What a lady! One of Chaucer's more colourful characters, the Wife of Bath was used to criticise the behaviour of certain middle class women who were fond of money and showing off. Notice how he creates the irony by contrasting her behaviour with that of the ideal medieval woman. Look at the following lines:
"In all the parish there was no goodwife,
Should offereing make before her, on my life."
At this stage we think "What a charitable lady! Always willing to part with her money for good causes."
Then Chaucer continues:
"And if one did, indeed, so wroth was she
It put her out of all her charity."
It put her out of all her charity."
So we now understand that she only donated money to show off!
Chaucer's colourful and detailed description of chracter mark a new trend in the literature of that time.
There are other examples of irony in the extract we read. Think about "She'd been respectable throughout her life", and the number of pilgrimages she had been on.
Some people have commented on this character of Chaucer saying that she was the first feminist, encouraging women to break free from their traditional roles. However, taking into consideration the predominant attitude toward women in medieval times, it is more likely that Chaucer used her to warn women from misbehaving!
yeah...what a lady she is!!!
ReplyDeleteher behaviours,intentions,aims are totally different from women in those days
yeah maybe we can support her in terms of her encouraging women to break free from traditional roles of women..but if we consider it deeply, we will see that she is here for the purpose of warning women from behaving in a nasty,inappropriate way like that.it seems that there is much to learn from the wife of bath
yeap! she is a real woman...!:)she is free,she is breaking the rules,she is the power.Wife of Bath is very different from the ideal woman of that time,but of course she is not a good example for women=)she is behaving in wrong way in the aspect of marriage affairs,her husbands,using their money etc...however i must say that she and her behaviours are explained in very good,ironic and sarcastic way by Chaucer.He gives interesting messages with the Wife of Bath to the women in those days, i love it...=)
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting lady:) she behaves like a man she rides horse like man,she is very dominant women on her husband,she is very arrogant,that's to say;there are lots of things to say about her..:)
ReplyDeleteChaucer analyses this character very effectively,her untraditional behaviours are showed in an ironic way,i think,use the language of Chaucer is the most effective aspect in his masterpiece,it can't be disregarded..
hello again! First I want to say that I was absent last week,but as I've learned from my friends the teacher taught the wife of Bath.The woman is different from other women.She is free and she isn't obey the rules of that time.She also warned other women.In fact, she is known as the first feminist.Chaucer also cricized her ironically in his tales.
ReplyDelete"the wife of bath" my heroe she is in the way
ReplyDeleteshe challenged the rules in that time when women were just expected to obey the rules, and being a modest lady.they had limited rights,but what "the wife of bath" did? ,she disregarded them and chose to be just herself,and she put her own rules, lived the life in the way she wanted it to be.of course i dont approve what she did( marrying with 5 husbands, spending their money,showing off), but ı approve her courageous, her boldness..Chaucer's coulurfel charecter reaally she is.i think by breaking rules she was the first feminist..and the way Chaucer criticized her really colourful too. an ironing way.you enjoy it while reading it and you also get the message. this is what i like :)
hi everybody!this week,the class was really enjoyable because we learnt much about The Wife Of Bath.Her behaviours,her real aims(in fact just to show off),her clothes...They are different from the other womens'.Chaucer criticized her with an ironing way and ı think,it is a good way to warn other women.He is successful in contrasting her features with those of the ideal women.This lady is,ı think,the first feminist as friends say because she doesn't obey the rules,she behaves in a different way from that term.She is nearly like a man:)she rides horse and she was married to five(!)husbands.She is dominant on them.Even at this time,this is almost impossible to marry to so many husbands:)but everytime there are exceptions:)as you see,there are a lot of things to speak about this lady and there is one thing not to except.That is Chaucer used really a very successful language in describing this lady.
ReplyDeleteAs I read and understood from my friends' comments,this boss woman is a leader on their eyes :)She liked using her husbands to get their money and spend it whenever she wanted.She was fond of showing off.She was riding horse and she was so dominant on her husbands.She rebelled the social condition's of that times by not obeying any rules for the women.That is very impressive but we don't want to see these kind of women in our lives as men :)Also the language used in here is very beautiful to express this lady in a very ironical way..
