When we first see Romeo, he is suffering from unrequited love for Rosaline, and is consequently coming up with confused poetry full of contradictions ("O! Brawling love! Loving hate! Anything of nothing first create!). However, when he first sees Juliet at the Capulet ball, we hear the most beautiful poetry flowing from his lips "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!"...
He finds an excuse to talk to her, by touching her hand ("If I do profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine..."), and they finally kiss. Remember that in real life, courtship would have taken a much longer time, but since this is not the main focus of the play, Shakespeare passes over this very quickly. Moreover, everything happens very quickly in the play, Romeo and Juliet meet, fall in love, marry and die within the space of about 3 or 4 days.
They find out, too late, that they are the children of their enemies and that their love is destined to fail. " My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late!Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy." (Juliet)
After the ball, Romeo escapes his friends to find Juliet, and the exchange their vows of love with the most beautiful expressions:
"Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night."(Romeo)
I'm the first who writes a comment of today's course :D First of all it was a well designed course.I liked the way Romeo expressed himself even if it wasnt successful at the first time.It's amazing how he could say these word and how he could form these sentences.The relationship between Romeo and Juliet developed very fast,which is not comparable with the modern time.
ReplyDeleteThe metaphores have changed.Romeo became the the irresponsible,changeable person like the "Moon" and Juliet became the logical,routine person which is seen as the "Sun".
In the last lesson we watched a part of the movie "Romeo and Juliet" which was made in the 1960th.We laughed a lot about the way they were dressed.It was difficult to understand what they were saying but hopefully we did talk about the acts in the previous lessons.
I had a lot of Fun,I actually could study the works of W. Shakespeare for years.I congratulate Shakespeare :D
ReplyDeletehello.Today the class was really effective I felt a lot of things about love:D.also I enjoyed in the lesson.we are going to learn some things about Romeo and Juliet.They were very young but they love each other I want to say just a sentence that Love is a real meaning in one's life even if you are young or old love is not changed O!:)I like Romeo's expressions to Juliet the sentences were full of emotion and very nice.:)the film was also good it was very old time production but İt was really effective.I laughed their dresses but if I lived in this time I couldnt laugh:Dso I love Romeo and Juliet the topic was really impressed me.Thanks see you friends!
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ReplyDeleteı am really admired to the way romeo and juliet speak.ın the lesson we compared play with our culture.ıt was for fun.and ı thought that their way of speak is excellent but the content isn't very effective.during the film everything is wonderfull both the speech like a poem and also the content.ı think this play is very didactic.it gives a lesson to young lovers,enemy families,friends and everybody.everybody can infere something for their lives.for ewample ı understand that ı shouldnt decide anything without my family.and movie.ıt was excellent romeo,juliet,environment,clothes were excellent too.ı felt myself as if ı was with them.ı would want to be in juliet's shoes but of course ı wouldnt want to die no matter what happens.ı would be loved so much like juliet.never mind thanks to God because everything is excellent in my life(but a bit lack of romanticism).shakespeare achieved to write both in comedy and tragedy.he made people think while smiling.ı am looking forward to see our centry's shakespeare(if it is possible)
ReplyDeletehello.. it was really an exciting and emotional lesson for me. l was enchanted with the sayings of Romeo.all of his sentences were like a quotation from a poem. it was incredible that how he can find and say such romantic words in a moment. this should be only because they fell in love each other at first sight. and l also want to congrugulate Shakespeare that he could achieve to make people feel emotional and also funny at the same time. this is really important, l think.
ReplyDeletehi again .this week was really wonderfull for me l loved romeo and juliet ı am very happ to learn more things abot them .ı knew them but ı learned more. ı think their stories are very effective and according to me even if they die,their love will continue forever.ı believe this story may be real because it is like an real event and l am admired to William Sheakespare because of his creatness of this story.good bye...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody…I have been affected by Romeo’s feelings..He expressed himself in a clear way..It is difficult to hear words which Romeo said to juliet even at this time..I think all girls wish to have a lover such as Romeo..He is also very romantic..Romeo and Juliet are very young,but their love is very big…This means love doesn’t care age..They died for the sake of their love ..Now I think nobody dares to die for their loves..Shakespeare is very successful..He makes peeople feel romanticism and love..I think this story can be real because if a person loves somebody with whole purity,he/she dares to die for his/her love..shakespeare is also very creative bec. he used his creativity when he was writing this story..real loves will continue forever as Romeo and juliet’s love continues even if they died…have a nice day.:)
ReplyDeletei really enjoyed while i was reading romeo's poetry...at the beginning,the poetry sucked,though:)) in order to write good poetry,it seems to me that romeo had to see juliet which he did...and we are glad that they met because there showed up good poetry.
