt Middle English this week. Last week's lesson subject was very bloody but this week in addition to bravery and loyalty there were love and romantism and also ladies were very important in poetries. Furthermore for the first time there was critisizm of leader and church. Of course Geoffrey Chaucer who produced a lot of tales, was very important in Middle English poetries and he was also prior of those poetries.
ReplyDeleteHi!we are coming to present week by week by having started with the old English and i enjoy in the lessons by learning new things.Not only do we learn its history itself but we also connect it to our history such as similar human classifications,their trade style etc.i can say that it becomes more effective when compared.Also i think as the time passes and the English changes and gets close to today's shape and i am glad it changed because it was a part of German,and then a bit rough:)
ReplyDeletehi everybody!Last week, after old english, we have learned something about Middle English. It is different from old english in terms of topics.At last we've begun to see love in literature.Also we have learned about Geoffrey Chaucer,father of english literature.He critized the church ironically in his tales.I think after bloody Beowulf Geoffrey Chaucer's tales is muc more interesting.
ReplyDeletehi!!This week we learnt something about Middle English Literature,and it's powerful and impressive.Some people such as Geoffrey Chaucer used ironical styles to express his and people's dissatisfaction against the dominant leaders of that times.I like this situation.This is the difference between Middle English Literature and Old English.In Old English we always saw loyalty to the kings but not in Middle English Literature.That's all:)
ReplyDeletehi!..this week we learned about Middle English Literature.İt was diffrent than the previous subject.İt was also involved in love in addition to war,bravity.This is shown in the Canterbury Tales appearently.we learn about their social lives and opinions.i hope that we will learn more about them in the next lesson..
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ReplyDeleteHi, again! we studied Middle English this week..different from the Old English,in which we mostly came across the feelings such as the loyalty of people, bravity and also wars, Middle English introduced us to feelings such as love for human and divine, and irony. there were also ladies(as imran said) who were protected by chivals. of course,it was nice behaviour of them:)maybe the most noticeable thing was Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.. it's most important feature was that it was written in a sarcastical way,it critisized the church, life of people and the poet himself too.. but the most funny thing must be pilgrims who go to the holy place with different aims (to find a good husband or wife,for example:))
ReplyDeletemiddle english we studied this week is different from the old english.As friends said,there were feelings such as love,criticism in this week's subject. Also we mentioned Geoffrey Chaucer and he is qualified father of english literature.Namely we say he had important place in english literature.Especially because of his style, curiosity of his tales and maybe middle english can be increase...while we are studying differences between the terms, these stories, poems and poets are very essential and contributory...
Really there are great differences between middle englısh and old englısh.One is mostly about war,bravery and the other is about love.The subjects of middle english are quite nice.One forgets about the sadnesses in him/her for a moment and gets interested in the event in past.on the other hand, I agree Oğuz in that I also don't like the poems so much;))
ReplyDeletehi....we re learning eng literature little by little.actually, old eng didnt attract me so much,but middle eng s diffrent.As all my friends say,this term includes diffrent topics such as love,irony,divine.etc.especially,women were respected more than any time.the society left wars,invasions,disagreements and they reached brand-new life standarts.Certainly,Geoffrey Chaucer-"father" of eng literature- made vital contributions to shape this term.He used eng at a time when most of poets insisted on using Anglo-Norman or Latin,for example.In my opinion,the second thing makes him special that he shared his own opinions openly.we understand what kind of a person he was easily when we read his masterpiece called "Canterbury Tales".He criticised people who go to holy places for diffrent aims and also he mentioned corruptins.Now ı m very eager to learn about him and his works.
ReplyDeleteHi friends, it is very nice to search english literature, ı think. History is my topic. ı love to search and learn both the history of my country and other countries.We talked about middle english literaure and Geoffrey Chaucer's poem in last week.We see that 'love'and 'bravery'started to be given importance in the middle age.Furthermore, ı haven't heard the war of the roses before. ıt attracted my attention.One more thing, ı was very suprised the aims of pilgrims.They went to go there to search a suitable partner for them:)ı can say that Geoffrey Chaucer is very creative.. it is excellent to critisize the people in such way in those times...