ReplyDelete:D she is not a leader on our eyes...yeah some aspects of her are cool..but don't worry...we won't be as harsh and cruel as this women to men :D
ReplyDeleteThe Wife of Bath..the most unusual woman that I have met in my life:)her physical appearance,clothes,behaviours are quite different from all those other ones living in this age.Her love affairs,aims of pilgrims,behaviours with other people,tricking her husbands for their money are criticized successfully by G.Chaucer.All her life is just showing off.The Wife of Bath seems colourful and enjoyable at first look but moreover you realize that it is full of social messages.I saw a women that I will never want to be like..:)
ReplyDeletemy favourite character is the wife of bath. she ıs really wise woman ı thınk because she ıs the only woman who realıse the humılıatıon of the women, so ı lıke thıs extraordınary woman. maybe she amplified some behavıours lıke goıng pılgrımage.. her aim is really dıfferent from other pılgrım :D but she ıs honest person at least. she was not ashamed when she explain her thought.brıefly i lıke her ...:D
ReplyDeleteincredible...ı start with ''incredible'' because it is hard to believe that such a lady lived in medieval times.we are used to describe a medieval woman such as good housewife,good mother,traditional wearing etc.but when we talk about the wifw of bath almost everyting (which we are familiar to)changes.beliefs,clothes,habits such as riding a hourse and different travels;indeed pilgrimages,marriages are completely different even today.even centuries elapsed but our traditional woman image cannot easily change.and ı want to talk about the writer.chaucer used irony and sarcasm succcessfully and in such an old time.he could realized the wrong things and he was courageous enough to write this.ı love this unbelievable woman:)ı wish everbody could brave like her
ReplyDeleteReally this lady must have been the most popular person in her times.She has a relatively different personality.In my opinion, Chaucer tells about the characteristics of people who lived at that age perfectly,suggesting that this occasion must be improved.In addition,he uses ironical statements appropriately.The lady is illustrated excellently through her behaviours towards people around her.It is really a good poetry .I liked it!
ReplyDeleteHello friends! I thank this lady because thanks to her we had a colorful and enjoyable class. This woman is really different. She diverges from other women with her relax behaviours and courage. I think she is fearless. If not she couldn’t wear like a man couldn’t travel everywhere like a man. Normally she should have waited her husband at home with patience like a normal woman. but what did she do? She enjoyed talking only about men on her horse. She was interested in only men. And she was busy with showing off with her money. This women like hürmüz in Turkish culture. She as you know like wife of bath changes continually her husband.
ReplyDeleteWell,The Wife of Bath is very entertaining and thought-provoking.Chaucer used irony perfectly.On the one hand,she is an independant,dominant woman unlike her contemporary fellows.She is very different.She behaves like a man,a warior.She does every thing by the way she wants.She thinks she is the most beautiful,powerful.On the other hand,she is a woman living just for herself without thinking others.She gets married to five men to use their money.Namely,she uses the marriage for different aims:)Actually I love it and reading this was funny and enjoying..
ReplyDelete:))Really it is so funny;even today it is hardly possible to see such women.This woman is exactly like the men living in the east of Turkey.She can marry lots of men,and is dominant on her husbands.How lucky she is:)I'm sure most of the women today would want to be in her shoes,and how lucky we,men,are in that there is no strong and fat woman like that today.I can't imagine I have a wife like her and four different men who marry my wife as well:DD Uğur is absolutely right.This woman is XL for us:)
ReplyDeleteThe Wife of Bath seems to be very colorful character in Canterbury Tales..There is an obvious contrast between her real intention and her deeds,and what makes this story interesting is this irony..In the poem, her appearance and character is described in detail,and with these we can recognize her better..
ReplyDeleteI think it is the funniest subject we have learned. The Wife of Bath is such an interesting woman that I haven't heard before. She has five husbands and she marries with them only for their money. I don't know why those men want this woman and accept her wishes :)She also behaves like a man. She wears like them. She is strong unlike the other women. But her only aim is to show off in an environment with women. Chaucer writes all of these in an ironic way and I like this poetry.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting lady!She is different from the ideal medieval women.She dosen't care the rules.she isn't dependent on her husband(in fact husbands) like other women but she is dominant her husbands.She has five husbands and uses them like a bank.She is not only different with her behaviours but also her clotheS.İ think Chaucer criticises her very well by using irony.
ReplyDeleteAfter the class,I searced the Wife of Bath on the net and found it's movie version that adapted to our modern-days.It was like our teacher said.She wore bright red dress:)She is an interesting also extraordinary woman.In her life there is no rules if there,it's her own rules:)She is brave as men as so she should be appreciated.I think,she must be first feminist:)Geoffrey Chaucer described her in an excellent way that breathtaking when listening the story.Moreover,it is funny!