ReplyDeleteif i were Juliet,i would succumb at once...taking the beautiful poetry into consideration ..lol...
one of the best parts of the course is to watch film.we watched again and it was great fun.
i don't know what is gonna happen now but whatever happens ,it will be great to learn and discover. =)
Hi everyone.This lesson we enjoyed very much because we watched Romeo and Juliet.It was wonderful.I liked very much.Romeo and Juliet's love is very big.They were fighting with their families for the sake of their love.But we didn't watch the whole film so ı m wondering the what will happen now.Next week,we will watch the rest.Wait and see...
ReplyDelete:))Well..What a perfect poem is and what hard love..Before Romeo sees Juliet, he thinks he falls in love with Rosalina.Then he sees Juliet, everything happens themselves:))They are in true love because nobody,in love,says a poem or something else like Romeo's poem for Juliet,which I really enjoyed,immediately or nobody uses similes as perfect as Romeo does..And they get married secretly without considering what their families,other people say-actually it is not easy,even those days most people don't summon courage-After all of these,they venture to die and not to live without eachother...who says what for this?Yeap,it's just love,true love.
ReplyDeleteRomeo wrote incredible poems to Juliet.He was really romantic boy that almost all girls would want.Juliet was very intelligent because she said to him that she want to marry.Altough he was fourteen,she knew how to behave.In the end marriagement happened,but happiness didn't exist unfortunately.In addition we don't know why and how this enmity started.I think their love ending with death became immortal.Finally their family made peace with each other,this was in vain because both weren't alive.
ReplyDeleteHello! when Romeo suffer from unrequited love-at least he thinks so-he writes poem which there are many contradictions but he writes a poem for juliet which is wonderful! I like it so much.In addition,Juliet is so clever and she knows what to do:)and Romeo obeys her marriage desire:)This great love takes a short time but it good example for lovers;)
ReplyDeleteThe original film we watched in class was wonderful.By the way,Romeo was very handsome in the film:))I think Romeo and juliet were very brave to fall in love with their enemies.What a dare it was!Also Juliet's age was very small for a girl to fall in love with somebody at that time,I think.Romeo's poem which he wrote for Rosaline was terrible at the begining,butafter he met Juliet,his poem became wonderful.Romeo loved Juliet so much that he made very nice metaphors in his poem.Such a love as their loves cant be found,Ithink,nowadays:)))
ReplyDeleteThis week we watched the film of Romeo and Juliet which was made in 1960’s. Although I didn’t understand most of the speaking, I enjoyed it. The characters played well, I think. I liked Romeo, he was a nice boy :) On the contrary, Juliet was like a child. Their love impresses me whenever I watch. Their love must be an example to every lover. Nobody should die for another one but everybody should love as much as they die.
ReplyDeleteHi!Last week was full of nice experiences for me.I had little information about Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet.Thanks to this lesson,it enabled me to know much info on it.In addition,I view myself as a lucky person because I learned the plot of it in a very detailed way as well as watched the play simultaneously.Although we know what is happening in the rest of the play, we are curious about it.Therefore,I'm looking forward to it.I'm sure that it will be wonderful.It has been the most beatiful subject for me so far in this class...
ReplyDeleteI am really affected and admired the love with the romeo and juliet.Day by day ı learned alot of information about english literature.ı liked the most about this course the films we watched some part of it about our subject. then ı wonder and ı watched all of it.romeo said juliet a winged messenger of heaven . ıt affected me so much:)of course ıt is a tragedy so ıt cant have ended with happy ending.ı think sometimes ıt should have ended with happy ending.but ı say ıt is a tragedy.