ReplyDeletehi friends.this week,we learned about middle english literature.And,it is more comprehensive.there is love,war in addition trade,printing.we talked about GEOFFREY CHAUCER and his famous work"The Contebury Tales".he is very successful.and Pilgrims are very interesting.they represent a different part of society.I am curious that what we will see next week.I hope you,too...
ReplyDeleteHİ my dear frieds :) it is very nice to us learning new thing about English Literature :D week by week i like english literature very much. Middle english is very different from old english.
ReplyDeletehey...I would like to know if u read sth from the tale of the wife of Bath? I got some information and I found out that she is a "funny" woman. She has special thoughts about marriages.Has some found and other information about her?I know that we're going to talk about it in the next class,still I want to learn more about her...So if u have anything to say about her please write it ....Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteHi, this week we learned Middle English Literature. There are differences between Anglo-Saxon poetry and Middle Ages. We learned Geoffrey Chaucer and his famous masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. I think Middle English is much more interesting than Old English. The theme of Middle English is more social. The most important theme is love:) The poem we learned was about spring, flowers, love, warm and beauty. These are good feelings. I feel myself cklose to these feelings. It is good when there is happiness, goodness:))
ReplyDeletehi!!this week we learned Middle English is different from other.we met Geoffrey Chaucer.the theme is better:))i can say that Middle English is much more interesting than Old English.i like it :d
ReplyDeletehello ...this week we learn about the mediaeval poetry.I liked this period as it contains love of course:)there is a man actually the father of english poetry .His name is GEOFFREY CHAUCER.He has 24 tales .Some of these are canterbury tales,since I from love,the house of fame.In his tales there are love and romantism as these are important in this period.I want to share with you a part of poem "Since I from love "
ReplyDeleteSince I from Love escaped am so fat,
I ne'er think to be in his prison ta'en
Since I am free, I count him not a bean.
I just wanted to share:)
See you next week.Take care...
Hello. Last week we learned midle english literature and Geoffrey Chaucer.His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales,written with style of satire.In this bok there are stories of people such as knigt's tale,the wife of bath's tale ,the nun's tale.As it is written satically it shows us an objective side of people from different jobs and situations.I am fond of liretature and history so i really enjoy this course.I can have the opportunity of learning a different culture's history and literature.These are all i can say now. See you next week:)
ReplyDeleteAnd finally... Middle English!With the Norman conquest, there was alteration in society and literature.The literature became more romantic and satirical with the Chaucer's works.Old English includes lots of heroic,bravery and loyalty themes and this Middle English includes more colourful themes like spring,love..etc, so this makes the topics more interesting and familiar to us:)
ReplyDeleteHi, friends.In the poem April's excitement, hopefulness, emotion is given in a very sensilde way.Geoffrey Chaucer expressed his feelings with kennings and this added the poem a different sight.Chaucer menticned the beautifulnesses of April but also he said something about people's double-facedness.He satired them and this was effective too.
ReplyDeleteHi,everybody:)I was absent at this week because of my illness so ı missed the class.I'm really interested in English history,so this missing interfered my learning about Middle english history.Of course,ı compensated it by reading about middle history on internet.In all honesty,I can say that middle english history is for me..It includes love...:)Love brings different perspective to history.It will be more exciting,romantic and full of action.I can't think how history would be without women:)Neşe,you said whether anybody read about The wife of Bath.Yes,I have read something about this tale.Really,she is an intellegent and funny woman and knows how to punish men:)Anyway,I m curious about next lesson.See you my friends and teacher:)
ReplyDeleteHi my pals!Our topic was Middle English and poetry.I was affected by this muach more than the Old English because it was related to war and bravery but this is related to 'romance' and love.These factors that interests me so much.At least,these are nicer feelings than others.Also women characters are in these stories.Eventually I'm more curious about the comings.. see you later..