ReplyDeleteIn old mythology,I guess in greek mythology people belive that there was a girl who's name is lilth.This girl is thought to be the first feminist.In most cases,Lilith and this woman are sound very familiar to me.This woman are really dominant and her behaviours,clothes,even her physical appearance are very different and interesting.Chaucer described this woman very effectively.I like this woman so much :)
ReplyDeleteThe Wife of Bath is one of the most interesting story l have ever heard.lt is really enjoyful to read it.Geoffrey Chaucer's narrating story is so magnificient that l could imagine the woman clearly in my mind.On the contrary to other Mediaval women,this woman is much more independent,strong and proud.This is obvious even in her mode of dressing...
ReplyDeleteHi again....In the lesson l learned that the Mediaval Time Women are loyal ,good mothers and good housewives but the Wife of Bath is more different from this description.In real,she does everything incase everybody shall think she is a good wife .She didn't go to pilgrimage to be a real pilgrim.But l liked her anyway.She is different from other women .It was really enjoyable to read The Wife of Bath.l liked Mediaval Times and stories abaut this era.ı wish ı had lived in that times...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Chaucer!!!ı admired to him to create such an brave and incredible woman's description.The wife of Bath is totaly different from other women in those times.All she taught is showing off and being different.ın those times, there were some criteria for women such as loyalty,shyness,modesty, dressing suitably...,but she didn't do anything of them.She went to pilgrimage to seek a appropriate husband and ride horses and got married to 'five' men in those times even though it isn't thought suitably for a woman for this time.She married to them for their money..Not being an ideal woman and breaking the rules isnt easy even at this time.Congralations to the Wife f Bath as well:)
ReplyDeleteHi,this week we learned The Wife of Bath.It s one of the Canterbury Tales.In this tale there is a women who married five men.This is very odd for this era.The women is very dominant and she generally married with them for theirs'money.As well the woman is very different than others.Her clothes,behaviours...so the writer criticize her.He used irony.Normally in this era women should be modest,virtuous like that on the contrary her.Maybe some women were like this in this era i don t know but can be.In fact i like her and the tale.It has a different subject.Now i wonder other tales.
ReplyDeletehi!..The subject of this week,The Wife of Bath,was both very interesting and enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteShe is so colourful charecter that she is different from ideal medieval women from the respect of manner of dressing,her behaviours.she had 5 husbands:)..she was dominnat to men.this was not appropriate for those times.Chaucer wanted to warn medieval women against these misbehavings,too.So he used irony for this.
Yes another tale by Chaucer-The Wife of Bath-fantastic and enjoyable.What a different woman she is dominant to men- a medieval English woman.Very different from the behaivours of modern life women.Thewoman values money more than anything else.Chaucer wanted to give messages to those kinds of women by using irony.We men are very lucky as we dont come across with such women in today
ReplyDeletethis lady was very brave i think because she was against her time's type of expected behaviour.she was so free that she had several husbands and she married most of them in the church as far as i understood.she also liked showing off and behaved dominantly to the people around her.
ReplyDeleteThe Wife Of Bath...yes..what an interesting and also funny lady. she is surprisingly different with her character.she has limitless freedom, she is strong,talkative and also independent on her husbands with whom she married for money:)she likes travelling and does what she wants and does things for showing off,but actually all these features aren't respected in medieval times.. here Chaucer compare her to the middle class women and wants to give a message that women not behave so bad..i would like to appreciate Chaucer using irony so successfully by the way,i had a great time listening the tale of this funny lady..
ReplyDeleteShe is a typical character of medieval ages but has some certain differences.Good for Chaucer to show this in a literal and ironical manner.That he uses opposition in his works is a manifest talent.I should say that I appreciate his style but this one attracted little interest of mine, though.As I put much importance of the characters and the story involved in works, this kind of woman really gets on my nerves.In other words; to me, it is a bit far from reality and I also seek reality in works(exclusive myths).However much it is literal, if it does not bear reality, sot so much it will attract my attention.