ReplyDeleteI am curious of next lessons indeed.see you next week .
hi,everbody!First of all,thanks to this lesson,ı had an opportunaty to watch the film of romeo and juliet finally.Not all scenes just some parts of it. ı was really affected much:)Actually ı should have cried because it is a tragey but ı laughed much vice versa:D That it makes people both laugh and cry must be shakespare's success!!it was excellent. In the film, romeo was handsome a little bit and juliet was very beautiful.ı think that it is a normal case this beauty makes the boy mad:D:D ı wanted to be beautiful like juliet!!ı admired the poems,clothes,romeo and juliet in the film.What is more, ı understood the fight of the enemy families much easily.I am very curious about the rest of the film.Have a nice day!!!
ReplyDeleteAt the end,I could see the film,that is,this version of it thanks to Amanda Teacher,so I had the idea of what exactly happened in the story.The scenes are very impressive in my opinion,especially,the first meet of Romeo&Juliet;they loved each other without knowing,Love should be such a fabulous thing:)also,I got the opportunity of watching another film"Shakespeare in Love",and remembered the scenes thanks to this course...
ReplyDeleteromeo and juliet's love is very adventurous and exciting. ı understood this after watching film. every week ı waıt our last hour impatiently because watchıng the love of romeo and julıet is more enjoyable. they are only fourteen years old, but their love is bigger than their age. their expressions are really dramatic and well-advised. they love each other so much, despite their enemy families. we can understand the power of their love when we see their families' animosity.
ReplyDeleteSometimes seeing the topic of the love in almost eveywhere makes me say 'what a boring' ;but this poem breaks the ice.The two youngs'love is very admirable.Finding a bf or gf like Romeo and Juliet in our modern times is very difficult.Perhaps its reason is its only a poem;if it reflects the real life it will be ordinary.We should look at the event from this perspective also.And some friends can say 'oh no what a love':=) but the death changes the poem to a tragedy:) I normally dont like the extra_ordinary things;so ı won't say this love is my dream bla bla.The topic of love is very commonly used to express the feeling of our inner voices ;so we can face with it easily;but this poem;I think;tells it differently.I should confess that Romeo was very handsome:) If only this Romeo plays and plays ;and we watch and watch him:=) The most important part of the lesson was Romeo:=) to sum up;a good work Shakespeare:=)
ReplyDeleteHi!I am always fun of love stories,briefly I am the lover of love.When I came across this story in class,believe or not I was very happy because such kind of love(with pure love) you can not see in real life,ıf ıt can be,ıt is very rare.For his sudden love, he assumed all risks at that times like me now :)That's is a wonderful love story that everybody should accept.Be German,English,Turk,American...etc whatever or whoever you are,life is always same in every country,and love is beautiful in every language.To sum up,love is blind even ıf your love is your enemy...
ReplyDeletethe concept of love has changed in a different way from the biggining.love got a new aspect with romeo and juliet.even if they were young, they loved each other so much. ın poem Shakespear made personifications, but it made the poem very exciting and meaningfull.In my opinion romeo and juliet's love was real
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ReplyDeleteI havent passed a week like this week..amanda teacher mentioned about romeo and julıet.ıt is not a love of these times but anyway affected me so much.. love of two children and a very fast lived 3 or 4 day love,though ıt sounds real;)I watched the film but the version in which leonardo di caprio plays;) I really admired.. shakespare's this tragedy play is really impressive..
ReplyDeletei am really effected by poetry of contradictions it seems very interesting to me although it is not seen a real poetry,i love it=) of course the pure love and the perfect words on it are fascinating for us,girls, because we dont see such kind of lovers now :P furthermore,i think however some times we feel tradegy in this play and while watching film, i am reaaly enjoyed with their innocent and childish manners about their love and their families' hostility..:)
ReplyDeleteım am really enjoyed ın thıs lesson and ı lıke thıs play so much because there ıs a pure love ın thıs story unlıke today's love :( and ı thınk ,even ıf the story ıs not real, ıt ıs the thıng that we also want to realıse thıs pure love ın our lıfe but not unrequıtted :) ın spıte of every obstacles they access to the real love ın the story , ....