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ReplyDeleteHi, this literature started to arouse my interest more and more. In the beginning, there was just loyalty and no criticism; but now it become attracted and a bit funny with joining of criticism and irony. What made me most surprised was aim of pilgrimage. I said to myself these people always resembled each other ; even though they lived at different ages and areas. As time goes by, ı see how many common things we have. We’ll see,what happens this week :)..thanks..
ReplyDeletehi, last week we learned middle english literature that's different from old english in aspect of themes.While topics such as war, bravery and loyalty are emphasized in old english, this period is mostly about love and romantism.Thus, it's more enjoyable.Geoffrey Chaucer criticises the church and pilgrims in the poem.His style to express his feelings is effective and the most surprising thing is the aim of pilgrims:)
ReplyDeleteHi.. I wanna say that this week is more interesting and enjoyable than last week because the topics of middle enlish literature are so enjoyable such as love,romantism etc.:) At the same time middle english is more understandable than old english.I'm getting more interested in english literature day by day.
ReplyDeletehi to all, this week we learned about Middle English Litearure, and saw how it differs from old English.ıts better that unlike the old english literature middle english literature contains also romance( not the romance we know now, but still romance) except for war, heroic symbols and loyalty to the leaders.we also learned Geoffrey Chaucer and his "Canterbury Tales".how he used his language ironicly to critise the people going to pilgrim.. so different and nice..the rhtyme also sunds nice.
ReplyDeletehello! i love this english literature more because i can understand more and i read some good things in poems in this literature such as spring, flowers, love :D. reading possitive things is beautiful.i want to say that in middle english literature they talk about everything easily because they say what they want to say b irony and contrast..they make criticism. we can use this in our lifes:D
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!this week's topic was middle age poetry..guite different from old one.There is no war but more enjoyable spring,love and funny tales of Geoffrey Chaucer.These made tih age's literature more interesting.Women also have an importance in this age's literature.This important in terms of feeling that both sexes are given equal importance.Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury tales were written to criticize some people from different social classes.His style is effective,ironic,and there is satire in his tales.good bye..
ReplyDeleteHello everybody firstly I can easily say that day by day we learn more entertaining things. Because day by day we are becoming close to modern English so we can understand the works more easily. I didn’t know there is a kind of worship in Christianity like pilgrimage so the Canterbury tales affected me. I like Chaucer’s style, his style is more ironic so it is both educating and funny. I‘d like to congratulate him to criticized the people’s forgetting the aim of the worship(pilgrimage).
ReplyDeleteUnlike the Anglo-Saxon literature,medieval literature mostly deals with love may be because of the French effect,nature and this type of subjects..Also, in this period Canterbury Tales are effective and interesting with the way it made by irony in different people with different social status..
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!This week we met Geoffrey Chaucer who is known as a father of English literature.He wrote 24 tales including The Canterbury Tales.The Tales were written to critize the aims of going on pilgrimage,misconduct and also the church.Now we also need a braveheart like Geoffrey Chaucer...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.We are going on englısh literature and i confess sth.i become more interested day by day.This week english literature lesson started with middle english literature.Different subjects started to come out such as love and ladies.Undoubtedly,also ''father''of englısh poetry Geoffrey Chaucer.i think he is a really brave man.His aim is criticism.But he doesn't do this directly,he uses irony.i liked his method.i think different and enyoyable things are waiting for us...
ReplyDeleteCanterbury Tales
ReplyDeleteThis week we started to learn about Middle Eng Literature. We saw the diversity of themes n of course we recognized the alteration of writing style clearly. The topic of this week was very enjoyable n entartaining. İt includes both love n romantism n irony together. I listened the poetry with a big pleasure its main source is people n their life, but it was very funny to hear the real aims of pilgrims going to pilgrimage: )
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ReplyDeleteBurhan said...