ReplyDeletei think it has been a very enjoyable subject so far:Dshe is crazy,interesting woman.she behaves as if she was a man:))she clothes like them.shortly i like this poetry:))
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the poem "The Wife of Bath".The woman had an amazing character compared with other women in those times,so this made her different from others.For instance,she didn't care anyone and she was immodest in contrast to ideal woman,also she was dominant in the society which was very hard in those times.As we mentioned in the lesson,it was written to criticise the society and ı thınk it was very successful in doing this because the woman was told organizingly to the criticism.It was a good and funny work:)
ReplyDeleteHi!The Wife of Bath is the most interesting subject ı have read.What a different lady she is!She always shows off and has 5 husbands.In addition she make use of them ı mean she sees them as banks!These features are totally abnormal according to medieval times.The writer Chaucer used really effective way to mention the character.I like it so much and really enjoyed to read this
ReplyDeleteThe Wife of Bath
ReplyDeleteBefore coming to lesson, ı searched something about the Wife of Bath, Aliosun. This topic draws from n critiques those times tradition of antifeminist ideas. The Wife of Bath bahaves as she shouldnt do in every of her marriages. She is not suitable to the expectations of marriages of that time. Female dominance over men is main theme in the Wife of Bath. She is the one who controls her husbands in her various marriages. Also she uses God (HAŞA:) as a defence for her thought n indicates Bible to prove her thoughts. I think the Wife of Bath is shown as the epitome of antifeminism traditions with her behaviours, thought, aims, clothes n her life style that is different from her contemporary fellows.Chaucer ,as some friends said, - the Father of Eng literature- Express the Wife of Bath in an ironic n sarcastic way perfectly…
Being courageous, different, strong, dominant n do what ever u want is good of course, but ı wont say the same things for the rest of things that she did in the aspect of marriage, showing off n etc…
Firstly, ı wanna say that The Wife of Bath is a very unusual character, especially for the time of the novel when we do some search, we can see clearly. She has five husbands. It looks like the same our culture becasue we can see this in our country. There are people who has wifes more than one. But there is something diffrent. As far as ı see, there was female dominance on men in that era.We can see this in this wonan's life. Beside this, she is funny character. ı enjoyed so much....
ReplyDeleteThis poem is my style:D Chaucer used irony very well in this poem.I liked The Wife of Bath.The woman's character in this poem isn't like the woman's character in this time.The woman makes whatever she wants but most of the woman in this time can't anything when their husbands say or shout them.The Wife of Bath sees their husband(5:D)as the source of money...I think,if the woman makes these things,she has self-confidence and power...I think,seeing one's husband as the source of money isn't virtuous!
ReplyDeleteHow woman she was!She described colourful life perfectly.I should say that this subject was the most beautiful one in all of them because we see women who dominate life and of course men.Despite the writer's exaggeration, it is nice to see women's power.However,this character is very strange with her wishes.She wanted a lot of things from her husband.She was self-satisfied,but she was powerful character who we women want to see all times.I think her domination and strength were perfect in this subject.This topic was very good if we didn't see bad specialities of this woman.
ReplyDeleteHi my dear teacher and friends again...Firstly I want to mention that I was absent last week because of my healty problems, but my dear friend Damla told me about lesson and I read my friends' comments, too. As I see, last week was very funny and enjoyable because of the lady who had very different character from women in those days.She didn't obey rules and rebelled ewery rules. She lived however she wanted and did whatever she wanted.Furthermore she dealt with breaking free women from traditıonal roles of women. She liked money very much so marrıed so many men for using their money. She liked showing off like GÜLLÜ in film of Hanımın Çiftliğİ.I like this woman because of her courage and determınatıon. I wish I had been in lesson last week. I'm sorry but what I can do, healty is more important :(
ReplyDelete:))certainly I agree with my friends..the lady,her behaviours,aims are different from women in these days.Maybe her behaviours or life style can not be advised but we accept that she was brave,different even reckless.Further absolutely i admired chaucer's effective,gripping exposition in particular for this work.
ReplyDeletehi! The story of the wife of the Bath was the most enjoyable one in the stories which we have studied so far. The woman in the story was different from other women at that time. She didnt obey the rules and did whatever she wants and wore as she wanted for axample bright red =).. And another interesting thing about her is dominating her husband =)..According to my understanding she loved money because she got married rich men and when they died, she used their money.She seemed to make donations but she donated just for show. Of course it is not a good behavıour=)...
ReplyDeleteThat is a fantastic woman whose characteristics are reaally different,so knowing such a woman was a different experience for me.In her time such a woman was probably condemned,and if this piece of art was written in our time,the portrait of this lady would probaly condemned again.However,in our time we se such woman around us more than as it was in old times.Anyway I lost the main theme I think.In conclusion the depiction of this lady(this work)is different from the way we have learned literature so far.As differences bring fun to life,I can say that I really enjoyed when I was reading this piece of art.