ReplyDeletei liked so much this lesson...it was very funny...the love of romeo and juliet was real love...im look forward to watching the rest of film =)i really wonder what will be happen???? i think for the sake of their love they can do everything
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ReplyDeletehello everybody... this week's class was very enjoyable.. i liked it very much.. a young boy's feeling a real love in his heart was very interesting.. despite his young age, he loves Juliet o lot..but unfortunately,we can not easily see such a pure love in today's world:( And i belive that we can fall in love with someone when we first see.. i like this kind of love very much like Romeo:) i'm looking forward to next class really:) because i wonder what will happen next.... have nice week:).....
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!What a story!Although very long time passes,it is still a very well-prepared product.We watched about all of it.There were many scenes which I didn't see.Old loves were very beautiful.Romeo and Juliet lived a real love.Their love lasted very short,but it was very pure.Because of their families fight,they weren!t happy.Moreover,Romeo and Juliet's speeches impressed me very much.They were very efficient.They showed their love very clearly.This kind of love isn't lived nowadays.Romeo and Juliet is a true love story.It impressed me very much.. :)
ReplyDeleteTo love or not to love!That's the all question.I think this is the main theme of "Romeo and Juliet".You can see a big example of true and mad affair.Actualy I do not know how I can express my ideas,but I can say that I am completely amazed.I want to describe Shakespeare as the 'god of words'.A big talent...
ReplyDeleteShekespeare is probably one of the great thinkers of his time,and you can see this in Romeo and Juliet as well easily.Giving importance and value to women is one of the major themes he tries to give.To be honest it is very nice to see that such things are tried to given by a man.
When you read "Romeo and Juliet", you think that it is so sad that no other love can be more sorrowful than this one thanks to the perfect language of 'God of Words'.Even if some people claim that Shakespeare didn't live at all,I don't believe in them.I love you Shakespeare!!
I found the lesson very entertaining because ı love the film of Romeo and Juliet.Also ı found the verse's of Romeo interesting because his lines weren't consistent.He said opposite things to Rosaline,but he said praising lines to tha Juliet.I conculuded that he had a very complicated personality as all men:)Their love was very different,in fact it was not a realistic because evrything happenned very quickly but in real life it is impossible.If we think the times when it played,it is a very charming play,so it got a great deal of interest.We will watch the rest of the play this week,it will be enjoyfull,too:)
ReplyDeletethe lesson was very enjoyable this week.romeo and juliet's love is very admirable.yes some speeches of them are very strange for us,but it is because we think in our times.their times are very different from us.romeo is very confused,but when he see juliet,all of a sudden he fell in love with her and,forget about rosaline.these two lover firstly don't know that their families are great enemies.they learn later,but this doesn't prohibit their love.the film was very effective ı think. the clothes,hair,their speech was really reflects their times.ı want to live in that times.ı want to watch the full version of the film.shakespeare is very creative man.his works are very impressive and make me curious...
ReplyDeleteHi my dear teacher and friends.Firstly I want to say that I like Romeo's poem for Juliet. He tried to write good poems but he didn't successful until he met Juliet. Juliet was his real love.In spite of their young age they find each other and love each other. As you see love is in every age. I believe that really, you are old or young you can fall in real love:) We watched film in last lesson. I'm sure it was perfect in that time espacially because of that real woman played in it for the first time but I don't like it very much because it was not well played (theatre) but I like film very much we watched film before that. It was perfect.As a last I always wonder that how old women wore so narrow clothes. Women's waists were very slender:):) See you next lesson...
ReplyDeletehi...ı like the film of the romeo and juliet.the film explains to us clearly romeo's strong feelings.In addition the film informs us about clothes,hair styles of the term even we can notice differences in terms of using language. Also we should accept that juliet was very young,she was very intelligent...