ReplyDeleteThis week's topic is also very fantastic and enjoyable. I think there is something diffrent that we can see love,ırony rather than war, violance. This must be middle age difference.Beside this, it is very funny to sudy old english. We can see how some of our modern words looked, as they evolved from Old English into Middle English. For example,sote means ‘sweet smelling’ in this poem. Old english is really diffrent.
I don't think anyone can describe the love.Love is something indefinible.People can tell only love stories but can't describe love.Because the words are powerless even when they are the most successful, if everything is to words it means there is nothing to live
ReplyDeleteHi everybody...I think Middle English Litarature has a much humanist and realist sight.Showy factor of this week is love.I thınk after all the violence of Old English Litarature meeting the romance of Middle English is very good.
ReplyDeletehello friend.Firstly I want to say that I did not like the wife of bath:)she was not an ideal woman and also she was not a normal woman.But when I imagined her beauty, I was really affected.When we read the poem about her I understood she was really beautiful and attractive especially for men:)of course she was beautiful for other woman because they were jealous of her very much:)I learned from the poem and I felt myself very strange in the class this woman really strange.And also I liked King Arthur actually I heard something about him previous years and some films I am fascinated from this mans story really:D...Sir Gawain and the Green Knight...I want to say that The Green Knight's clothes colours green it was not good when I imagined it:Dbööğğğğ:Dbut he was an important man in the history I learned that..This week the class was very good I enjoyed thanksss...:)Good byee:D
ReplyDeletewe are going deep parts of english week by week..and i like much more as the weeks passed..and now middle english..themes of bravery,heroic left their places to love,spring,human..and it is now more interesting:)..
ReplyDeletehi friends...
ReplyDeleteThis week was more enjoyable as everybody says. after war,knights,loyality it is better to have more emotional feelings like love and romance. also having critisizm and irony in literature makes the works more specific and original.With the development in english literature i'm having more and more interest in it..
hi!teacher ı must say something to avoid any trouble:)ı saw that there are 2 gülçin, gülçin who starts her comments with a title such as the Wife of Bath n me Gülçin ARSLAN...Sorry for this, ı just wanted to say...
ReplyDeletehello everybody
ReplyDeleteday by day we are learning much about the english literature and it makes me interested in literature and poems.ı can say that middle english literature is much better and it makes us face with different sides of literature.ıt is so impressive and ı like it
ReplyDeleteMiddle English is great.then it also starts to include love,human with bravery, and that make it more interesting.Middle Englih is more easy to understand, and with Chaucer it is much more attractive..
Hello everybody!!
ReplyDeleteWith the Mıddle Englısh Lıterature we are gettıng more dıfferent vıewpoınts about ıt.In thıs lesson wıth Geoffrey Chaucer we ıntroduced a new aspects of lıterature. In addıtıon to bravery and loyalty, love and ırony start to ınclude ın lıterature.Wıth thıs Mıddle Englısh Lıterature new subjects occur and these are mystery,miracle and moralıty plays.
Hi everybody!!
ReplyDeleteI think English Literature is getting more and more enjoyable.For the first time I learned Geoffrey Chaucer and I am curious about his "Wife of Bath".In my opinion this seems really different from his other works.He seperated love to two pieces and these are human and divine. The Romance genre was emerged in this century but ıt consists of tailes of bravery of knights
in this class we learned the caharesteristics of chivalries.i think thera wasnt an interesting was ordinary.but the caharesteristics of them interested me a bit.
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ReplyDeleteIt is surprising that despite the Norman conquest and the change of social structure and language,bravery and loyalty were still
ReplyDeletethe themes.The new themes of love,divine and human sound interesting.They were late to start some literal criticism against the greedy people who were in power,but what
they achieved is remarkable by using literature.