ReplyDeleteIt is good that her works give us information about that time and also give advises.I think everyone who is interested in any part of the art should say something to his/her contemporaries.Also he/she should give some information about the time in which he/she lives in.In that time people wasted lots of things.Their first believe was to be upper than others.But it isn't good.everyone is equal.People must be more careful about other's right and thing that they have.So I congratulate the writer.
ReplyDeletehello. i like the woman of bath. she is like a man, she rides horse, she has spurs.on the other hand her clothes are exaggerated very much : her kerchiefs, stockings, shoes, wiple...she has a lot of money thans to her husbands.she wanders some plases maybe some of them are to show off. she is a beautiful lady but people think that she is immoral..the poem mention this feature by irony. at first it say something good but and then you understand that it isn't true. the truth is the contrast of it.
ReplyDeleteGeoffrey Chaucer had made a great literary work satirizing people in a detailed way.The Wife of Bath is an uncommon woman compared to her contemporaries.apparantly, she is not that kind of "Ideal Medieval Woman". That is what makes the story interesting!
ReplyDeleteFantastic wrtiter Geoffrey Chaucer!!He wrote a lot of tales but still couldn't achieve his aim.Well, we studied the tale of the Wife of Bath. All in all, the writer described her appearance;however, he used contrasts which make the reader surprise.First, I was very confused with the poem because he praise the Wife but in the next line he has the opposite opinion. The Wife was very nasty in my opinion. She had 5 husbands which cant be accepted now! She was very sympathetic,I liked her very much...:D
ReplyDeletehi!what a different lady.really she is very striking in terms of her manners, clothes, contact with her husbands and other women.the writer highlight a big difference between the ideal mediaval women and the wife of bath we can easily realise that there is no relevance between them and we see her dominant, free manners on her husbands.also her behaviours like men and a charitable ledy...ı didn't like her!..
ReplyDeletehi again:)what an interesting woman is!she is like a man ,she rides horse and she has power on her husbands.she is different from the other women at her day.she behaves and gets dress in a different way.she is curious about only showing off,but Chaucer defines her by a successful language and he contrasts her with other women I find him very successful.
ReplyDeleteHi! I learned about The Wife of Bath and it was enjoyable to read it. She is a very different woman. She behaves like a man, she wears male clothes. What made me surprised is that she gets married to five men only for their money. In the poem, Chaucer used irony effectively. Irony makes the poem more attractive.
ReplyDeleteWhat a incredible woman is.the wife of bath .she is so different woman.she had five husband. four of her husbands died.she weared differently and behaved dfferently. ın those days these ara interesting reaaly and she is courages also.
ReplyDeleteın addition to this there is a film about the wife of bath that when her fifth marriage fails,an actress starts an affair with a man young enough to be her son. when ı take time ı will watch it.also of course there is a book named the wife of bath by geoffrey chaucer.see you next class.
Yes, Zuhal, the BBC made modern adaptions of some of the Canterbury Tales for the television, including The Wife of Bath. They were shown on BBC Prime a few months ago, but I'm not sure how available they are.
ReplyDeletehi!the women "the wife of bath" s full of surprises.Certainly, she was superior to most of men in her time,for example,she rides horse.ı think a lady - on a horse-wasnt approved by the society nicely bec there were rules saying ladies what to do and how to do such as being on dependent on husband,limited freedom,modest,virtous,etc.At that point, the author,Geoffrey Chaucer,warnes women to avoid from misbehavings by using the our famous character.ı think he was successful and he made a great story.Actually,ı like the deatails of the physical apperance much more and also the irony about her charity -women always re keen on showing off :)it doesnt change at any times.Neverthless,women should defend their rights if it s necessary, but in more appropirate ways or else we ll see a lot of "the wife of bath" in the world!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat kind of woman she is.....i havent heard like her:)five husbands...really a husband addicted:)and chaucer shows satirically and well..
ReplyDeletehi friends.ı think "The wife of Bath" is very attractive tale. she is very caurageous and different from other women. ı like her:)We talked about her features.as I understand she is beautiful,rich and jealous.she married five times it is very interesting.she use the pilgrims for social reasons.there is some critique for her ı think.