ReplyDeleteHi everybody.In this part we witnessed a beginning of love story romance and romance.There are metaphors,beautiful expressions which truly describe love.I think the film of Romeo and Juliet resembles to our films a great deal.There are two people not knowing each others then fall in love at first love then hardships are waiting for them... typical love stories in everywhere same.How -ayrangönüllü-Romeo is.How quickly forgot Roseline...What will happen next Iam curious although I can imagine
ReplyDeleteThis week we witnessed the big love of Romeo and Juliet that resists families,friends and other people around them in short everything but results in tragedy.Despite all those difficulties they tried to make their love live but they were not so lucky.Their young age did not prevent their loving each other madly but the death did.It is one of the magnificient works of Shakespeare and there is hardly any people that do not like,admire and even envy their love story.In the play the words Romeo said to Juliet are all so unique that evety girl listens them with admiration.The happiness that finding the true,everlasting love give helps him say those beautiful sentences but we see a role changing here.Romeo is the melancholic lover and Juliet is the rational one,she wants to marry to him rightfully.And at the last part of the class we watched some parts of the film.It was the most similar one to the original version as our teacher said.We had fun while watching it.All that we learned during two weeks came to life in our minds,became permanent I think.Thank you teacher for your way of teaching:)
ReplyDeleteI was surprised when ı saw the Juliet because she was just a child..=)) at the age of playing games with her little friends..:p But later realized that love is not a case related to a certain age.When she saw the Romeo she gave up her childness..:)Also I liked the way Romeo's getting closer to Juliet but I don't approve his being quick lover..:)
ReplyDeleteThrough the film,we could see the scenes which we made up in our minds clearly..Romeo,says things that are not unimportant,on the contrary,they are the sincere feelings of a lover..The words Romeo feel in his heart and the manner he says make him Romeo..I think, there is nothing other than appreciating this story...
ReplyDeletehello everybody.last week we talked about Romeo and Juliet.they are one of the most example for lover.The topic was effective so much and I enjoyed in the lesson.I felt some unknown feelings this means the lesson was wonderful for me.I also liked the film it was old but full of emotion this is important I think.I appreciated to Rome and Juliet...goodbye friends...
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice for a man to understand with poem whether he is in love or not, and Romeo was one of them.He supposed that he was in love with Rosaline but that he could not write good poem indicated his being with wrong woman.Watching the film was nice.Romeo was quite clever and he did his best to kiss Juliet so many times:)he was not interested in the sin he would have by kissing Juliet.he did only for his love:)
ReplyDeleteThis week,i really enjoyed the film.It was very interesting for me.When Romeo and Juliet saw each other,they fall in love immediately.They also were children and,i think
ReplyDeleteit is the most important thing that they are enemy children,too.However,this didn't stop them to love each other and this are its the most beautiful side.Even if its final ended unhappy,they took great pains for their love.And it is precious...
Again Romeo and Juliet...I love this story so much so I enjoyed the lessons.This week we started to watch the movie of Romeo and Juliet.Although it was very old,it was still impressive.When I saw Romeo and Juliet in the film I surprised because they were so young.Of course I knew it but in the movie when I saw I felt it like in real life story.Romeo said so many things to explain his love to his lover.His speech was very effective.Both Romeo and Juliet don't care their families.They only wanted to be together because their love is real love.:)The movie so far was a bit tragic but the next week I guess we will see more fun.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed watching the Romeo and Juliet film very much...The balcony scene is the most effective scene...and when Juliet saw Romeo's body which was laying near the tomb,I was affected very much.Can you think seeing the lover who was dead??Anyway,the film was very fascinating and their love is real because they loved and married despite of their enemy families...Is this true?I think,NO.There could be another ways but this time,it couldn't be a film..oh!I forgot something.Shakespear made different thing.Sun represents a woman,moon represent a man.It is a different style!and of course ,I liked it very much:DSun’s mean is rational,sensible…
ReplyDeleteat first ı want to say Juliet and Romeo not Romeo and Juliet because this is the story of Juliet:) Anyway, i think if someone is looking for a real love story, he must read about these two fortuneless lovers.Their love doesn't need to be proved because its so strong, sudden and real.I say all these because they moved just according to their feelings.they saw each other, they loved each other, and they got married..Normaly all these could happenn in a long process, but here it happened just in a few days, there were many hinders,though.(their families were the enemy of each other).Everthing happened so sudden, and this must be the real Love!
ReplyDeletehi!! the film was interesting. Sometimes I smiled sometimes I felt different emotions :). This was the first time I have watched the film. I liked the fılm especially the balcony scene. It was so powerful that it affected me too much. I hope one day I find my Juliet and say words of love to my Juliet :P :))
ReplyDeleteRomeo is the man who any girl wants to be his lower =) He did everything to see her Juliet. When he saw her in balcony, his eyes seemed as full of love for her. ı liked the film especaially balcony scene was really affective. they couldnt leave each other. they kissed each other several times for the last kiss =) but their end was very heartbreaking=( they didnt deserve this incredible finish =S.. ı hope they will come together afterdeath =)
ReplyDeleteHi..We watched Romeo and Juliet film..The film was really effective..At the beginning it made me smile,but the end was tragic unfortunately:(Their love was so pure and they loved each other so much in a short time.Despite their families the love between them was so powerfull..In these time it is diffucult to find such a pure and strong love:(The end of the story was sad..When Romeo thought that his Juliet died he didn't hesitate to die after her..It is same for Juliet.Loving someone or giving him/her such an imtortance is a good emotion.If it have a good end ,it becomes better.However,there may be obstacles sometimes:(( good bye..
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Romeo improves himself in terms of poetry when he sees Juliet made me get the impression that real love has an unbelievable power that can turn beautiful feelings into words.I was actually surprised when they met,spoke and kiss because everything processe very quickly,but what I thought then is that if they had done this in a longer time it wouldn't have been so exciting.When the audience become curious about something about the play,the audience has chance to know it quickly thanks to this quick process.Juliet should be appreciated to know that leaving a name(Capulet) for love doesn't mean leaving something important.Their expressions of love are the best things that impressed me.Nowadays there are no such loves,unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteRomantic man Romeo!!!:He started to write excellent poems with Juliet's love.He loves Juliet when he saw her first.Enmity,their family's hate didn't prevent them to love each other.In spite of these,they married.Unfortunately this wasn't solution to come together.Romeo died in the end of drama and Juliet didn't stand when she saw her lord dead.She kissed Romeo for dying with poison on his lip,but it wasn't useful to die.Finally she killed herself with Romeo's dagger.Their family made peace with each other on Romeo and Juliet's death.How tragic it was!!!
ReplyDeletehello everybody:) we watched the film and as I said before it is very tragedic:( crayz Romeo and rational Juliet'love.It was very impressive I like it very much.But sometimes I couldn't understand their speech because it is a little bit old english.But even it is wonderful:)!!
ReplyDeleteIn that lesson we saw Romeo as avery romentic boy.he fells in love with rosalie but cant find a requitted love.then in a ball he sees juliet and falls in love with her.he starts to write very good poems.their love is so tragic because they are from enemy families.but this doesnt stop their love.we watched some part of the film Romeo and Juliet.ı liked it but ı couldnt understand much of their talking and i found their dresses quite funny:)but i really liked it...
ReplyDeleteEros shoted his bow for Romeo and Juliet and love at the first sight emerged at the Capulet Ball.Then we heard the loving words flowing from their lips.
ReplyDeleteAlthough they were so different like the moon and the sun,they loved each other so much that they could fight a circle saw.Thanks to Romeo and Juliet,we had a chance to watch the moon and the sun together...
though love gives the same syptoms,i think it is special for people and everyone lives it in a different way in their heart.. one of them, romeo and juliet..it is a universal love,an endless love and there are admirable words coming at the bottom of heart.. what a pretty ones they are at such a little age.. i liked the movie very much apart from the sorrowful end,but unfortunately some of the love taste the endless sleep in some way..
ReplyDeletehi my friends!It is the first time that ı watched the Romeo and Juliet but ı must admit that ı was quite affected by their huge love!Never had ı heard such a love story!Despite their age and children of enemy families,they are too brave to marry :)The clothes and the environment are very strange.In addition the way they express their love is like a poem.It is inevitable not to be ınfluenced for me.The love is like a dream in which ı want to have...