ReplyDeleteHello...Firstly ı want to say that ı really like this tale and Geoffrey Chaucer.His Canterbury Tales are for me the masterpiece of English Literature.His different writing style makes him importanat and eye_catching.If only ı read the whole tale.'The Wife Of Bath'...I can not find a word to describe this lady:)She is different from the other women.Even if she was looked as if she is a guilty to cutting the rules;ı think normally she didn't want to damage the others.She married 5 times.She was very beautiful.She was wearing nicely,she was very brave.Her behaviours are very real to the actions.What a big disrespectfulness to donate money before her! :)Everybody should know their places:)
ReplyDeleteThe woman with an extraordinary life..at the beginning I thought what an exciting lady,like a man, but later i found it that all of it is for showing off.Donations,pilgramages etc..especially pilgrimages for wealthy men, five men:).by thr way Chaucer is very succesfull in describing irony between the woman and the normal Women of that time.I like this poem as much as Beowulf.
ReplyDeletewhat an enjoyable and interesting topic we have in this class:)the woman's being so courageous and fearless is very interesting in that times. her behaviours, clothes and absurd personality gets attention from many people.Chaucer's colorful character shows one of the best critisizm i think.
ReplyDeletehi friends
ReplyDeleteshe is really a different lady and it is enjoyful to get more information about her.Her behaviours are very interesting and she has very very different features if we compare her with an ordinary woman.We have much to learn from her indeed.
hello...The wife of bath is very extraordinary subject according to me.She behaves like a man.She has got a power on men. In my opinion Chaucer means different situation by using this tale. He wants to say something different from this. This story very enjoyable and this woman's perspective is different
ReplyDeleteHi! As you said what a lady, teacher:)She is really good example of irony with five churched husbands..As far as i see she is not very strong and rebellious woman also very smart twisting evidence from bible to justify her behaviours and very faithful making pilgrimage to lots of places;) I really enjoyed it very much..thanks..
ReplyDeletehi everybody.the wife of bath is a really different women when compared the other mediavel women.her appearence is quite charming, she is very sociable, she is jeaolus, proud and experienced.she goes to canterbury for sociable reasons(to find a suitable husband)i liked the satiric style of it.
ReplyDeleteThe wife of bath is aqn imaginary woman but it explains us the contrarinesses between what should be done about religion and in fact what people do in an effective way.Geoffrey showed this woman as a good person who gives money to charities, who worships very much but in fact he satired and ironed.
ReplyDeleteHi Friends!!
ReplyDeleteThe magnificient work of Geoffrey Chaucer.He used ironical statements.I haven't seen any woman like her in my life.Her clothes are very different fron other women.Actually the aim of Geoffrey Chaucer is to criticise the medieval women with this character.For instance the behaviour of this woman is very different.She is jeolous abd proud.She dresses so as to attract attention.She is not loyal and travells wherever she wants.I think this situation is very strange.
ReplyDeleteI found really enjoyable thıs work of Geoffrey Chaucer. He descrıbed to us very dıfferent woman from medıeval tımes.The most ınterestıng and unusual aspect of this woman is that she marriaged five times.She is not virtuous and shy. She is brave and do whatever she wants. She has gap-tooth and thıs physıcal appearance shows us thıs woman's ımmoralıty.Also usıng ırony supports thıs crazy woman's features. Geoffrey Chaucer achıeved hıs goal wıth thıs amazıng work.He make an unusual work from hıs tıme.
i agree with my friends.the woman is really interesting.she doesnt fit with a classsis mediaval woman.maybe this made her so interesting.we dont know her aim.but we can understand mediaval people didnt like the woman we didnt like too :)
ReplyDeletehello everybody!!!what a nice woman:)I think "The wife of Bath" is very attractive and the funniest subject we have learned. The Wife of Bath is such an interesting woman that we haven't heard before. Normally men marry with a few women, but in this tale She has five husbands and she marries with them only for her own benefits such as money. Fortunately today that kind of women dont exist... ;)
ReplyDeleteDonating money is really a respected situation,but donating money only to show off is unacceptable.This showing-off doesn't mean that she was the first character to be used to get first feminism movement because she does nothing to help other women have the same rights and opportunities as men.She just dresses and rides horse and behaves like a man,and she looks for rights only for herself.The fact that she married five times proves that.She has opportunity to do what she likes but the other women are in their traditional roles,so what she does isn't about feminism.I can see that such a misbehaving woman is dangerous and unnecessary for medieval times.Chaucer did his job nicely by creating such a character and using her to warn women from misbehaving.
ReplyDeleteWhat a woman!Chaucer's colourful character "The wife of the Bath" is the mother of the feminists.She breaks women traditional roles while encouraging them.She is dominant on her churched five husbands and uses their money for donations,pilgrimages and ect. to show off.recognizing her is a pleasure for me.Thanks...