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ReplyDeleteThat film was very effective.I see that how can love change somebody.When Romeo saw Juliet, immediately words come out of his mouth.Everything happens very quickly,but they all are gripping.Love at first sight must be that:)The balcony scene of course is the most dramatic one.Butit was very painful, when Juliet saw Romeo lying down near her in tomb.And it should be the style of Shakespeare that something good will happen, but two or three minutes change everything.For example the man who will give the letter to Romeo cant't give it.By the way, it is very interesting and nice that sun represents women , and moon represents men.So women are rationale:)
ReplyDeletethe last course was very effective and delightful.The more I learn about Romeo and Juliet,the more I admire them. I think that the real love-the excellent face of love- must be like that! It is faultless and sinless,not including any benefit or something else. I wish everyone would find his/her Romeo/Juliet in their life:))
ReplyDeleteyes we watch the rest part of the film andd the wonderful balcony scene..they are like children.. especially romeo is affected by other peoples sayings and utterances..for example, he thinks that he is the most unlucky person in the world but then he learns that he is lucky because he dıdnt die but rather exiled..and at the and of the fılm there are things which make people feel very sad..may be the thing makes the story very effective on the people is the end of the film...
ReplyDeletein the story,everything happened so quickly.ıt doesnt like real life.really they like childrean.they seem children and the thing which they feel seems a childhood love.but they live very different and strong things.love is a very different and strong feeling that make people to do very strang things.
ReplyDeletelast week we watched the rest of the film it was very effective I cried very much:DI have ever never cried in any lesson in my life but I cried so I will never forget this:)) And this week today we acted Romeo and Juliet our group had a final screen and it was really enjoyable we enjoyed very much I acted Juliet and died in the screen:D I will never forget these lessons.This term was very nice good and wonderful for literature I am very happy.....See you in the exam goodbye everybody and my beautiful teacher:)
ReplyDeleteI wasnt in the class because of my illness so ı regret not having been able to watch this greate story.I asked some of my friends and they said it was wonderful in spite of ıts a little bit complex language. I have some firends who have been takig english language literature in literature department so ı had some knowledges about Romeo and Juliet. I am looking forward to have free time to watch it....
ReplyDeleteFirstly I must confess that I admire him and his style. However I am bad at acting, it was enjoying acting in the class. Killing Tybalt is really a pleasure and I experienced this pleasure at least a little bit. Anyway, also some grammatical differences in the dialogs such as subject pronouns and verb conjugations carried me to those old times. Lastly to say; I like thee and thy style Shakespeare, thou art the one ;)...
ReplyDeletewhat a nice film we watched. it really effected me so much that i was nearly going to cry:( all the events occured quickly but it doesnt mean it was not good.we had an opportunity to see what was going to be quickly. what i like most in film is their talking on balcony scene both of them didnt wanna go especially Romeo:) he found his true love...could it be a child's love? of course they were child but when they saw each other n fell in love on the first sight they grow up with their love.their love was so pure n strong they didnt even want to take a breath separately which was admirable.I wish they would have a happy ending( they may be happy for this, because they died together) but if it were so then it wouldnt be so impressive. ı must confess that ı was so impressed of their death they didnt deserve that ı wish this topic hadnt been in literature we hadnt known this but they hadnt died :(( g.arslan
ReplyDeleteHow could these sentences come out of Romeo’s mouth even he knew that it was an unrequited love? Maybe to show us what is the real love and what one could do for it:) it was a real love story and every scene we say “aaaa” it was good to watch it, but i stil wonder if Romeo had lived enough and fallen love with another lady would he said the same thing to her? Who knows?..thanks..
ReplyDeleteHi,it s certain that the work of "Romeo & juliet keep in living for a long time regardless of the ages.What about the film?Actually,evertyings(their love affairs,marriage,also the scenes of the death)in the film happen very fast,but these details dont shade the positive feelings audiences have after watching the film.ı think the beginnings of the film were a bit bored bec ı dinnt understand some speeches and some scenes were unclear.Even, ı enoyed myself very much at the rest of the film.İf it s necassary to say sth about the end, ı think it s the most effective scene among the others. ı wish they hadnt died and had been very happy forever.
ReplyDeletehı frıends!!
ReplyDeletefilm was really funny and ı enjoyed a lot. ı really liked Romeo's sayings.they were emotional. ı learned a lot of things and so ı am very happy. they were very young but they lived love very very fast. ı think juliet was beautiful and Romeo was handsome. watching this adventerous love was exciting for me. ı am really affected their love...